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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Fury fighting at the moment, against Samuel, Samuel seems to be targeting the cup and back of the head😯😯 very messy, twice the ref has been in stopping them while Samuel is still rabbit punching the head.

    low blows again!!! Wants disqualifying big time 

  2. the bonus points has certainly given things a different twist, anyone know why they have brought this in? Has it been used before? It certainly shook things up yesterday.

    also sure i saw a high seat in plain view of the road yesterday, that would probably get vandalised over here!

  3. 3 minutes ago, JDog said:

    I can't find the highlights on tv. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    ITV 4 7pm, you'll be able to watch yesterday's on catch up

  4. I would have said tactical as well, G showed yesterday that he's the main man for Ineos with that last surge to the finish. Thought yesterday might have had more attacks but the dodgey finish probably had all the main GC riders just sitting back watching each other.

  5. We did a charity game earlier in the year, three guys in their 40s had committed suicide, you never know what is going on behind closed doors.

    If you think a work mate or friend is acting differently talk to them.

    such a shame shootingegg

  6. 3 minutes ago, Blackbriar said:

    Lefties are "pro-Palestinian", which they often equate with "anti-Israeli". Most Lefties also feed into many of the Zionist conspiracy theories too, such as the Rothschild's ruling the world and a totally debunked document called "The Protocols of the elders of Zion."

    I kind of get why Palestine don't like Israel and vice versa, their side by side after all, religion politics land etc and historical differences.

    What I've never understood is how our politics can biased one way or the other, if it was still Catholic and protestant that would be more understandable, shame folk can't follow a religion and not worry about other peoples views.

  7. 1 hour ago, poontang said:

    They are indeed, and rightly so.

    Anyone who understands the radical left knows full well that there whole ideology is mired in jew hatred. It's in their DNA. Corbyn has emboldened the quiet voices that have been in the shadows since the days of Militant Tendency but they've never gone away. 

    I watched about 5 mins of it but frankly wasn't in the mood for it.

    Quite why the party are anti Jew I've never understood, we haven't been to war with them have we? Their not blowing up our trains and buses or attacking people in the streets?

  8. 1 hour ago, zipdog said:

    No Im not. Im guessing the OP wasn't shooting a sub 12ftlb air gun also

    I know he's not, he's using a .25 fac FX.

    that's why i asked what your shooting with, I'm only shooting squirrels or rats at up to 30 metres max, more often less if i can help it.

  9. 35 minutes ago, zipdog said:

    Blasting animals at 50m doesn't give me much enjoyment. Pulling off longer shots does

    For me to shoot something at 50m I might as well close my eyes, I'd have just as much chance of hitting it.

    I'm guessing your not shooting a sub 12 air rifle? So what are you shooting with?

  10. The fact you've been practicing at that range, used chairgun to take the guess work out of the hold over, stable rest on a still day at a range you know shows it's not completely irresponsible, but a bit lucky like you say.

    How often do you hit the can at that range in those conditions?

    How much energy does the pellet still have at that range?

    certainly interesting 👍 

  11. heard the blackbirds going nuts tonight so i went looking for the owls, one flew over me, then started calling again.

    finally spotted a youngster, quite low down brilliantly disguised, it seemed to be watching me as much as i was it, then it flew closer.....


    not very good but then closer...


    now that's much better, it was really curious about me.

  12. 3 hours ago, Teal said:

    wasn't looking for it, was just walking down track to check on sheep and a little bird burst up from my feet calling as it went. Instant thought was young partridge, but I had a good chance to view it as it flew, it had a striped back and I've

    Cheer's, always the way things pop up when your not expecting them.

  13. 3 hours ago, Sciurus said:

    One trapped today, the first caught this month, so I think the main trapping season is pretty well over. Time to go shooting again.


    I was supposed to be on a bike ride this evening, which means scouting patches of woodland, well this evening I was in a beautiful spot of mixed woodland under a beech with bits falling everywhere!! Their on the Beech already.

  14. 2 hours ago, old'un said:

    In that case why don’t the police use the law of civil disorder against these people?


    Because that would mean they have to do something, it's a complete waste of police time. They know what the sabs are going to do, they harass and goad until they get the reaction they want.

    Don't agree with hitting the women, and i think it looks worse being a women. But i still don't see how these people are allowed to turn up masked and intimidate people to the point the police need to be there.

    I'm always surprised a horse hasn't kicked out accidentally or not and smashed a sab? 

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