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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Anyone watching QT? Lot of sense being talked but not by the panel, Labour lass says it's a national crisis so can't go to an election?? Scottish snp Ian Blackford might still be talking tomorrow before he answers a question, he wants an election but won't say when, but says snp will win every seat in Scotland, wants an election as soon as possible?? But won't give a date.

    now Labour lass is again saying Boris is a Lier but won't answer the question 😵😵😵😵 

    Emily Thornberry, kept missing her name.

    The audience are bang on the money and Ian Dale is sticking it to them 😄 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Good shot? said:

    Apart from that comment today he has already recently said that under no circumstances would he ask for a delay and who could blame him.It is not the bluster  he has been accused of.

    on a recent post of mine I asked what will happen if he does not request an extension and Corben still will not go for an election.

    Can anyone enlighten me on that.😀

    Something on the news today about a one line thing Boris can do to force an election, didn't catch it all or understand it? Otherwise I guess we just keep going round and round 

  3. 35 minutes ago, KB1 said:

    It beggars belief, some of the arguments/disagreements on this thread🙄.  Isn't it as simple as - Do you, or do you not agree with democracy?????   Like I've said previously, I will personally be financially better off if we stay in the EU, but the country was given a 'CHOICE', and the 'LEAVE' votes won the toss………  I can accept that it was a democratic vote, and that BREXIT should therefore go ahead, AND ALL political parties should respect democracy, and get on with preparing the road ahead!  Every single MP opposing the democratic BREXIT vote, should be thrown out of government for that reason alone!

    I'm sure some on here will have a myriad of reasons why we shouldn't leave…….. We didn't know this, we didn't know that, they're trying to stop a catastrophe etc., but a far bigger catastrophe than leaving the EU, is the government reneging on a democratic vote.  Is it too far fetched to think that 52% of the country could sue the government for breach of contract😳or something along those lines?

    Anyway, if we stay in the EU, democracy as written in the English Dictionary will have to be re-defined🤔

    on the money, I can understand if an MPs constituents voted remain, but all those going against what was voted for?? Sack them.

  4. 6 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Is that the 20 mp's he kicked out to make them independents? 

    No think the  torrie bench plus DUP was 298 then Labour plus SNP, independents( shouldn't be allowed to vote?) and all the odds and ends plus 1 green (😄) was 320.

    add in the 20 MPs not following orders and Boris isn't going to get any votes through.

  5. 1 minute ago, ratchers said:

    I have not got a problem if a remain areas MP sided with them but when a constituency voted leave and he clearly goes against their wishes, then he must resign his position .

    Should resign, unfortunately they won't because they know better.

    Has anyone found Oliver yet?

  6. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    Theres lots of ways a PM in power can force through things.
    An election isnt his first choice though , getting us out is .

    This isnt over by a long stretch yet, and timing is crucial.
    Once we get over the line, an election will sort out any 'issues' of how the people stand on the matter.
    Notice how no one is talking about opinion polls at the moment ?

    Just watching BBC News, so Boris is effectively 40 votes short of a majority given his 20 MPs not towing the line, I cant see any way this gets sorted without a GE.

    Hopefully he continues to goad JC who says he doesn't want a GE then runs a much better campaign than TM did.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Indeed. I was advocating giving Boris time, in that time he has achieved nothing and defeated on every vote. We were right.

    Problem is its the same bunch of bleating sheep voting.

    How can Corbyn say no to a general election? That's his purpose to get labour into power.

    Is there no way that Boris can force an election to gain a majority??

  8. does that mean the 410 is still lighter then? I thought the weight was a problem when your shooting, hadn't thought of the weight being a problem walking. Keep going fella, squirrels to shoot and dogs to walk 👍 

  9. 2 hours ago, Scully said:

    There was a place local to me famous for hazel nuts and I have fond memories of picking them by the bagful as a kid, with my Dad. Haven’t been for years! 

    that's something I've never done, don't think conkers count 😅 

  10. 2 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    mmmmmmmmm, just over 11.5 lbs, Whoops.

    but does the weight sit better being compact, or is that the weight in the special opps bag?

    have we had any pictures yet on the dinning table or bed yet? ( of the wildcat😉)

  11. 55 minutes ago, Scully said:

    This time of year the OH and me are often out gathering brambles and rose hips. Got home tonight to see most of the hedgerows around home have been mown. All brambles and rose hips now gone. 😕


    Gathering brambles?? Are you meaning the blackberries?.

    we went out last week three tubs and barely filled one!! We didn't go far but there wasn't much fruit really.

    Why would the farmers cut hedges at this time of year? What about food for the birds?

  12. 4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    They will find other ways to vent their frustration.

    you might think so but out of 11 fellas in the brew room, most are simply sick of hearing about it. Easily 70-80% couldn't give a hoot, if torie/ brexit party did split votes we could end up with Corbyn by default, and that scares me way more than leaving Ge EU without a deal.

  13. 3 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Does it , really ? How come we still have sheep farms then ? How come we still buy Scottish , Irish , Welsh and *gasp ENGLISH lamb ?

    Why dont we just fill the fields with turnips then ?

    Tell me, what else does NZ produce in any quantity ? Why would they want to sail their lamb half way round the world to us ?

    Stop being silly Grant, the spectre of the chlorinated chicken has no power here 😂

    There was a professor on talk radio i think this week talking to Eamonn Holmes about brexit, and food in the states, he was saying it's some of the best food available in the world, and that deals with the states would drive prices down not up.

  14. 3 hours ago, welsh1 said:

    Jeremy Corbyn asked the Queen, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient organisation? Are there any tips you can give me?"

    that is brilliant 🤣🤣🤣

  15. 1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    There will be so much disolusionment that people will not bother to vote!

    Very likely, people will think what's the point, we voted for/against brexit and that ain't sorted 

  16. 1 hour ago, eddoakley said:

    Not quite a serious as the op's encounter maybe but I was only thinking yesterday about posting a thread about smoking weed and how it seems to be completely accepted nowadays. 

    I picked up some guns yesterday and as I left the guys house a neighbour was getting into his van and the stench from the joint he was smoking was incredible. I pulled out of the car park behind him and the smoke was billowing out of the windows.

    I get loads of people in my shop every week who absolutely stink of weed, so much so that the aircon and air freshener come out as I see them out of the door. I'm not shy about telling them either.

    I don't like going into town centre at the best of times (too many people!!) but last week I had to and I must have walked past a dozen separate people smoking weed. It's not limited to my area as I notice when I'm travelling.

    I'm sure it leads to "harder" drugs in many cases or even is used along side other drugs.

    I'm not knocking those that smoke weed, I've read plenty about how it's less harmful than drinking, less addictive than nicotine or even caffeine and how there are so many medical benefits, but as far as I am aware it's still illegal but completely accepted by many.


    I guess I'm just old!?!?



    your right its everywhere, you can be driving in the car when it comes in the vents from another car. Folk quite openly smoke it and don't care who knows.

    I'm not old, and I don't think its normal 

    1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    i know lads who take cocaine regularly and they says it’s ok and nothing serious ??? 

    Not serious but there blowing their money on what??

    Someone i worked with once said " so long as you've got enough money left at the weekend for a drink and a snort" I was gob smacked, it was as if he was talking about going for a curry??

  17. 46 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

    Well we've gone a few miles backwards now

    Parliament in control, and famous for having no positive ideas on how to move forwards.

    So what's happened? Are parliament blocking the suspension then?

    According to what Boris said yesterday that would mean an Election? Please don't say were still going round in circles 😭😭 

  18. 11 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    You forget I am a remainer! but let's not get into that whole business, as that's not what I meant.

    This is the biggest constitutional/political/parliamentary crisis to hit the country since...perhaps the Civil War? We have protests from both camps outside Parliament shouting their slogans relentlessly, nobody quite knows what's going to happen next, and no one seems able to lead us there anyway. The PM has shown he's lost the authority of Parliament, and the main opposition leader is essentially hapless and an electorate that seems more polarised than ever.

    And yet I'd take this over:

    Libya, where armed militia backed by terrorist organisations seize control and lay seige to the capital, provoking fighting in the streets and civilians being killed in the process, both accidentally and deliberately.

    Rwanda, where maybe as many as a million people were killed, whipped up into a frenzy by a dictatorial government with  the pretence of democracy and spurred on by a vengeful media

    Former Yugoslavia, which tore itself apart and saw more individual massacres than any other time in European history since WW2.

    Zimbabwe under Mugabe, where election after election were stolen, with opposition supporters beaten imprisoned and abducted in campaigns of tyranny.

    Mexico, where drug cartels have such political power that it's impossible to move against them, and journalists are routinely abducted or murdered 

    Argentina under the Junta, where dissidents were simply disappeared, many being drugged and then tipped out of airplanes, whilst their children were given away to other, loyal families within the military.

    Syria, where a deeply unpopular, hated leader clings on to power by fighting his own people, killing civilians indiscriminately, supported only by a foreign power using it as a pawn in its own proxy war with the West, whilst the rebel army and islamist extremists behave as bad if not worse to those civilians they make the pretence of fighting for - assuming you're of the right kind of Muslim.

    In countless places across the world, the political uncertainty we're facing right now leads inexorably to one thing: mass bloodshed

    Yes it's a horrible mess, but we're so lucky to live in a country where the people are protected from its politicians and themselves. I'm sure someone will want to make a glib remark about how it needs a strong person to drive the country forward and sometimes desperate measures are required to move forward, but no one in their right mind would genuinely countenance any of the above horrors for the sake of 'moving things on'. We are at least saved from such wretchedness.

    Your right we're far better off than all of those countries 

  19. Just now, oowee said:

    You are the lucky one. 

    I must be lucky as well?

    We are doing better than any of Europe, Germany and France are struggling, Holland are probably watching closely getting ready to follow us out.

    Do any other countries count? The EU is done, they are just holding out hoping the likes of Corbyn somehow wreck things for us.

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