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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 minutes ago, henry d said:

    Looks like they have abandoned Scotland to NS and the vociferous Yes body without a thought.

    Aiming at the city folk who don't know or care what goes on in the fields forests or moors, most didn't know what a moor was until they set on fire.

  2. On 14/11/2019 at 13:38, figgy said:

    Got my order delivered this afternoon and just checked the head sizes of the Hades. Mine are die number 78.

    Average head size of a random 30 pellets is 5.46mm with smallest at 5.43 largest at 5.48.

    Skirt size is average of 5.66mm with little variation.

    Not even 5.5 mm heads, see how they shoot when the wind dies off this week hopefully.

    Well I've just measured 4, because I dropped one, of my accupells using a Mitutoyo mic(best there is in my opinion)

    5.530, 5.492, 5.493, 5.498.

    Not sure I've ever measured them before but I'd say that's pretty consistent. 

    I'll have to bring more in and see how they compare. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Dave-G said:

    Agreed - though Nige's main meal is Brexit and sort less urgent/important stuff out later - and lets be clear - there is nuthin more important in voter minds than if that person is a leave or remain voter until after the issue is put to bed.

    I'm hoping so, they all generally lie in their manifestos anyway,  promise all sorts do little bits, but Brexit needs finishing,  Tories are (hopefully) going to sort it, lib dums cancel it, Labour don't know what their doing so cant tell us.

  4. 47 minutes ago, discobob said:

    Too many go now - keeps the unemployment figures looking better in part

    I get that, but a lot of kids struggle in school never mind university.  What use are pointless degrees,  debt, over qualified, jobless but a few fun years, o wait Labour voters.

  5. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I can't believe the yougov poll shows 51% in favour of Boris and 49% Corbyn based on that debate - I have not checked the website but heard it on the radio in the car. Mental

    If those figures are true at least the public are able to answer a simple binary question (although perhaps they only have two buttons to choose from).

    I heard that last night and thought how?

    I caught a couple of bits last night, the presenter asking Boris if he'd found a magic money tree, and if Corbyn had found several. 

    And Corbyn saying everyone should be able to go to university? Put simply no they shouldn't.

  6. 18 minutes ago, wishy735 said:

    I have a Stanley and it keeps everything piping hot, however the trick is to fill the flask with hot water first and let it stand for 5 mins, sort of preheat the thing. 

    Same as👍

  7. 16 minutes ago, henry d said:

    I can`t find any evidence for her sleeping on `tinterweb...

    I don't know if she's blinking or asleep,  the important thing is she hasn't been doing what her constituents wanted,  which was Brexit.  So hopefully she will be punted next month. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Bigbob said:

    I get sent a catalogue but just go onto there web site there's loads more on there than in the catalogue 

    I just googled there name again and after there name it comes up bargain books  just click there or go onto there site left hand side  gives you the value of books you want to look at 00.00 -£2.00 

    Cheers I'll look again. 

  9. My rifle has a buddy bottle,  Rapid 7 so I've always managed just getting it filled every now and then. 

    I did once try it without the mod and what a noise.

    Scotland has had extra restrictions put on air rifles,  think you need a good reason now and police visit etc, a move to ruin shooting as that's how kids start out.

    I read an article from air gunner or air gun world a few months ago from a guy in the USA,  seems a massive number of different options,  it was a really good read.

  10. 3 hours ago, henry d said:

    And one of her latest tweets;

    Shall we go for a quiet drink in lytham?” 15 hours later.... Wake up in last nights clothes, two of my mates in bed next to me, vomit ALL over the bathroom and 45 minutes til my train to London, having not packed 😂🙈

    Lovely lady!

    I've no idea what she gets up to, but what she put certainly looks like labour's plan.

    2 hours ago, discobob said:

    This is proof that if you earn more money you pay more tax whereas Labour rhetoric makes it sound like that people earning more money are somehow getting away without paying their fair share is a load of croc. These figures don't take into account Employers NI either.

    I don't think they like people having choices, those earning more have the nerve to enjoy themselves. 

  11. On 16/11/2019 at 17:49, oowee said:

    At least labour have always had a plan to spend.

    Problem is their not spending their own money,  they borrow then 4 or 8 years later someone else has to start paying it back.

    On 16/11/2019 at 17:49, oowee said:

    The last few years have been driven by austerity under the Tories.

    Hence ☝️☝️

    On 16/11/2019 at 15:25, oowee said:

    Imagine how much worse it's going to get as the Tories opt out of all of these things. They were reluctant to sign up to it originally. No doubt its going to get a lot worse for workers as this sort of stuff is eroded slowly but surely. 

    Maybe we see a comeback for the unions. ?

    Unions haven't gone anywhere,  there still lurking around in a lot of big to medium sized firms, taking money but not doing a great deal.

    On 16/11/2019 at 15:14, Retsdon said:

    Well, say what you will about the Labour Party, at least it has policies and is prepared to justify them.

    Really?? Like the referendum result they backed, but now don't but might? I've lost track.

  12. I saw an advert on Facebook last week for waterproof gloves, no idea on price or if they would be suitable for shooting but they looked good.

    I bought some thermal socks from B&M on Thursday and beating yesterday everywhere soaking wet but my feet were toasty warm in my wellies. 20191117_141007_resize_90.jpg.c1de880558c955867f068bf6c7a3dec1.jpg

    Might be worth looking if they do gloves.

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