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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 2 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Even carrying the AA classic to the feeding stations got my ticker pumping hard these days and I often have to stop to catch my breath - it's getting so bad that I often simply don't go which is frustrating. Found out today that the gun is actually out of stock and the new ones are not due for about a month when the price will. most likely, rise. So now I'm looking around for anything that takes my fancy - Hortitsia floats my boat but out of stock everywhere and as heavy as the S400 so the search continues.

    I'll say this knowing it's going to get a reaction, see if Stu can sort you a little BSA out😯😯 small light weight, just what you need, tin hat on 😉 

  2. On the news tonight they were apparently worried about the loss of income because the town has been shut?

    Don't get it, it's been what a week? They were talking about business rates being waved and small businesses struggling, they'd be struggling more if the damn had been allowed to burst.

  3. 56 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    Trying to buy a caravan lol. I guess that’s skipping mid and going to end of life crisis lol

    nothing wrong with that, technically I bought mine for working away but it's also coming in handy over the holidays 😁 

  4. 23 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Apologies for dragging up an old post but I've just ordered a spanking new P15 - should be here end of the week. Been looking at used prices and some are dearer than new - paid £439. new and seen them up for £450 + so not sure what's going on. Reviews seem to vary wildly, anything from total carp to being likened to the return of the Messiah so only time will tell. After years of promising myself I would never part with my duo of S410's, the classic simply had to go as health issues mean that carrying the thing was too tiring - kept the carbine but even that is starting to feel weighty. Noticed that accuracy issues with the P15 seem to be connected to the magazine so will be on the lookout for a decent aftermarket jobby, besides, most of my shooting is only around the 20 yard mark so the gun should be up to the task. Anyone in PW land have any experience with this bullpuppy?

    Should you not be buying the very expensive Air Arms bullpup?

    When you say your rifles are getting heavy are you shooting free hand all the time? Do you not use a shooting stick?

    Hope the new gun does the job, I'll be looking forward to the write up 👍 

  5. 12 hours ago, GingerCat said:

    Currently it's a coin flip on Nokian weather proof suv or the mitc c.c  

    Spare cash will be the deciding factor. 

    I was going to go with Nokian, but the reviews I read said the tyres weren't as good since production moved to Russia.

    I've been boring myself stupid reading different reviews on winter and all season tyres, finally decided on continental all seasons, there going on this morning, couldn't really pick between a lot of them so just went with the 2018 winner

  6. Watching an Episode series 2, episode 4 and wow. Their in Pittsburgh looking at Abandoned steel works, one facility was apparently producing more steel during WW2 than Great Britain? That seems nuts, they had a "hot metal bridge " which had a 180 tonnes of molten steel going over it every single hour.

    And the Pittsburgh region was out producing the axis powers.

    Now I know why the American football team are called the Pittsburgh Steelers.

    Great series.

  7. On ‎02‎/‎08‎/‎2019 at 19:27, wymberley said:

    I bought one BSA Lightning XL SE Black in 177 Flavour on behalf of my step-son for seasonal crop protection in the fruit garden.

    I bought the other BSA Lightning XL SE Black in 177 Flavour for myself but have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with it. I've just mounted the MTC Genesis on it and it does look the business though.

    But love, i had to buy both otherwise one would be lonely. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Don't forget the obvious, give the barrel a good clean through and time for the gun to settle, then you and your lad can compete with the same gun, what more could you want 😁 

  8. I was at my caravan this morning, as soon as the sun came around there were butterflies everywhere on the buddleia, also noticed a lot while we were out, I have been looking for them though, five or six different types at least.

    Also noticed a lot of moths lately when I'm driving, a couple of huge ones exploded on my windscreen last week and lots in the headlights. As well as lots of dead bugs on the front of the car every week.

  9. 2 hours ago, team tractor said:

    It’s a shame when you have to do it I know. 

    Just hope he continues with it now  

    make sure he's got something he can plink with with you, then he'll definitely get the bug.

    we go away soon, last year they had shooting comps where you win a cocktail if you win, and it was getting pretty competitive between the dads, an added bonus can't wait 😁 

  10. 38 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    They are 40 odd years old, but we have bought more over the years and as you say the maintainance crews work hard to keep them in pristine condition.

    Thanks, you never hear them mentioned really, when we were buying new Apache helicopters it was all over the news.

    40 odd years old means someone is doing a great job, and spares are available 👍 

  11. 7 hours ago, FOXHUNTER1 said:

    Out this morning and saw thousands of painted ladies on the thistles , a fantastic sight 😁

    no pictures? They showed something on the news this morning, tall stemmed flowers blue golf ball sized , covered in painted ladies 

  12. 3 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    My guess (and it is mainly that) is that being an apparent pudded clay cored dam, held in place and protected by external cladding/cover, it 'goes' when the clay core is displaced (by the weight of water - or by being washed away).  I assume that is a process of many minutes at least - if not an hour or two?  Not enough to evacuate a town, but enough to scamper to one side of a steel walkway.

    I assume the engineers know what they are taking in the way of risks.

    The problem was caused by the water coming over the top of the damn, probably washing away some of the cladding, apparently it's never happened before, so if NE are involved it will be interesting.

    I saw all the folk on the news looking down and didn't think it looked like a good place to be, pretty sure if all that water does come out those house are going to be in serious trouble.

    1 hour ago, Westley said:

    THEY were probably all the apprentice engineers and as such were expendable  !    🤔

    😂😂😂  always more available 

  13. 9 hours ago, Penelope said:

    That was ex Marine, Bruce Parry.

    I thought it was Gordon Buchanan? On his living with tribes series?

    The Mongols took blood from their mounts when they were pushed but didn't do it as a normal thing from what I've read?


  14. 8 hours ago, team tractor said:

    I’ve just had 3 hours fishing with my lad . It was wonderful even tho we caught nothing and he played on his phone for half of it . The water and a quiet night and I’m chilled now drinking a brew. 

    Get him catching on a good swim and he'll soon forget his phone👍 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Benthejockey said:

    We eat quite a bit of red meat. I shoot a few deer a year, not as many as I'd like! And we substitute beef for venison. Although I am a touch extravagant as I cut my steaks at 16oz instead of child portions 8oz. We also kill our own sheep so we have a shocking amount of lamb and mutton, it scares me how expensive it is in the supermarket! We usually have a few pigs every 18 months or so and I like to have a few cob chickens knocking around either alive or frozen. So we eat a fair bit of meat. But it's all good quality, free range, semi organic, grass fed, chemical free etc.

    Red meat probably does have some negative health connotations but I think that's more to do with the chemicals used in the production whether that's whilst its alive or once it's dead. Preservatives probably have a lot to answer for, smoking or salting from times of old doesn't happen any more itsnall chemically based.

    As for making your bum bleed, depending on what meat it is its better for it to be dead and detached from its horns/antlers before you try and cook it.

    I bet your BBQs are popular.


    4 hours ago, Davyo said:

    Red meat makes my bum bleed!

    See a doctor, or don't eat red meat, maybe both.. 

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