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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 5 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    She has set it out as one of her red lines to do a formal deal with Labour if a hung parliament.  Bin Trident, cancel Brexit and give approval for Scottish IndyRef2 in 2020.  She’s a demanding sort.......

    At least she's saying what she will do, but that's a lot of people out of work,  never mind all the other people and businesses nearby who will pretty much rely on Faslane and the money it brings.

    I hope it blows up in their face, but will it? I've no idea if Scotland wants another Ref?

  2. 50 minutes ago, telf said:

    Just as a matter of interest There was a post  the other day where the indexing post had snapped on a air arms s410 which apparently must be a common problem on that model , does the 510 suffer the same problem or is it a different set up , have been looking at the s510 superlite or the hw110

    I'm sure its different 


  3. I didn't look at the Venezuela thread, or did briefly not sure, but I started watching the second series of Jack Ryan last night, set in Venezuela,  or Britain if Comi Corbyn was to get in, him in charge of power and internet?

    Best get a log burner in and some more books.

  4. 2 hours ago, johnphilip said:

    Thanks Figgy , dont want a Springer,  done all that and done the PCP  . Just wanted to try the CO 2 I suppose  , maybe it's like one of those  itches  you have to scratch . 

    I clicked on something on the Agf the other day, folk saying you don't need to use the full capsule of air, buying in bulk vastly reduces the price.

    19 hours ago, Arron yeates said:

    Do you remember the crossman Rabbit stopper? If you can find one of those it may be an idea. May be similar to the Rat catcher

    Just a longer barell isn't it?

  5. 12 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    We moved into our house in 1972 - brand new - for the princely sum of £5450. Four of our neighbours have been there all that time. We have been lucky and get on well with them all. Our kids grew up together as friends and still are.

    Exactly like my mum and dad's street, still 5 original folk there from day one, I could roll up and say pop the kettle on. 

  6. 6 hours ago, panoma1 said:

    I hope so, but we’ll certainly see when the result is published!....how did the Tory vote fare in the last general election?

    Preston big L majority,  Burnley and Blackburn,  south Blackpool all L but all voted for Brexit. 

  7. 1 minute ago, panoma1 said:

    If all the leavers vote for the BP ? Great! If half of em vote for the Tory’s and half of them for the BP.........we can all welcome in their new Labour MP............remainer or not!

    Areas round here won't vote Tories,  probably never have, but they might well vote BP

  8. Its certainly going to be interesting in Lancashire, a large number of Labour councillors in constituencies that voted for Brexit in a big way, let's hope the voters kick them out, but will they?



    Happy to say the BP aren't running in my area so not to split the vote, but areas like Preston have been labour since the Second world war but voted for Brexit, plus Blackburn Burnley etc.

    Let battle commence. 

  9. 10 hours ago, johnphilip said:

    Just around  the  garden , the odd rabbit or rat , that become a pain . A bit of target  maybe 30 yards max . I just dont fancy the dive bottle route again . It will take a few month here in Scotland to get  a license  through , so just doing some research for now . Thanks for all the input folks .

    You could something small like an ultra or s200 and a pump? I've managed without a dive bottle but have a rapid with two bottles,  so it's just an occasional fill somewhere. 

    But the rat catchers do look fun, or a Springer.

  10. "Asked if staff such as teachers, nurses and doctors could take action to show solidarity with striking rail workers, he replied: 'We would make sure that people have the right to withdraw their labour.' 

    Secondary striking was banned by Margaret Thatcher in 1980 after public services were paralysed under the previous Labour government."

    Now that's scary,  being only 43 I don't remember most of that, but secondary strikes reads to me like the unions telling people to walk out, if just teachers did that the knock on effect of people leaving work would be massive. 

  11. Last time I checked there were dozens and dozens of different cars on the road, of course BMW will favour production in Germany why wouldn't they.

    As I've said I worked at a company making parts for Airbus, we were "threatened " that Brexit could mean taking those jobs out of the UK,  it wont happen,  if the jobs could be done cheaper abroad they already would be, never mind the skill level needed or procedures involved in the aerospace sector. 

    I'm sure BMW aren't going to move production lightly. 

  12. But the spending watchdog said the sites were all now being used for housing more generally, only some of which was affordable.

    quick look, some of which was affordable,  means not 0

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