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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 9 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    That's actually kind of what happened.

    Mrs Edd reckoned I was too tight to pay for a church twice. (Not even joking!)

    I think that's brilliant, far too much hype and money around weddings these days.

    Sounds as if you had a great day without any grief you didn't want.

    Congratulations 👏👏👏👏👏 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Scully said:

    Gordon Bennett, what a palaver! 

    Wont the child and/or the parent decide at some point that it’s no longer appropriate? Isn’t that what normally happens? My kids used to return my kisses and hold my hand, but as they grew they chose no longer to do either. It’s part of growing up. 

    I have no doubt that as we all grow older, and me more and more decrepit, they will come full circle and it will be me whom gets his hand held or a peck on the cheek, while I’m doing the same to my grandchildren. Have we lost all sense of rationality! 

    it seems so, as you say things change with time, my niece and nephew always used to give you a hug and kiss, now their ar high school it's a hug and a peck off my niece, probably a hug and a thump off my nephew.

    My parents and grandparents always got a hug and a kiss on arriving and leaving.

    My kids jump on me try to squeeze till you pop then give me a kiss, fantastic and guaranteed to make me smile.

    I'd be more concerned if kids and parents didn't show affection.

  3. On ‎30‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 20:59, Teal said:

    Owls quite easy to ID from their calls, or was it something non

    Spotted one last night, Tawny owl, sat perfectly still brilliant camouflage, calling too each other but not the normal, too it to woo they do.

  4. just had a listen, it seems a little sharper than the thrush I hear, with a shorter note, possibly? But i can only just make it out.

    I've just been out on My bike around the lanes, coming back through a piece of woodland i stopped dead, some sort of hooping call or soft alarm type noise, couldn't spot the bird never heard anything like it, and only two bunnies.

    "Owls quite easy to ID from their calls, or was it something non standard as communicating to youngster?"

    I think it may have been a parent and youngster, most likely a Tawny owl, but they were hiding from me.

  5. 11 hours ago, Teal said:

    Will have to do some more research on them myself, really going to try and make more of an effort with learning to ID and carrying binoculars. Fairly confident I saw a yellowhammer with two recent fledglings yesterday, but never seen one before and I didn't have the binoculars on them for long. A very vibrant yellow.

    Anyway I'd like some more help please with a different ID! This evening about 10pm there was a loud whistling of three notes that would repeat and then pause and then start up again. To be honest not at all confident on what is making it. It was being carried on the wind and seemed close. Nothing to see on the video just the audio. 


    I haven't listened yet, I'm in work, but my guess is a song thrush, some place high up, hidden? The three notes make me think there saying " what you doing" repeated.

    I was out last night about half ten not quite dark and could hear what I thought was an owl calling to a youngster? I must have been a few metres away but couldn't spot them in the shadow and gloom, I'll try again tonight, as for the little bats I could see??

  6. Don't let it drop, Facebook review sites, money supermarket post it everywhere.

    You often see these kind of questions in the papers with people asking for legal advice then getting refunded.

    you must have looked at pictures, thought wow that's nice then got screw fixed by the sound of things.

    Complain like mad, two reps completely failed you, ruined what should have been a great trip, my sister makes complaining about this sort of thing an art form, ask for managers, then their managers if need be, you were sold a service which was obviously not as advertised.

    Hope you get a result 

  7. 21 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Where the **** do you find these bargains 😂 that scorpion is like new

    think he has a crystal ball?

    On ‎27‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 14:01, Ultrastu said:

    I picked up a bsa lightening xl tac in .22 last month .(its got a bit of surface rust on the barrel )for £100 .it shoots really well and ive just used it on a airgun training day to teach over 100 people firing around 1000 shots without issue .Possibly the best bang for buck ive ever spent .

    There is a nice wood version in my local rfd for £180 tempting me .

    you should start a little side-line Stu, selling on BSA rifles 👍 

  8. Certainly seeing a lot more small birds in my garden, i always find it strange how there is nothing in the garden then boom, they all turn up, same when i fill up the feeders.

    The wood we control the greys in was full of young robins yesterday, predator control certainly helps.


  9. 3 minutes ago, Rim Fire said:

    I like the fact the women dont dive and make a fuss they just get on with it

    There was a bit of time wasting towards the end, but just a little.

    Great display, great team work.

    Now France or USA??? It just got real, good luck girls.

  10. 7 minutes ago, AYA117 said:

    Not me the Flatcoat wrote   It is a age thing. I was thinking of door mouse oops sorry and I will go and sit on the naughty step

    🤣🤣🤣 your a very naughty boy 

  11. 2 hours ago, AYA117 said:

    We run just over 100 Little Nipper traps in the polytunnels all baited with jelly tots.

    That's a lot of traps, wouldn't have thought of mice damaging things in a poly tunnel, so what's the most you've caught in a night? 

  12. 12 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    The remainers seem keen to split the Leavers to dilute the numbers, divide and conquer!

    I think that's why Corbyn is keeping quiet, no need to make noise when others are doing damage to themselves, the tories and brexit party need to get on the same page or Labour would sneak in.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    We became a global laughing stock when 17.4M of our population voted for something that three years down the line they still don’t all agree on the details themselves.

    This is part of the problem, some people who cannot grasp the complexities of the reality of the world we live in try to reduce the complexity of an issue to a level they can understand in order to establish a binary decision that they are comfortable with. Talk about limited thinking, It’s actually pretty pathetic.

    To be clear I am in no way suggesting ALL Brexiteers suffer from the above.

    Unfortunately it's the folk in power making us a laughing stock, we had two choices, leave or remain.

    And the majority voted LEAVE, it's the politicians dragging their heels.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    No - it's the Remain bunch. They have cried and threatened, like spoiled children. If people are laughing, it's probably because  some won't accept democracy, akin to dictatorship, who won't accept the electorate result.

    Did you see the news story about Turkey? I think it was about Istanbul mayor elections? The President forced another vote because he didn't like the result, it has blown up in his face big time, apparently whoever controls Istanbul controls Turkey someone said! 

  15. Might have been all my own fault!! I took maybe 20ft off a pine tree in my garden earlier in the year, i then took off a load of pine cones and growing tips thinking of squirrel bait, and that pine cones burn great when lighting the BBQ.

    I left the bucket in the garage on the floor in the garage, they might well have been coming in for that??

  16. 9 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

    I am a wee bit confused, when I have driven through Switzerland over the past thirty  years , they check to see if I have a motorway pass, never been stopped or searched. That's for passenger cars , lorries go through a different path and may be checked. So if they are checked at loading and unloading can't we keep an open border in Ulster ?


    8 hours ago, stagboy said:

    Quite so.

    Like you , I have never  been stopped at the Swiss border, either driving or skiing.

    And the Swiss are very prosperous (and have a very strong shooting community, incidentally). They are doing very well outside the EU, but trading with the EU. Because they have a system that involves a certain amount of direct democracy (ie referenda on important issue) their political class has never been able to hoodwink the populace into subjecting itself to the EU. Whenever they have tried, they have been told where to go by ordinary voters.

    Interestingly, if you want to become a Swiss citizen, you have to reside there for at least 10 years before you can even apply. Then you have to pass stiff citizenship test, and finally you have to be interviewed by representatives of the local community who must give their blessing to your application. I they don't, then you fail, no matter how well you did in the rest of your application. Not exactly EU compliant, is it? 

    I know from skiing that European Health Insurance Cards are valid in Switzerland, just as elsewhere in the EU.

    In short, Switzerland seems to get  most of the benefits of EU membership, without the drawbacks and remains in control of its own society. Good on them. 

    Sounds like a system that works with minimum fuss, they won't want us having any of that.

  17. 2 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Gonna get interesting once the summer hols are over...

    you would think given the mess things are in, a new cabinet to sort out, Brexit looming over everything, Corbyn hoping the Tories continue to crash and burn that the new PM would cancel the summer hols, maybe just have a week away then all hands to the pumps?

    I very much doubt it though.

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