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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. On ‎12‎/‎09‎/‎2019 at 09:31, guzzicat said:

    Found an Air Arms S200 cheap,just finished work on it, I junked the horrible plastic bits, bolt Etc & replaced with Rowan engineering brass bits,trade secrets on stock, & a quick clean up, it shoots just sub 12  & still has the anti tamper stud in place, it shoots  very tight, no jump & silent, perfect.



    looks very nice, I like the stock.

  2. 3 minutes ago, grrclark said:

    Verhofstadt really is a tool, but I appreciate his wit with that post, the winky emoji says it all.  Same applies to Bercow too, although in the last while he has managed to elevate his smugness to previously unknown heights.

    I read winky as wrinkly 😂😂 

  3. 3 hours ago, Scully said:

    It seems to have become the norm now to for some to shout down or over those whose voices they don’t want to hear. It’s not debate, it’s the politics of bullying. 

    My 8 year old had friends round last week and one of them said " those MPs are rude, they don't listen when others are talking and just shout over others!!"

    from the mouths of babe's 

  4. Well we were out after rugby yesterday, eight of us enjoying ourselves, all working in very different jobs and talk turned to brexit, no one said we shouldn't leave, everyone agreed we should just get out and get on with things.

    It's no wonder the remain parties don't want an election, it will turn into a peoples vote on leave or remain, and I think the remain parties outside of the M25 and probably Scotland will get trashed.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

    As long as you're happy with it that's all that matters, I believe my enthusiasm for the Galahad is waning, a nice little S200 might suit next year, now if my RFD had an FX Wildcat MK2 in the gun rack I may of wee'd myself in excitement. 

    So have you got your rifle back yet? Or is the gunsmith still trying to tempt you?

  6. There was a young lass in the gym last night with an almost complete sleeve done? That I don't really get, it didn't even look good.

    Nice well done tats on a lady i think can look good, especially if there in places where you can't see all of it, makes you wonder 😊

    9 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    gives you something to look at when you have your clothes off............

    its metalwork i cant abide.........

    I really don't get folk with lips and nose rings.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Kinda ironic statement that given BoJos chief advisor.

    As someone said recently, we should be glad we are in the UK, in other countries under such strain we might be wondering which side the military are on.


    Your not wrong there, watching what is going on in Hong Kong looks bad, but it's certainly been worse in others.

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