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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. You could say lorry drivers and shop workers are key at the moment?

    I'm not sure how the schools will decide who can still go, I'm sure they are going to get some fair grief on Monday. 

    My wifes school are setting up a rotating, not sure what it is yet though.

    Kids think school closing is great, had it have been February with the weather we had it would have been dreadful 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bigbob said:

    I phoned in a repeat prescription this week , yes which chemist is that too it now takes 7 working days  ,

    Then round 6 shops to get my grandson a tin of formula and a pack of nappies cant get any teething powder i hope i never hear of anybody local stockpiling or if anybody's daft enough to try to sell some needed  stuff at grossly inflated prices theres too many dark nights here for the likes of these vermin  

    Try Aldi,  they had plenty of nappies where I was today.

    1 hour ago, fern01 said:

    Worst of all, no Yorkshire tea

    That's a bonus 🤢 I'm a tea drinker but not Yorkshire,  had a brew in the Lakes last month from a tea shop, simply the best brew I've ever had.  Just said special tea, supposed to go well with the local water, it was heaven 

  3. 4 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

    I even said this in the chat and one of the ads laughed it off.. Currently the wedding venue is carrying on as normal, statement from them stating that it's a family and friends event and surely they'd be truthful and not show up with the virus. It's truly amazing that. Business takes that kind of stance 

    We were due to go to a 60th next weekend,  the venue has cancelled, just at a local pub or club, the wedding venues are probably panicking over cancelled bookings crippling them.

  4. 8 hours ago, Dave-G said:

    Lol and feeling somewhat vindicated about the Ibuprofen and Chloroquine posts too now both have been discussed on MSM.

    I suspect the issues in the re-education districts are more than likely - possibly even drug testing zones.

    I wouldn't put anything past China, they might not be reporting more cases, doesn't mean there not happening. 

    Same with Russia,  I'm sure they can really lock an area down when they want to, thousands of tourists won't be strolling through watching Football. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Arron yeates said:

    The acviracy on the paper target a ove for the ft's looks good but at only 20m when i removed the target showed totally difgerent results. Below are the pics

    Baracuda ft's at 20m.


    Baracuda ft's at 20m.



    Take your gloves off and type again mate.

  6. 57 minutes ago, AVB said:

    I can’t feed my family on what I shoot. Even if I was to feed the dog with it he would go hungry. Can’t remember the last time I managed to bag a pigeon. 

    Your shooting will improve if food starts to run out, the pigeons in my garden are out of bounds,  that will change if need be. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Bank bailout was £137 billion gross and so far just £27 billion nett. The bailout package for the virus is £350 billion and now a potential global reccession. Still there are few other options. 

    Not sure if the government can do it, but if they say right no one can work,  house arrest as such, could they force banks and landlords to freeze mortgages??

    Obviously people are worried that if they can't work they can't earn?

  8. 3 minutes ago, oowee said:

    I reckon he is doing a half decent job balancing the needs of the economy and trying to manage the virus at the same time. I would have expected some earlier action on securing resources ahead of the shortages. 

    Science led as it should be. Not sure how we are going to pay the bill though. 

    When the banks were bailed out the money came from somewhere,  same now?

    I haven't been following much of this till this week, from what I've seen Boris is doing what's needed.

    How are things in Japan? They closed all the schools a while back.

  9. We were on a stag do Sat Sun in Birmingham,  I went Sunday. 

    It was dire, the parade had been cancelled,  there was next to no one out, although the other lads said Saturday seemed normal. 

    Stu's idea seems best, just don't have it at your house.

  10. 1 hour ago, blackbird said:

    Ideal opportunity for the teachers to give the class rooms a coat of paint I say, instead of being sat at home watching Netflix give them a brush & a tin of paint unless they are poorly then it’s two weeks in the house then get on with it like the rest of us.

    You forget maybe a lot of teachers have kids to look after as well,  teachers have gone off where my wife works and everyone is stepping up to help cover bigger groups of kids.

    The longer the schools stay open the better for everyone who works but I don't think it will be much longer. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, The Mighty Prawn said:

    So today I've had to drop the bomb on 130 freelancers that we are suspending production this friday and depending on their contract they have either 1 or 2 weeks pay in lieu of notice. These are many of my friends I have worked with for over a decade, people with families, people with mortgages.

    I hope this passes quickly and we can get back to it as soon as possible

    I don't envy you at all, our office at work have locked the doors to minimise contact,  we're still working on the shop floor but its probably only a matter of time, IR35 was the big issue for those of us contracting now it's how long will they keep letting us work?

  12. 11 minutes ago, grrclark said:


    This ^^^ is a stupid post.


    That one isn't.

    There is a huge amount of difference between them.  

    Last chance, if I had only put the shared from a friend screenshot then yes, it would be a stupid post, but I didn't,  seeing that made me Google the information and I put it on here once it had been on the NEWS.

    How many people would now take Ibuprofen????

    I'm guessing nobody unless their doctor told them to.

    Still a stupid post?

  13. 8 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Did you actually read that news article that rubbished the same post that you took a screen shot of?

    I've looked at the bbc article I put above have you? I screenshot what came up and thought it was strange nothing had been mentioned on here, so as Dave-G says above it will be discussed. 

    If there is a chance something could make things worse I would want to know.

    Let's say I've hurt my knee or have back pain, I would normally take Ibuprofen,  I won't be doing now that's for sure.

  14. 20 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Why do people persistently get taken in by utter trash like that?  Unnamed source with a tenuous link to some unnamed 'expert' source says ..... and of course they are always shared from a friend.

    I have simple copied what I had been sent and what came up when I Googled but deleted the person's name because I can.


    If there is suspicion that Ibuprofen can make things worse why not share, maybe even do a search yourself,  but if you know better please do share seeing as the internet and the news aren't good enough.

  15. I saw first hand today people panicking buying, came into Birmingham on the train,  one girl was wearing disposable gloves.

    Walked into town and saw a crowd outside a Tesco Express,  it opened at twelve and people surged in, upstairs and started grabbing toilet rolls!!! I was bob smacked.

    I haven't seen anything like this last week being in Aldi twice, why toilet rolls????

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