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Newbie to this

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Everything posted by Newbie to this

  1. I take it you are selling and giving up your cert? If so you will need it gone before your cert runs out. Or you'll need to get it to an RFD. Either sold to them or a commission sale, before expiry of your cert. Failing that can you store it with a friend with a cert until sold, you would need to transfer it to them. Handing it over for scraping is another option. As is giving it away
  2. Unfortunately we still have far too many voters who have short memories, and will vote for the party they were indoctrinated to vote for, by their parents and their parents before them. Local elections maybe, but when it comes to General Election time, the X will go where they have always put it, regardless of the hardship the current (put colour here) government has caused them, because it wasn't the current (put colour here) government's fault, it was the nasty previous (put colour here) government's fault................ and so the cycle continues and the unipaty policies do too.
  3. Amen to that, but sadly that is too difficult. It's easier to legislate those that will comply.
  4. My local RFD had a stand a few years back (not sure if they went back). I asked him how it went and he said they made a loss of £2000 odd. I then said so a massive waste of time then, his reply was no, I manged to get rid of loads of old stock guns, that simply would not have sold in the shop, so I (him) would probably have ended up having to pay for them to be destroyed. Which he said would have been far more than his loss. A few people got some bargains and he got rid of stock, which freed up space for more.
  5. Have they? The word 'some' has been used. 1p is 'some' of the increased fees. Do not trust them as far as you can throw them. It should have been mandatory.
  6. Seems Wes Streeting is on the naughty list as well. Apparently he made some comments on Twitter about wanting to push some reporter under a Train. The tolerant left is a wonderful thing.......
  7. They will do everything they can, to try and stop that happening.
  8. ⁸We are in this mess because of successive governments, with the same bat **** crazy policies. Parties of both colours are to blame, and this current one is making things far worse, far quicker.
  9. Isn't that the truth. So we end up with work shy political studies graduates, that wouldn't last a day in the real world. Almost exactly the same for the civil service.
  10. Unfortunately Ben Habib is no longer with Reform. Which in my opinion is a grave mistake on Reform's part for letting him go. He is a breath of fresh air in politics.
  11. Exactly this. At least those at the top of Reform have run businesses successfully. Which is more than can be said for the other lot.
  12. And this is why nothing will ever change.......
  13. Here's hoping. But like always I won't hold my breath.
  14. It is utterly disgraceful what he sent on WhatsApp. He should no longer be an MP!!!
  15. No back, just give it to Mauritius. Mauritius has never had a claim to them.
  16. And here lies some of the problems. Let me be clear I'm NOT condoning fly tipping or any kind of littering. It's abhorrent. It's all about money now, and these councils will do anything to not have to pay to provide the services they charge for. What if a van is your only vehicle, how do you get rid of your household waste, that the bin collectors won't take, and they won't let you into the tip or want to charge you for the same service your neighbour gets included with his council tax, all because of your vehicle.
  17. And no doubt, they folded the company and started again the next day under a new name, fine free.
  18. I'm guessing the "They believe" bit?
  19. To be fair, the general public play little to no part in passing laws.
  20. Wasn't that because the PCC of the investigating police force, was in attendance.
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