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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, ClemFandango said:

    Do you know anything about it then? 

    Where did you hear about it?

    Is it part of a study or is it just some people doing stuff? I'd be interested if it's an actual research project in seeing what the outcomes are.

    Do you know where it was other than "Down South?"


    I'll PM you, it's not my information to share on an open forum, which is why I said down south 😊 

  2. On ‎28‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 23:13, chrisjpainter said:

    Yeah. I really didn't get what Wiggins was getting at with all that nonsense. I suspect they had slighttly different tactics for a very non-traditional tour. Having the Alps big hitters at the very end probably made Alaphilippe look stronger than he really was - and Team Ineos perhaps a little weaker. But if I'd was to put together the perfect GC team, I'd probably want Luke Rowe as my Road captain, Wout Poels and Castroviejo as a mountain support and then some serious elites in there...like the relentless engine of Thomas and the stellar climbing in Bernal. I'm not sure any other team can match them in any category - except the sprinting.

    Finally caught up watching the highlights tonight, the race kind of fizzled out i thought with the shortend stages, the race being so close has been great watching but i was always waiting for Ineos to take over, they must have known they had to keep it close stay out of trouble and wait for the Alps, nice to see JA got the most combative? Jersey, would have been a shame for him to get nothing.

  3. 3 hours ago, ClemFandango said:

    It's difficult to say that one or the other is more effective then. Could be one trapper with half a dozen traps versus twenty people shooting. What was the trapping method as well? I always find trapping to feed hoppers more effective than just blind trapping. Did the trapper have a prebait period? that makes a difference too? 

    Is it a proper scientific study or just some people doing some things? 


    I don't know anything about the trapping methods, just that there is a full time trapper and a lot more shooters, one of the estates did a tree survey and found tree damage in the trappers area but not the area being shot.

    Shooting on feeders ranging in size from 20-100kg, they are taking serious numbers of squirrels the area must be crawling with them.

    I don't doubt that trapping works, but there probably aren't many people running 120 traps year round.

    6 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Just a thought. How far do you think a feeding station/pheasant feeder pulls these tree rats ?  I am interested because one spot I have borders some considerable acreage of woodland and I am considering putting a couple of flip tops just up hedgerows leading from the wood  and overlooked by one or more of my high seats.  How far apart should I spread them along the wood side ?    100...200..300..400yrds ?

    I am not going to be able to get access to the woodland which is a pity.

    If you can put up a couple of feeders you can be sure something will find them.

  4. 19 hours ago, ClemFandango said:

    I'd love to know are the shooters and trapper in the same wood? How many shooters to the one trapper and how many traps is he running? How many hours is the trapper doing versus the combined hours of the shooters? 

    Don't know all the details, just that there is a full time trapper and a good few shooters doing it voluntarily, there close by but not the same wood. Covering a far chunk of land. Seems the shooters are having better results bringing the squirrels to feeders, although things have slowed down now with the natural foods available.

  5. 15 hours ago, ClemFandango said:

    Just my experience. Shooting for fun. Trapping for control. 

    at the end of the day a dead squirrel is a dead squirrel. 

    I suppose it depends on how much time you have to sit in a hide versus how many traps you could run in the same amount of hours and how many acres you are covering. The last squirrel trapping job I did was a line of 120 traps. 30 locations single pre baited hoppers and 4 traps at each location, checked twice a day, the first week catching I was getting something like 180 a day, can't do that with an airgun. 

    Mind you I did carry a rimfire and would shoot the odd squirrel as I was doing my rounds but as you can imagine that was small change compared to the traps. 

    That was in a 600 acre wood though and it took several hours to service the traps, basically all day every day while they were set to catch but I was getting paid. 

    In the end you get to a point where your success rate drops but you never fully empty a wood or area as unless everyone around you is doing the same there is always immigration. 


    What county are you in Loki? I bet there would be people on here that would help you out checking traps in exchange for sitting in a hide for a few hours. 

    Some number of traps that Clem, and the difference of being paid and having a few hours a week.

    Interestingly there is a squirrel group operating down south, shooting on feeders, along side a full time trapper, the shooters are taking more squirrels and they've found there is still tree damage in the trappers area compared with the areas being shot.

    Loki, problem now is natural food, you might not get much on feeders for the next few months as the squirrels enjoy natures bounty, but think big with your feeders so there not running out, that way once they start coming they'll keep coming.

    Happy to say the wood behind me still only has the odd squirrel in it, took over two years but rairly see one now and the song birds have increased massively, it was crawling with them, I keep expecting a load more to turn up but not yet.


  6. 19 minutes ago, Penelope said:

    Crikey! Mind, that hail and mud slide were something else.

    Yes but how did the French arrange that weather and mud slide? 😁 I think had the stage finished as it should have JA would have lost more time, yes he can desend like a mad man but then he had to climb again..

    I was thinking it was all about to kick off as if it's taken 78hrs to get them separated, Bernal and Yates would have worked together with hopefully Yates taking another stage, although EB wouldn't have just handed it to him at 22 years old I don't think, G was looking strong who knows what we lost out on??

    I don't see how there is enough road for anything to change tomorrow?

    And what a shame for Pinot, I had meant to look what odds he was for the stage and yellow thinking it was his to steal, but a busy day meant i didn't 

  7. 7 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    The fear is around the metal rotors coming into contact with flesh during accidents in group riding / racing. There were lots of similar concerns expressed at all levels of cycling but disc bikes are taking over slowly, even at club level.


    6 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    There have been a few incidents in the last few years of some really nasty injuries, that the rider themselves have said were from other riders' brake discs slicing into them. If anyone's squeamish, look away now...

    Owain doull






    That last one is particularly interesting, because it happened as the rider fell into Jorgenson's right leg, so the left hand side of the other rider's bike. There's nothing there that could do that level of damage - except the disc brake

    I see what you mean now, i was thinking the speeds their going they will get hurt regardless, but some of those pics look really bad.

    6 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Early drama today, I won't spoil it for others. Very fortunate to have it on in the background whilst working...

    I'm not sure what the early drama was? Was it a rider dropping out?

    Just watched the highlights, and was starting to think wow it's on big time and boom!

    I'll say no more till later 😯  

  8. 3 hours ago, shalfordninja33 said:

    I’m open minded on disks, The manufacturers will gradually phase callipers out, I would think it must be pretty straightforward to build a shroud over the disk to help prevent any injuries. Many of the bikes in the pro peloton have weight added to achieve the 6.8kg limit. More and more bikes are through axle now and Riders very often just change bikes rather than a wheel if there’s an issue. 

    2 more days, come on JA! 😁


    Why do you say disks will cause injuries? I've got an older bike so it has calipers, but wouldn't have thought that disks would cause problems?

  9. watching the highlights it looks like the problem was the afters they were giving each other.

    Good stage today and like i thought very scary on the finish, NQ certainly had a good day and stage win, I always think the fans are crazy on the climbs but the Columbians went loopy.

    Did you see JA get the water thrown in his face? 21.8 km to go? I ran it back and it looked like a water bottle?

    So two more mountain finishes will settle it, all up hill, the decent saved JA today I thought, can't wait 😁 

  10. 17 hours ago, Scully said:

    This has turned into another Brexit thread. 

    I've got a good feeling regarding Boris in charge, and am for the first time in ages, feeling rather positive about his PMship. 🙂

    It was always going to because that's what people want, brexit dealt with.

    hopefully the fact he had such a large majority means the tory party is behind him in dealing with brexit.

    He's been described as a hit with an S, let's hope so, I don't see what use a PM is if their too nice.

    let's hope he delivers on October 31st without any excuses 

  11. 17 hours ago, Blackbriar said:

    I'm probably them only one who felt a small sympathy for Mrs May today. She left the House, clearly emotional, after her final PMQs, to a rousing cacophony of clapping and cheering....,.....by the very people who stabbed her in the back and deserted her when she needed their support !


    They might well have been cheering because she was going, happy she's done?

  12. 2 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

    just hope it wasn't an indirect assault on Ineos to limit their hopes of beating the French incumbent of the Yellow Jersey - or is that too cynical of me!?

    Does make you wonder?? Seemed very harsh to me, i hope they can appeal, i understand it could have been dangerous had they gone down but they didn't???

    The Alps is going to settle it obviously, tomorrows three mountains and a down hill finish could hopefully throw up a few surprises, but the down hill finishes do scare me when you realise what kind of speeds their doing.

    Roll on 7pm tomorrow 😊 

  13. There was something on the news or in the paper about the amount of people that have been done thanks to folk uploading their camera footage of bad/ dangerous driving, while i agree there should be more traffic police about, they never seem to be about when some Muppet is trying to get in your boot.

  14. 2 hours ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    You have got married recently.

    Lots of work, lots of planning and excitement. You and your Mrs would have been in the thick of it before and on the day and the centre of attention.

    Its quieter now and back to the normal world. Its bound to feel a bit empty now it's all done.


    This makes a lot of sense, guessing with the wedding having taken time and money and focus your wondering what's next?

    Must also be harder doing 6 days a week knowing it's your own business, everyone needs to be able to relax and get away from work, enjoy the camping with the family 👍 

  15. 1 hour ago, figgy said:

    Some of the locals left for fiesta some didn't. That was the only concession to the mid summer heat.

    I'm sure you meant siesta but being Ford and saying fiesta made me laugh😁😁

    Had a shower then used the frozen peas to cool down.

  16. 1 hour ago, islandgun said:

    Someone was asking about grouse moor link  [mice?] but i cant find the post, well this mail came up from GWCT just now. might be of interest...... hope it works


    I said something about I'm sure a study would be a good idea showing how things change once game keeping stops, that survey nails it, the antis are quick to shout when something illegal is done, but very quiet about how well wildlife fares on managed land 👍 

  17. 2 minutes ago, andrewluke said:

    what usually happens???

    Have you never been shooting rabbits? They don't tend to sit still for long periods of time, or they'll sit still then another one comes along and chases it.

  18. 9 minutes ago, figgy said:

    The saying it's all fun till someone starts crying seems apt. I bet they were crying laughing seeing men jump and look around.

    do you mean all fun till someone looses an eye? What we all did years ago "with our mates" is a world away from taking pot shots at someone in the high-street, it might have just been a bb gun but what if one of them decided to use an air rifle instead?

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