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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 8 hours ago, oowee said:

    We have a vote that we are running with for now. If for whatever reason we cannot get a deal and we go for a general election. It may be (and any guess is as good as the next) that the parties offer different options. No vote, in or out, customs union. Whichever party won would provide the question. 


    I think there will be big differences.

    Day to day life. Reduction in wage rate increases as we seek to be more competitive. A fundamental change in farming and food prices (up and down) as we do the trade deal with US and prices increase for EU produce. More UK grown fruit and veg. Inflation and currency devaluation following less efficient trade deal with EU. An increase in retirement age and an increase in taxation, reduction in spending. Less immigration. 

    Day to day life the complete opposite of the above.

    my phone isn't letting me quote sections? I don't see any problem with more home grown foods.

    As for reduction in wages most companies try that anyway, my employer changed shifts reducing wages, and lost a third of the staff and counting, so leaving the EU isn't likely to have as much impact as that did.

    retirement age has only ever gone up and less immigration is actually a good thing as far as most people are concerned.

    So as i said, i just don't see most people will notice anything different.

    And you said something in an earlier post about sorting other things once this fiasco is sorted out, your right there its as if the country has stopped for two years.

  2. Well going off what three articles said in Mondays paper England's performance was near perfect? 

    And Sir Clive says Scotland should beat Ireland Saturday!! Ireland will real from the defeat apparently? I'm expecting a wounded animal and Scotland to suffer the backlash.

  3. 5 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Still toying with the idea of making my own similar set up.  Would be nice for 'Elevensies' a bit different to the wicker baskets.  Even recess the top for the glasses to stand whilst being filled, could even number them......oh my brain is starting to hurt with ideas

    You had best stay off of Pinterest then Walker, that will definitely get your juices flowing 😉 

  4. 3 hours ago, yates said:

    I just checked my facts on the internet to ensure  that I wasn’t talking out my ****. I saw the bit about the cabbages but also it reported that the sprout stems used used were 20 foot long. Even more strange eBay has just sent me an email offering me a vintage sprout walking stick to buy. Talk about ‘Big Brother ‘ watching you. Scary 

    I clicked on a Tilley hats link the other day in the sales, so now I'm getting Tilley hat adds at the top of the page, doesn't explain the Muslim mums though??

  5. 7 hours ago, oowee said:

    We mostly all spend what we do not have. 

    What money? The gold receipts? 

    Finally caught up 😥

    That's a major part of problems today people spending what they don't have, and no matter which government is in power if the population is in debt they are easier to control.

    And i still can't see how people will notice any difference in day to day life once were free from the EU?

  6. 9 hours ago, CaptainBeaky said:

    This, in spades. 

    Just started a class, as a gentler way of maintaining the flexibility from nearly 50 years of martial arts training. Most of my dojo time is spent teaching these days, and the accumulated aches and pains mean free play time is restricted - there is a definite limit to the number of times I can hit the mat in a session!

    First yoga session went by in a flash, and I didn't regret it massively the following day, which I must admit is what I had expected.

    Give it a try - you may find it works for you.


    Another Judoka by chance? Small world if so 😄 

  7. 2 hours ago, getthegat said:

    I've been going once a week for about 8 years; love it.

    Mind you it does depend on the teacher, mine had a couple of kids in that period ( not that you'd know to look at her) and whilst having said sproggs, I tried 2 or 3 other classes, but didn't like them as much. Grace is such a lovely lady, very kind and understanding of the range of ages of the people in her class and what each individual body will do, no position is a wrong position, she guides us with professional yet friendly expertise.

    At the end of class we are lying with the lights off and in silence, letting stress and strain drift away. I invariably dose off and more than once have had to be woken up 😂


    I've done Pilates in the past and the instructor makes a massive difference, not everyone can do the same things and a good instructor will see who can do more or not.

  8. 2 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    still think Ireland will be the biggest test for Wales

    always one of my favourite games to watch, no quarter asked and none given.


    47 minutes ago, walshie said:

    Last time Wales beat England in the 6 nations was 2013, so you're due a win about now. 

    To make up for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018. 

    careful now walshie they'll be falling out with you and its only week one, but boy did i take some stick that year.

    I still think France will be tricky, you just never quite know how there going to play or turn up, rule out the two or three howlers and they smashed Wales?

  9. 3 hours ago, old'un said:

    yep, I know what you mean, and yes I also think its an age thing, I remember as a youngster back in the 60s if anything came within range of my air rifle it was dead, the local sparrows and starlings were very weary of our garden.

    Something to consider is a small covered bird table, I've done this so the pigeons and magpies can't eat everything, I've found they won't land under the roof, or put big gauge mesh on the sides, then the smaller birds will land on the "cage" hop through and feed while the big bullies can't bother them.

  10. Boy was it cold this morning, headed off at 07:10 and car said it was -4/5 and I'm not sure my toes have warmed up yet.

    On the drive there, being a bit more careful because of the risk of ice i get stuck behind some idiot peaking out of barely cleared windows, then as i approach a give way, round the bend and there are seven or eight geese in the road!! Then there was a barn owl flying along side me.

    Unfortunately that's about it, not a breath of wind but the squirrels had more sense than me, probably tucked up somewhere warm, plenty of birds about in the canopy but otherwise not a thing was moving.

    I did see a squirrel along my river later about midday in some conifers, but nothing I can do about that one for now.



  11. We'll, that's probably upset a few folk? I didn't enjoy the attacking side of the game from England thought they kicked too much and didn't seem to be running the right channels getting in each other's way.

    But defence was top draw, put Ireland under pressure and really happy Manu was back, so does that put us on course to win it? Hope so.

  12. 54 minutes ago, millrace said:

    Agree about ringrose....just dont get all the hype...championed as B,od mark 2....but hes to light build wise and whenever i see him even at ulster matches i just dont get it....

    Think the ire pack still way ahead omahony will annoy the life out of the english and in stockdale we have the match winner.....roll on kick off.....

    not long, I've told the misses it's take away for tea tonight as the rugby is on 🍺😉 

    1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    I would love to know what was said in the Welsh Dressing Room at half time!

    I imagine there were several swear words, told to stop messing about and get back to the game plan.

  13. I'm not sure I know anyone who voted remain? This is for many reasons, most people simply don't talk about it, their probably sick of hearing about it and just want it done and over. Probably also why its the same people who post on this thread, your four pages behind before you know it.

    But most folk i work with or socialise with do what i call real jobs, and want out so we're in charge of our own futures, things might change but i honestly don't expect to notice.

  14. 47 minutes ago, clakk said:

    Plenty of verge on the A30 and M5 ,yes lanes are going to have issues but these are main roads im talking about 

    Your right, a couple of inches should not close main roads, you wouldn't expect every road to be cleared.

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