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  1. Wow. How safe is that website I wonder
  2. Yeah same here. I'm just sick of paying the vets for medication caused by something that they talked me into doing. I'll never get a dog spayed again unless it's medically necessary
  3. Hi all, this may be a bit controversial but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me. I got my spaniel spayed about three years ago and since then she has had to be on a tablet called incurin. This is costly and requires me to pay the vet for a prescription and then order it online. Recently I have to also pay to go into the vets every six months just to renew the prescription. A nightmare that was caused by her being spayed. My question is this can I get these tablets from anywhere else, abroad maybe?
  4. So I work at a north London hospital very near to you if you are in Enfield right by the A1M and I live in Bedfordshire. I start at 6 am and finish at 3 pm so I won't be able to catch a bus and don't fancy the added time it would take and expense anyway.
  5. One of the new ones? Which model are we talking and petrol or diesel? Thanks for the reply
  6. Ok guys this may take a while to write so bear with me please. I commute around 40-50 miles each way to work and my place of work is just inside this new ULEZ expansion zone. I used to have a diesel Vectra that I ran up to 234k miles before I got a new beast last year an A3 1.9 TDI. Fantastic on fuel and suits my needs for the motorway slog. The problem is it's not ulez compliant and I don't know whether to get finance on a newer, expensive diesel that meets the new regs or just get an old petrol barge that is average on fuel like a V70 2.4 petrol ( supposed to be bullet proof and do 40 mpg on a run) anybody else in the same boat as me? I'm reluctant to spend too much on the car as my mileage renders it worthless after 4 or 5 years. Just want a comfortable reliable car.
  7. Bloody hell just read that and it had me in tears.
  8. A good friend of mine and godfafther to one of my girls has had to have his spaniel of 13 or 14+ years put to sleep today. He was a lovely old boy and we used to beat on a local shoot together. I really liked his dog he was a pain in the backside sometimes. I can't imagine how he is feeling I've had to have one of my staffies put down but my wife had to take her I couldn't do it. My question for you guys is is there anything I can do. A bottle of something or just some kind words. Thanks all
  9. I agree with you but there is too much corruption in the local planning departments for that to happen. I tried to extend my 3bed house to a 4 bed but wasn't allowed due to not having one space per bedroom. So I moved across the road in my village into a new 4 bed house with two car parking spaces. You can't make it up and they wouldn't have that as my argument when I fought against the planners. Ludicrous
  10. I understand why he wants her to do that it's not good for your mental health to be around that much death and suffering. My wife is a paramedic and she struggles sometimes
  11. Guys I am a senior M+E engineer at a North London hospital that was designated to be a dirty (covid) hospital at the start of last year. It is one of the hospitals in the Royal free trust that was filmed for that tv series on the hospitals. I had covid early last year and still have a cough from it now. Whilst I realise that it is a big inconvenience for people to not be able to carry out their normal activities / lives. The first time around the virus was mainly putting people in the hospital in the 45-50 plus range that were unhealthy. This time around it is people my age in the 20 to 39 category. And it is spreading quickly my hospital is struggling badly and the lock down are to stop the spread so that the hospitals can cope with the influx of people. And the reason the hospitals are struggling is because people are visiting friends and family and passing it on without knowing it and also because around 50% of the nursing staff are off sick with it or are self isolating. Honestly unless you see what it is like for someone that has it you would never understand so I appreciate why people don't believe in it or don't take it seriously. The problem is you may catch it and be fine or even have no symptoms, or you could catch it and end up very very ill or even die. Its the viral load that dictates this and you cannot tell how much exposure you have because of the nature of it. So please everyone all of the NHS are exhausted. The holidays were cancelled and the nursing staff in ITU are still having nightmares at night. Stay at home and look after yourselves you can go shooting next year if we all live through this
  12. I grew up in St. Albans in Hertfordshire and my dad worked at Rothamstead research in Harpenden. In between my parents house and his work are a golf course and farmland. My brother came home late one night and as he pulled up at the garage In a garage block behind our parents house there was a large black German Shepherd sized thing he saw out of the corner of his eye as he went to unlock the garage. It made a wired noise when he whistled at it thinking it was a dog. When he heard that noise it made he jumped back into his car and sat there and watched it slink of to the end of the garages and jump up and climb over a 6ft fence. He woke my dad up and they went and had a look in the morning but couldn't see any prints or sign of it. Then my dad told us of rothamstead research, there are people living on the site and there was a bar there when he worked there. Anyway one of the residents was woken up one night by two guys banging on her door begging to be let in and call the police as they had been stalked by something as they were walking down this road through the site to get home. Another of the residents was sat in her living room one night when the security light came on in the black garden and she got up to have a look as it was very unusual for this to happen and she heard a loud bang as she just saw the back end of something big and black with a very long tail just going over the top of her fence. One of the farm hands swore blind he had seen one too and would not be out alone at night in the fields. There was a bloke in Welwyn Garden City or Welwyn village that used to own lots of exotic animals back in the 70s and lots of reports happened after the ban came in. Its not that hard to believe that they have bred and lived here since then. There is loads of habitat around and food for them to eat. A game keeper once told me that he saw one around Hertford way about 5 years ago. And I read a story of a farmer in Scotland found a dead one or **** one and buried it so as not to draw attention
  13. The problem with these new vehicles coming out is they are not really made for the people/use that they are advertised for. They are for the city folk in London who like or want the dream lifestyle of a country estate or to work the land. The people who actually do that can not afford 50k plus on a car that will be abused during it daily activities. My daughters godfather is a farmer and he drives a 54 reg suzuki vitara some of the other lads on the shoot all have pickups because they are cheap and are made for chucking stuff in the back. Its a shame because they would sell so many more if they made them at a decent price
  14. The thing is though the tax is supposed to be on emissions to protect the environment so really he's doing the best for the environment by running an old car if you look at the wider picture. If he were to buy a new vehicle that was free road tax most people think they're heroes and saving the environment but look at how much pollution is caused by the manufacturing of such a "clean" vehicle and then the real truth is revealed. There is the factory running, the staff driving to the factory to produce the cars, the countless lorries and massive ships transporting all the various components and all of those factories to consider. I think all of this taxation is more about getting people to buy newer vehicles and thus boosting the economy rather than actually trying to protect the environment.
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