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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, Arron yeates said:

    Thank you. That means alot. It shoulders nice in this stock. I did the stock finish Using tru oil and wax. 

    It does look very nice, i haven't held a tx in probably 20 years, I'm guessing she's still heavy?

  2. 6 minutes ago, del.gue said:

    Still wearing a casio i bought in 2003. Several new straps and a few batteries. Still going strong. Im sure it was 7.99 from Argos. Cover in oil, gease, blood and snot but i wear it everday.


    sounds like you need some tissues 😉 

  3. 5 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    99% of phones and computers have "Spellcheck" but you either have to turn it on or accept its guidance.

    not quite, my phone has vindictive spelling. It's almost like it's given up trying to put the correct words i want, so puts completely random ones.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Lord Geordie said:

    Took my gripe onto social media, and I received an email from Booking dot com, they apologised for the situation we found ourselves in when we arrived. They also made an offer of £25 off another stay, or I can cash it in as a form of part refund! 

    Bearing in mind, they are not singularly responsible for the situation, nor do they make a huge sum from booking fees. “Certainly less than the offer” I think it’s a rather nice gesture on their part. 

    If you booked through them, then they are responsible, they might not make much but they are making money, £25 hardly makes up for the hassle you had.

    can other people still book the same place you did? 

  5. 26 minutes ago, team tractor said:

     I wear a fitness jobby but only because I can see who’s calling or read texts on it. If I’m on a machine it’s just easier to look and judge if it’s more important than the machining. 

    Friends get ignored in work time so it’s great in that case. Also if I keep getting my phone out to see the time I find my lads think it’s ok too. Phones in pockets in our shop only

    Given how injury prone you are i would have thought a watch was a bad idea in work??

    I do and don't wear a watch, I have two good watches and two anytime watches, no phones allowed on site and like stu says I prefer not having to get my phone out to check the time.

  6. 11 hours ago, Arron yeates said:

    Yeah it was the spring guides on the one i saw that were broken. Including mine. Ive worked on tx200 many times easy to work on. It was all new and worki g fine then started getting louder and then problems. Not sure what spring Sfs have put in but its ever so quiet now it doesnt sound like a springer. It was all polished and all work done on the laithe so its perfect for my rifle. I have never shot a tx200 thats so smooth. I also have the sfs Imp AKA Hw99s tuned in cs500 stock looks and shoots awsome. 


    Stu hows the ultra FAC going

    well don't be shy, post some pics, on the kitchen worktop, table or bed seems to be the norm😉

  7. Didn't think we'd had many squirrels on our patch this year, but had a look back and we're on 31 now, we took around 50 last year, so there obviously moving in from other areas.

    Went out this morning and I think the only thing i didn't see was a squirrel, the tawny owl and sparrow hawk did a fly bye, with the hawk landing maybe twenty metres away and paying me no attention, had the usual small birds all over the place.

    I was driven out of the hide by the mozzes trying to eat me, not easy sitting still when their dive bombing your eye balls.

    On the Brightside because i moved and sat elsewhere i saw a roe doe walk past with her youngster in tow, again probably only twenty metres away, didn't even look my way 😃 

    So up at the COD and saw no squirrels, then while the manager is making me a brew "there's two on the bird table, get your gun"  9am 😯 i could have got up at a reasonable hour, but other than the mozzes it was a great morning to be out.

    then two of us did some work on one of the hides.


    can you see it?

    How is everyone else getting on numbers wise compared to last year?

  8. did anyone watch the other Semi? I gave it ten minutes and turned over 🙄 

    On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 12:39, Blackbriar said:

    The England team was exposed, and cracks revealed. The Americans opened them up, got round the back and slotted a couple home.


    you're a very naughty boy 😄😄 

  9. wonder if you can make something so the stealth shoulders nicer? Looks nice and compact, just wonder how comfortable it is on the cheek?

    as for the bsa, it's going to be very long once you add a mod?

    I will have a.25 at some point, I've always fancied the bigger calibre, let us know how they shoot.

  10. On ‎02‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 20:41, islandgun said:

    incredibly stupid thing to do.. antis will be rubbing their hands with glee.  if the shooting orgs dont show and promote the positives of shooting and moorland management re conservation then its over 

    On ‎03‎/‎07‎/‎2019 at 00:35, NatureBoy said:

    All very convenient! Yet again and same time of year! Harriers, eagles, exposed traps, grouse moors, dodgy evidence! But no prosecutions! Maximum  supposed conservationist celeb exposure! Just like the crows on the gate, death threats and dodgy knobs in the post! When it suits them for publicity! Then nothing!!! All very convenient alleged crimes to suit there bigger agenda! Class war, politics, envy, money and infighting once again put ahead of real conservation!!!  Maybe we should all turn up to hen harrier day 19 an have our say!   NB 

    It wouldn't even be difficult, just look at the moors they've stopped the shooting on and compare it with a working moor.

    Yep the findings are always near the start of the grouse season, funny how that occurs 🤔🤔

  11. Might have missed the boat this year Nev, people having birds delivered soon means lots of places will be out of bounds, shame everyone wasn't out when they couldn't shoot pigeons for a few weeks.

    Things always slow up during summer, at least for most people, keep stacking them Nev 👏👏 

  12. I've just watched the game, and I would have pretty much wrote that.

    1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Feel we played the better football in second half, the penalty you could argue is a red due to it being a definite goal and last defender, one USA player could of had two yellows in the first half. 

    We got very unlucky, the offside was close and would of probably taken it to extra time. 

    Still think the football was better than the men's team and the players should be proud of the achievements. Still have the third place game to Go too. 

    Yeah that should of gone middle and broken the net or the keeper.. 

    certain that Pen will haunt her, bad contact! The team was committed and passionate, did themselves proud, the mens game could learn a lot.

    And as Neville said about USA against France, they managed the last ten minutes bent the rules and won the game.

    Nearly 👏👏👏 

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