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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. The whole bc thing and how to work it out is beyond me,  I'd never even considered it until I came on here.

    I didn't imagine your figures would be wrong just strange that there a lot lower than someone else's,  can a different rifle have an effect on the BC? 

  2. 11 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Of all the pellets i tested today the aa express were the most consistent over both chronos .surgesting that the pellets are well made and actually fit my barrel well .why the bc was as low as it was i dont know  

    Is it possible that you worked something out wrong?

    Since he did that article a few lads on the Agf have started using the light weight pellets,  fast flat and hold their energy 

  3. The air arms Express in the test that Cloverleaf did came out better than anything else, his results really surprised me,  might be they really suit the gun/barrel he used but made me think about using a light weight pellet. 

  4. 1 hour ago, old man said:

    Same here kiss case very early.

    Not too many bears here to worry about, thankfully.

    Wish we could get some reds but will never be, the stupid old **** here, seemingly love the greys and feed them at every opportunity. Too much country file and spring watch?

    I've said it before, a lot of people are just happy seeing the animals that are in front of them, it must be a lot harder convincing people greys need control when there haven't been reds for twenty plus years.

  5. 6 hours ago, Rim Fire said:

    Well im afraid if thats the way the law goes so be it when i was playing it was a free for all if you fell wrong side of ruck you got rucked out of there and you didnt fall the wrong side again when 99 got shouted you hit the first player beside you. Players in them days was not built like they are nowadays so player safety is parramount in todays game

    First time I played union I was told roll on your side put the ball down and cover your head!! After one ruck you understood why.

    Yes players safety is important but if there not careful there won't be any contact allowed, and I do think some players are ducking in tackles to draw penalties,  but you wouldn't do it with Manu coming in!!

  6. That red could have cost England the game, it took about 5 minutes of slow motion replays to say yes or no, he was tackling a player who was being tackled for me the red was enough,  the tackle didn't make you cringe, no Wales players ran in.

    Rugby is a contact sport, by all means look after the players but if it carries on it won't be rugby any more.

  7. 8 minutes ago, AVB said:

    Easier sad than done. The only local ‘hardware’ stores are places like Homebase or Wickes and all of the nuts ‘n’ bolts are in sealed packets. I haven’t seen a decent hardware store since I was a kid. 

    Builders yards? Several near me, as for the sealed packets find one that looks the right size and open it, you wont be the first, although I'm expecting it to be imperial not metric.

    @ditchman bet he knows

  8. Just looked now, I'm not surprised Joe got a ban, it was clear what he did, they don't want it in the game so fair enough.

    Manu getting a red should have been enough, I'm still not convinced it was a red, its rugby your tackling moving players.

  9. 19 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    win / win, one of the few examples in my life where unions actually made a positive contribution that benefitted both workers and employers

    Rare indeed, never mind the unions its not often the work force agree something and management think the same, I typed this last night but had no signal.

    @NorfolkAYA have you thought about getting an exercise bike in the house, bit of a sweat might help.

  10. 4 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    win / win, one of the few examples in my life where unions actually made a positive contribution that benefitted both workers and employers

    Rare indeed, never mind the unions its not often the work force agree something and management think the same.

  11. Its certainly a fight I'd be happy to pay for on pay per view, both great fighters .

    Although the original Tyson, would be my favourite,  Fury likes to keep opponents at range,  Tyson goes in to finish.

  12. 19 minutes ago, NorfolkAYA said:

    That's the thing I earn a half decent wage, but literally feel as though I'm living for the weekend. My Mrs is a nurse and works 4 evenings a week, and with my 2.5 year old in the evenings once he's in bed, I feel like I'm ready for bed. 

    Always harder in winter when the nights roll in early, spring is coming and you'll feel better then. I imagine a lot of folk live for the weekend. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Lots on here advising against it though so am torn. 

    Your shift pattern does look bad though, have you thought about asking to trial it, see how it goes for 2 or 3 months

  14. 10 minutes ago, NorfolkAYA said:

    Anyone else get this feeling?

    Start at 7 finish at 5:30ish, have tea shower, sit down and repeat the next day until the weekend? 

    Starting to despise my job, thinking there's got to be more to life surely?

    Or is this just me? 


    I've come off shifts a few times, thinking I'll work normal hours like everyone else,  doesn't last long, 9-5 ain't for me

  15. 25 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

    Which chop tackle the one on your side or mine as i said Farrell gets away with it all the time and as i said hey if you can get away with it all the best the great richie mccaw done it for years because he got away with it  

    I was wondering how rose tinted your glasses were 🤣🤣

  16. 24 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

    i'm afraid it was more than a flick more like 5 seconds fondling AWJ we are trying to bring children and young ladies into the game even a mixed game and that doesn't look very good.

    The WRU wont take kindly to that sort of thing and for Marlar its not his first misconduct with them. You wouldn't want your daughter or son coming  home after a game and saying  a player on the other team fondled him or her there would be hell to pay  

    If it's as bad as that I cant believe AWJ didn't crack him, I was expecting stamping or gouging when people mentioned a front tower.

    As for a mixed game, I cant see that happening other than at school maybe,  men and women are far to different physically for rugby.

    So what about the chop tackle??

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