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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 13 minutes ago, scouser said:

    Just seen pictures of the eclipse on the news,fantastic 

    Yes it looked good, I'd have liked to have seen the halo, pictures are good, but its always nice to see them properly.

  2. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Just got the word today that I've got the job I applied for. I actually went for a different one, thinking I wasn't skilled enough to get the real one, but they asked if I could apply and they gave it to me! It's at a local deer park, with the remit of to getting the park up to speed with its conservation agenda. They have ideas, land and habitat - but no real direction on how to do it, which is where I come in. 

    Then, at some point, I can get round to convincing the general public that good conservation = good deer management, and that means numbers control!

    Once step at a time though...

    Sounds like fun, good luck.

  3. 5 hours ago, scouser said:

    Set the alarm for 4-30  too much cloud,couldn’t see a thing so back to bed, unfortunately woke the boss up,so now in the doghouse.

    Oops 😂😂 Drove home from work at 6, it was like driving through soup so nothing else to see.

  4. 4 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    This has just happend to me this morning. 

    Fine first thing then after an hour my left eye went blurry (and thats usually my best eye. ) .

    Slowly improving during the day .just booked an eye appointment. 

    hope its nothing serious and your seen quickly.

    On ‎20‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 13:32, Davyo said:

    Got up this morning everything fine.Then about an hour ago my right eye has gone fuzzy.Its as if there was a finger smudge on the lense of my glasses(readers).But its actually my eye,rinsed my eyes in case it was a eyelash but its still there.

    Anybody experience this, i know you can get caliderscope eyes if you suffer from migraine.I have no headache of dizziness and feel fine.  

    Did things get back to normal or have you been checked out?

  5. I've said before, it would be better to self regulate than have rules forced upon us.

    I only said 5 or 6 thousand as to me that seems like a lot of birds, when you get into the ten and twenty thousand then i really think you need to be showing its more than just about shooting.

    The general public turn a blind eye to how many chickens are reared, and the conditions there living in so long as the majority get a cheap bird, pheasant are smaller dearer and seen as fancy food.

    As for journalists only reporting what they want? Since when has that ever been any different.

    And Basc & CA need complaints from all members about not backing up this estate, divided we fall and all that.

  6. There was something last week on Facebook about a fella thinking squirrels had killed a chicken? Apparently just an opening high up, guy was saying no way could it be rats, he was putting up cameras to try and catch something in the act.

    not sure of the outcome, but squirrels take eggs and chicks so why not hens eggs.

  7. Did anybody else see the eclipse tonight? Watched the moon disappearing at about 0435, thankfully heard it mentioned on the radio, we did see a bit of "blood" but the car park lights didn't help plus it was misty, then nothing because of the weather.

    I took a very bad picture on my phone, but we won't have another Lunar eclipse for 22 years one of the lads said?

  8. 6 hours ago, grrclark said:

    Can I say that whilst i echo the comments about having it checked out properly, i don't think it merits a trip to A&E.

    We have major problems in this country with people using A&E as they see it as being easier than getting a GP appointment.  Speak to the triage nurse at your GP practice, if they determine the symptoms sound as such as it merits rapid attention they will either direct you to A&E or expedite an appointment at the GP.

    A bit of fuzzy vision in one eye with no other symptoms does not really constitute a medical emergency.

    One chap i know nearly lost his sight because of his eyes swelling and putting pressure on his lenses, apparently if he hadn't gone to A&E he would likely be blind now, he did have other symptoms but i would say if there is something wrong with your vision for a continuess amount of time you get it checked out, that's not wasting anyone's time.

  9. 3 hours ago, eddoakley said:

    How frustrating!!

    For as ling as I can remember it has felt like I have pressure in my right ear and I can't here very well on that side. Imagine how it feels when you fly or if your head is under water. Something like that.

    I put it down to work or shooting and just moved on.

    A couple if weeks ago I flew to Spain and my ears never recovered from popping on the flight. I was hoping it would just sort itself out but the constant pressure, humming sounds, hearing myself breathe or chew or swallow just got too much. Not to mention Mrs Edd complaining that the tv was too loud and that I was ignoring her.

    So a hearing test has determined "severe" hearing loss on both sides.

    Fortunately it seems that the good news is that the nerves work as they should and the issue is between the outside and the nerve which is apparently likely to be a relatively easy fix (possibly grommets).

    But jeez it's driving me nuts. Have booked to see a consultant next Saturday as GP was likely to take months.

    I seriously hope it gets sorted quickly as it's more difficult than I would have ever thought.


    We have hearing tests every year through work, I'm always told my hearing in my right ear is poor, and left isn't great, yeah well I've always thought noisy job, i haven't shot much just beaters days with shotguns and a few clay sessions every now and then years ago, but as others say it doesn't take much to damage your hearing. 

    We had a new company come in last year, and the nurse managed to put the willy's up me by saying something else could be wrong with my ears not being the same.

    Now the NHS get plenty of stick but doctors then sent for hearing tests then an MRI scan all within two weeks maybe? Nothing found that shouldn't be there, but i always wear ear protection now, whether in work, home or near the guns beating, and its worth trying different brands to find what's more comfortable as we're all different.

    Be sure to make the youngsters whether at work or shooting wear there hearing protection.

  10. 5 hours ago, Scully said:

    It’s up to shooting estates to diversify to cater for fluctuations in markets, many other industries have had to do it. 

    That's the thing, how many estates are making very good money selling days, lots of days with lots of birds for which we're told there is no market? I don't understand there being no market, and don't people defend shooting by saying people enjoy the shooting and eat what they shoot? 

    this topic was gone over plenty last year, personally I've eaten more game this season than ever but only a brace each time I've been beating.

    Thankfully it sounds like these birds had at least been breasted and then someone was avoiding further costs.

    Personally i think the big estates that are putting down thousands say 5 thousand plus birds should have to process a number of birds even if they are sold cheap or given away to the local community, this would help defend the future of game shooting.

  11. 3 hours ago, Rst1990 said:

    How did you pay? You may be eligible for fraud protection.


    25 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    ALWAYS pay using a credit card.

    Hope it was with a company credit card? It will still sting but at least you'll get help.

  12. 17 hours ago, 30-6 said:

    Assuming what is taking my trapped rodents is a rat, perhaps I should be using meat as bait rather than peanut butter.

    In the trap today was a mouse with the kill bar right in the middle of it's head. So as the head could not be moved, something chewed through the neck again and took the whole body.

    In fact I am going to try that, use some sort of raw meat instead of my usual bait.


    either that or pate? Definitely need a tral camera up just to see what is going on.

  13. 1 hour ago, Sciurus said:

    Just one for me today, a large male shot on feeder in a Red supporters garden. His mate made a quick getaway but I suspect it was caught an hour later by one of my colleagues,  who trapped one in a neighbouring garden. Time will tell.

    The same colleague now has to deal with two greys elsewhere that has taken over an owl box. Unfortunately I don’t know what has happened to the owl.

    Total 74

    Hopefully with the time of year the box was likely to be empty, and there wouldn't have been any chicks in there.

  14. I'm following a wildlife group local to me on Facebook, and some bloke puts up a collage of pictures every few days, always a few seriously fat squirrels sat there staring into the lense, with a clear shot no branches in the way, they don't sit that nice when I'm looking through the scope 😣 

  15. On ‎17‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 17:10, scotslad said:

    I'm due a splitting session soon prob got 3 or 4 6T dumper loads sitting on the bench/banking  needing split

    just a bit to keep you going then?? Sounds like your going to be busy.

  16. 18 hours ago, das said:

    I'm getting old and sod the EU, I want out for the sake of my children and grandchilden👉

    These were almost my mums exact words, and I'd never known her vote at a general election in my life.

    get out, take stock see what happens 👍 

  17. 4 hours ago, Dibble said:

    Razor blades are aparently one of the most shoplifted items.

    Also a massive amount of plastic waste that's non recyclable , just have stubble or a beard its the future 😊 

  18. Just now, mick miller said:

    I think we need the wisdom of cat... no often favoured on these pages, but sage wisdom nonetheless...


    Ha ha😅👏 


    1 hour ago, Lord v said:

    I'm going to float an unpopular opinion. (and as I have said - I have been 100% wrong so far) 

    Mrs May isn't stupid. There said it. 

    Ignore everything said by every politician for the last two years. Be May for a bit and play the numbers . 

    You have to negotiate a deal with the EU. For various reasons this deal will likely favour the EU. Mainly because the 27 leaders can't lose face and need to counter the rising anti EU sentiment in their own countries. Likelyhood of getting a bad deal for the UK about 70-80% no matter what you do. Plus you face mass Labour opposition that would vote against pretty much everything and anything you do. 

    No deal brexit  hurts the EU. A deal that would be favourable for the UK would be preferable but unlikely (see above). 

    EU don't believe you have the balls to go no deal, plus no deal is very unlikely to get parliamentary support off the bat. 

    Therefore you get the deal you can. (never know. Might work) 

    Prepare for no deal. (notice how various parties that started moaning about lack of plan 18 months ago are now mysteriously quiet?) 

    Present the terrible deal to the British public. It gets rejected by Parliament. Not a surprise 

    Yesterday/Today by probability was the most likely outcome from two years ago. Can't tell me that wasn't seen coming from miles away. 

    Now May's job is simple. Return to the EU. You have public mandate to leave. Parliamentary mandate to reject the current deal which the EU have told you is the only one. Sorry gents, hard exit is the only option left. 

    It's a case of who blinks now. But I bet the UK is better prepared for a no deal exit than the EU. 

    It would appear that Merkel is already requesting the UK to go back to the table. 

    Sounds like a plan, Mrs May can guarantee that no matter what she say's Corbyn will shout and bang his fists disagreeing with her.

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