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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 3 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    What an absolutely wonderful game of Rugby, England took it to France and they had no answer, good to see the best Ref still making great rugby even better!


    1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Got to agree with this.. Great rugby made better by a ref that lets the game flow

    Bit behind, just watched the game, boom

    The ref certainly had a good game with advantage and awareness being excellent, and the way he speaks to the players.

    I think the tactics were spot on today really putting a clue less French team to the sword, the last third of the game was a little flat but that's because as a contest it was over 

  2. 10 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    make stairs for a living and work on them 50% off the time. I regularly jump across joists etc as it’s part of the job but I guess I let my guard down on my own house. 

    We shouldn't laugh but..... It's always the same we do different things at home, i was up a big sycamore last two weekends doing some severe pruning, 30-40ft up using a 1 tonne sling to attach myself, wife wasn't happy but its looking good, no chance of me doing something like that at work.

  3. Another thing which is strange, a few lads at work were talking about getting strange calls and letters about cancelling gas or sky TV, and random stuff delivered that they haven't ordered. Seems folk have got there addresses and then started setting up accounts taking out things so they can claim cash back, and one lad said his mum had some random PJs turn up then a bill for a fancy new TV, seems folk set up false accounts then change the address.

    seriously shifty folk out there.

  4. 6 hours ago, pinfireman said:

    Whilst we are  talking about Corbyn, what about this........?

    Labour’s anti-Semitism problem has risen to the fore again with Labour members in Luciana Berger’s Liverpool Wavertree constituency tabling a motion of no confidence against her. Incredibly, John McDonnell has responded by pointing the finger of blame at Berger herself, eliciting disbelief from other senior Labour figures. Chuka branded it “totally unacceptable” and Shadow Cabinet Minister Angela Rayner has given Berger her “full support”. Labour’s official responses so far have been woeful…

    It now emerges that the local Labour member who proposed one of the (two) no confidence motions, Kenneth Campbell, goes on regular rants about “traitorous Blairites” on Facebook, saying it is “about time [Berger] was exposed for the disruptive Zionist she is” and even claiming that Israel supports ISIS. In another rant he menacingly said that Laura Kuenssberg’s days are “nearing there [sic] end”:

    When is Labour going to get serious about rooting out the rot of anti-Semitism that has infested the party?

    Just been on the news, apparently she has spoken out about comrade Corbyn which is obviously not aloud, other than that I've no idea.

  5. On ‎07‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 16:11, Dave-G said:

    As a point of interest,  one of the things the EU DO do well is the members in their house shut up and listen to what is being said instead of acting like a bunch of spoiled louts trying to drown out the person who is speaking.

    As it should be 

  6. 2 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Like a lot of things, the difference in reliablity between the prestige names and the bargain basement is nowhere near as wide as it used to be. In fact, in many instances the cheap watches  work perfectly. Nobody buys a £60,000 watch because they want to tell the time

    Personally i only buy a watch if i like the look of it, strange or what? And as for up to the second accuracy?? I don't think its that important.

    Just found that the watch i had on yesterday has stopped!! D'oh. I was going to see what the time difference was between the three, the two still going are within a minute of each other so good enough for me.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Not highly paid with all those qualifications I feel.  

    I doubt you need all the thing's they're asking for, could be a nice number for someone semi retired or a youngster starting out wanting experience after college 

  8. 14 hours ago, team tractor said:

    Now if only you knew. When I went for measurements last month they managed to get the ring stuck no joke. They had to lube my finger up and 2 assistants managed to pull it off. 

    I was laughing my head off as the woman was panicking.turns out they don’t make a sample big enough 

    You definitely want a ring you can get off easily with the luck you have!! I won't work in mine, not a chance.

  9. I wouldn't worry about hanging around waiting for them, they'll turn up as and when, i tend to stick to week days for shooting from upstairs certainly not when its BBQ time.

    As for what to feed, suet works best for me, high energy and they have to nibble at it, they can't just run off with it.

    As for the neighbours if they do see you or say anything which is hopefully unlikely say you've seen a couple of rats and that squirrels are trashing your bird feeders, i bet you'll be amazed at how many you get , folk think it's one or two squirrels visiting there garden but when you've shot 14 or 15 you start wondering where they are coming from.

  10. 5 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    It's so nice to be able to discuss thread diameters, pitch and head sizes with someone that clearly knows their stuff.

    Think you need to get out more🤣🤣 I'll send you some pics out of my Zeus book if you like?

  11. 22 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    My black terrorist is 14 now, senile, semi incontinent and smelly

    We'll why everyone else is poking fun that line really made me laugh 😂😂 

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