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Newbie to this

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Everything posted by Newbie to this

  1. Fair enough. I keep mine for my records.
  2. So like Doormat, your prejudice against those who are is just an opinion based on nothing.
  3. I do not return my old certs, my renewal was done online and a copy gets uploaded. You do not have to return your expired certs. They are yours, and should be kept for your records.
  4. That your prejudice is not from personal experience, just an opinion based on nothing!
  5. Yes, and I bring it to attention of my club members. Whether they get involved or not, I cannot say. But I do urge them to. I say it how I see it. I have not seen any posts in defence of Lead. Only ones against. Can you explain why BASC is not fighting tooth and nail, in the defence of Lead, rather than calling for a voluntary BAN? It just doesn't make sense to me. Fight and we may retain it's use, don't fight and call for a voluntary BAN and lose it's use anyway........
  6. Have you ever been self-employed?
  7. I've got to agree, BASC had nothing to lose by fighting the coming ban, because by not fighting it, we stand to lose Lead anyway. It makes no sense to me. Wasn't there someone within BASC before that was an anti in disguise. From reading recent posts, it comes across that BASC is against using Lead ammunition, or at the very least against fighting for it.
  8. My guess is the US get to use the Chagos base free for 140 years, while we pay to rent our own Land back from somewhere that has never had a claim to it. It's what the defence spend increase is about. If I was Trump I would take his hand off as well. The Americans still need to read the small print on the lease, make sure the 140 years is solid. Because my guess is Mauritius will be looking for a way out of the lease as quick as possible, no doubt with us still paying the full term.
  9. I get where you are coming from and have no doubt it happens. But if they are laundering money, that is not how it works. They are paying Tax on money from crime, so it can be shown as an income source. They would be declaring much more than the place takes.
  10. I wouldn't count on that, AI is bias in it's programming. Until it is unleashed, it will always be such.
  11. Maybe not starting a nuclear war. As Trump has said, up until him, no one has even talked about peace. Peace starts with conversation. Unfortunately that requires talking to the aggressor as well as the invaded. It also means compromise. Understandably Ukraine may not be happy with that, but I don't think they have a choice. They cannot win this war, especially if the US stops funding it.
  12. And there it is, the slap on the wrist. Just took a bit longer.
  13. It's OK, because all these rich eco zealots offset their emissions, so they were never created. That's how it works right And soon they will be the only ones that can afford to travel, or heat their house.
  14. Great actor. CO poisoning? but obviously that is just me speculating. RIP
  15. I had it recently, with Uber charges coming in on my bank card, I have never used my bank card on uber, Luckily I have notifications setup on my banking app, and I froze the card stopping the second transaction going through, and most likely others for much more money. I have no idea where the card got cloned, and I'm certain no one had access to the 3 digit security code, which I believe is needed to add a card to an uber account.
  16. ^^^This, it will become another stick for the police to beat those wanting to become new shooters with.
  17. Did somebody change the title of the shotgun wise scam thread
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