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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 57 minutes ago, Wb123 said:

    They seem ok here but two pints costs £11. I go very rarely now and then only tend to have one or two whereas I would have gone more often and had four or five ten years ago. 

    That is bleeding steep! I like a pint but not at that price, where are you?

    Plenty of pubs still round my way, not that I'm in them often.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Good shot? said:

    I fail to understand where you got lost.

    The point that is being lost is the word ‘free’ in movement of people so as not to be classed racist which is being used against leavers regularly.

    Immigration is only beneficial if we choose who can enter the country, from wherever they originate and dependant on UK needs at the time.

    immigration should be limited by our needs assuming we have our own skills training in place and the resources and infrastructure to cope with any influx.

    Bang on the money, how are Germany coping after letting who knows how many immigrants in? We should be able to say yes or no, we are an Island after all.

    The more folk not earning but claiming is just what Corbyn wants. 

  3. We'll I've just had a leaflet through the door from Labour telling me what a bad job the Tories are doing in south ribble, it doesn't actually read well but then it wouldn't would it.

    It says local elections in May, then we can hopefully dump any MP that was trying to mess up the brexit talks.

  4. On ‎19‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 15:48, Gordon R said:

    Took a Winchester 23 - to sell for the son of a friend who had died. I was told Tim McAvoy would have to value the gun. He spent about twenty minutes aimlessly wandering around the shop, before he deigned to speak to me. I paid particular attention to just what exactly he was doing and concluded he was just killing time. He seemed keen, but said there was a dent in the barrel. I asked where it was. He told me he had experience in these matters and could see it, although my eyesight clearly failed me. I also took it to Malmo and Bamfords - neither of whom detected the dent and both offered way more than McAvoys. I don't know why he kept me waiting - possibly to put pressure on me. It merely irritated me. I thought then and still do that it was shabby. I will never return.

    Fair enough.

  5. 10 hours ago, sabel25 said:

    Have to admit to never seen an eagle in the wild but would like to do so  being rare birds

    On the other hand some clever dimwits thought it a good idea to release goshawks up our way that are not indiguose to this area or country which are taking out indiguose owls and game birds

    Which was witnessed at the start of a partridge drive where one just swooped in and took a partridge in front of a beater

    now they want to introduce Liinx into the largest man made forests in europe with the idea that it will control the deer population . What the hell is going through the minds of these idiots

    You have an over grown killing cat species looking for an easy meal for their brood  Sheep and lambs are an easy meal compared to trying to chase done a fit buck through thick dense forest

    I wonder?

    Dont forget Goshawks were native but persecuted into extinction, then folk brought in more birds and re-released them into the wild, I'd be more than happy seeing one take a partridge.

  6. I've only used a thermal once but was very impressed, we were squirreling and it made a huge difference. No movement needed from the squirrels they showed up nicely against the tree trunks so spotting was greatly improved.

    Bit pricey for my needs but i can see why folk use them.

  7. Cheers Accuspell, I've found my caller brings in magpies as well, and i get what you mean about not shooting on the feeder, its been a while since I've had a chance on a feeder, most of mine tend to be in the pines, the nuts tend to vanish when we're not about.

    3 hours ago, Accuspell said:

    The reason I say to avoid shooting ON the feeder is so they don't actually associate it with danger - you have  a huge food reserve and squirrels coming from a long way. It is 8 miles to my wood for me, and I can't afford that amount of peanuts - the fuel to get there and back limits how often I can go. So mine do run out, but they soon know when they have been topped up again. I buy 2kgs at a time, when I can. Hence why I call and stalk, more than sit over a feeder. If I had someone paying for my peanuts, I would use the feeders more.


  8. Been a great weekend up north, charity rugby event Saturday with 4 derby games and plenty of beer and banter

    Today was nice again so out in the garden shredding followed by a walk in the woods and fields, can't complain when you see a sparrow hawk a few metres away and a kingfisher goes by while the kids are playing in the river.

  9. 57 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    Banning things won't stop this type of activity, incorrectly described as 'sport'.  These things are already banned.  What we need is the police (and backed up by security service) routing out the offenders under the existing laws, NOT yet more laws we can't police or enforce.  And when people are caught they need long jail terms and confiscation of all assets.  This is mainly about betting and money making.

    Bang on the money.

  10. I've had very mixed results with my caller, a couple of times I've used it and watched them come from a long way off to see what is making the noise, few times I've had them rush in on the ground and charge off again. But I've also used it with no joy at all. You still have to be unseen when your using it, but I've found i get the best results if you have seen some movement in the trees, then you know there out and about .

    A fella did a write up on the R7 forum a while back which was really good, I'll message him and ask him to put it on here because it was a really good read.

  11. have a look on eBay for a DVD, i got one for the Axor i bought, tr robb, so i imagine there will be one for the Falcons.

    10 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Ive got the same on my fn19. Took it to 3 of the closest shops and none would do it. Too old was one reason, too busy another, third was we dont stock parts. Honestly you try and give work out and they dont want it. Now they wont get my servicing or custom again. 

    So ive bought a seal kit of the bay, ill do it myself. Seen a few vids online, but ill have a google see what turns up. Only problem is, most vids or photos published on some sites, are links to photobucket or some such and they have expired. Or falcon forum isnt open 



  12. On ‎11‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 21:14, welshwarrior said:

    Just sit up when the wife goes out that’s how I used to do it, not allowed to now the kids are older son believes it’s his ‘job’ and would like pocket money for doing his chore! 

    Good lad 👏👏 offer him a bounty for tails, he'll soon have the area cleared.

  13. On ‎09‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 16:53, Sparticle said:

    Hi guys, currently looking at purchasing a Browning B725 prosport, any other alternatives that anyone would recommend, my budget is around £3000. I would be open to suggestions, or comments on the Browning B725 prosport itself.



    there is a pro sport in the sales section.

  14. 4 hours ago, bumpy22 said:

    i have a falcon prarie mufitshot skeleton thumbhole that is dipped in hydrographics. the problem i have is that it had a leak and will not charge now. i have tried a few shops recently with no joy. saying parts are a issue and cant fix it. so if anyone is interested in the gun drop me a pm. dont really want to put this in sales as it is not working more for one of the airgun experts

    Sounds more like there not interested in fixing it, probably only going to be an o ring or something minor. 

  15. 9 hours ago, The Mighty Prawn said:

    Hateful little scrotes! Bees are the knights of insects, they will give their life in defence of the nest. Wasps are hooligans with flick knives, happy to stick you just to look big in front of their mates

    Can't resist, wasps are great for your garden. It all depends on where they decide to set up home, don't forget they eat loads of garden pests.

    If you stand on there nest however then yes your right, they will kick off big time.

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