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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, Ultrastu said:

    Just paid my tax bill .

    That hurt. 


    The joys of being self employed, just remember it was never yours, I've always thought its strange how you pay it in January when folk are skint from Xmas and depressed because the weather is naff, 

  2. 52 minutes ago, Scully said:

    The entire drive was fabulous, but highlights for me were a high left to right crossing partridge which the previous three guns had all missed, which folded to my first barrel, and a left and right at pheasant and redleg, in very quick succession as they were driven directly overhead. I ended the drive with nine partridge and seven pheasant! Words

    I bet if you had only shot on that drive you would have had a great day, cracking write up in good company by the sounds of things.

  3. 7 hours ago, jason g said:

    Lovely bit of woodwork there makes me jealous. Best not show my better half of never hear the end. Nice work 👍

    neither would i, why do women always want a new stair case??

    very nice work as always 👏👏 

  4. just showed Cornwall on the news, cars all over the place, unable to get up the hills, looks bad.

    8 minutes ago, walshie said:

    Hasn't stopped them going to the supermarket. Looks like a plague of locusts has been through it. 

    Stocking up for the few days of bad weather 

  5. 26 minutes ago, walshie said:

    BBC weather forecast for today in my town: Gales and heavy snow! Warning! Don't travel unless absolutely necessary.

    Actual weather: No wind. No snow. Quite a nice day. 

    They couldn't even get half of their forecast right. 

    they were just trying to scare people and keep them off the roads.

  6. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    The only problem is, theyve spent the last 70 years rebuilding the reich .
    Its almost as if we wasted our time..money and blood.

    Its as if we're apologising for not being defeated.

    3 hours ago, ditchman said:

    just listened to Michelle Barnier...............god they are intransigent..................im mortally sick of the whole thing and i think alot of other people are too..........i just want shot of this lot ASAP.....even if it means we suffer short term pain..............

    how on earth did we get so sucked into the EU over so many years without the politicos seeing what was happening is beyond me.........christ they are like a legalised mafia..

    i cant even begin to understand what all the made up fuss is all about...and really , now i dont care.........i feel like a person who is about to go self employed after working and being turned over by a big employer for so many years.....................and a little bit down the line after a bit of pain and worry , i will be thinking to myself.."should have done this a long while ago...what a fool ive been"



    Very good Ditchy, nail head.

    4 hours ago, oowee said:

    Garbage in garbage out.

    Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.

    Cadbury was bought by Kraft, which is American. Kraft shafted Cadbury. The EU had nothing to do with it.

    Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.

    This is the only one that seems to have some truth in it. Ford did get a loan (not a grant) from the EU for their Turkish plant (which was already building most of the Transits), and after that their Southampton plant closed. The EU had already loaned money to Ford UK but that doesn’t appear to have saved it.

    JLR is being investigated by the EU over the government grant so answered and it goes on. I could answer them all. The Hornby project I know and there was no EU money involved. There is a thriving games industry in the UK, Sega, Lanner, DCA design to name a few. 

    I do not have the time and inclination to go through them all. Cutting and pasting garbage does not make it true. 



    You might say there "loans" not grants, but which every they are i bet the terms are fantastic. How many industries have the EU brought to the UK to the detriment of countries in proper Europe?? All these businesses leaving our shores weaken us making us dependant on others.

    I don't doubt that unions didn't help, I've been there and seen it first hand, being made redundant four or five times and in most cases the work carries on in another country.

  7. 8 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    The best thing about the snow and ice is it stops the news bring exclusively blooming brexit 😂 we’ve got ice and a skittering of snow but nothing really. But the trip to work has taken forever because people can’t drive. Hoping for a bit more tomorrow and a quieter commute...or a day off to go shooting 😂

    that's it isn't it, little bit of snow and everyone forgets how to drive 😯 

  8. It's happened, its snowed, which means the roads will come to a stand still.

    M6 is already crawling around 27-25 apparently as there waiting for a snow plow?? If only we knew when the bad weather would be coming 😂😂

    But I'm parked on my drive, haven't gone in yet so i don't wake anyone up, be safe people.

  9. 1 hour ago, andrewluke said:

    by the way it's a cracking first contribution on pigeon watch


    Love it, someone has the nerve to ask for advice, so why the face? This is the advice section, he hasn't just said err looking for pigeon shooting in Suffolk.

    back to the opp, get yourself beating, those two or three months of beating on a Saturday will open doors faster than just knocking on doors, failing that we were all young once enjoy it 👍

    Also don't just ask about pigeons, ask about rats, no one likes them and they might well get you on someone's land.

    good luck.

  10. 30 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

    How many companies moved OUT of Germany, making German workers redundant?

    Now that's a good question, or France? They blockade the country at the drop of a hat, imagine if someone decided to move manufacturing or assembly to England.

  11. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    The list is easy zero. The EU does not pay to relocate businesses.

    It will pay to offset infrastructure (physical and human) costs which in turn will encourage investors to consider moving to priority areas. Governments are allowed to contribute directly to business under the equivalent of the Regional Selective assistance program which is strictly controlled by the the EU.  Service companies are largely exempt from these forms of assistance (there may be exceptions now). 

    I managed to secure funds for many companies to move to the MIdlands from the EU when that was a priority area. 

    The EU cannot pay to move a company from here to there. So your suggestion of employment changes is bogus. I would have thought you would applaud the EU encouraging jobs in Poland ect. It would encourage workers to stay in the home country whilst building the EU market place. 

    Common sense economics to get the most out of the workforce and build the largest possible market place for yourself all working to the same standards. What a shame we are giving it all up. 

    Is that Corbyn?

    Well its not recent but Ingersol Rand moved manufacturing from Wigan to somewhere in what was the Czech area, the company were offered something like no tax for ten-fifteen years costs covered for training and relocation, so long as local folk were trained, this was early 2002-03 which meant that probably 200 ish folk out of work nit big numbers but how many more times has this happened?

    Companies are happily setting up in Poland with some folk probably going back having been working over here, but when companies are taking complete product lines as they are, then its not good for future prospects, and you can be sure these countries will be getting plenty of help.

  12. On ‎27‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 01:42, 30-6 said:

    Put a camera up and had a suprise.

    It cannot be the culprit as no trap tunnels or traps were disturbed, due to the restricted entry points I had employed, but sniffing around was a tom cat who decided to lift his tail and **** over one of my tunnels. I also found his calling card in the shape of a **** nearby.

    Not the farm cat, so where he came from I don't know. The nearest house is a couple of fields away, so how far does a cat wander on its nocturnal outings ?

    With his predator scent marking there I suppose rats / mice will now venture elsewhere.

    ive had mouse traps disappear when they've had dead mice in them, one turned up in front of my neighbours door, he thought I'd left it there because of his chickens.

    my garage door had been left open and cats had obviously gone in then.

  13. 2 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    See how low the scope is to the barrel .with this 44 mm obvective this makes it 1.5 ich. .its pretty tricky to get it much lower on any gun /scope combination 

    Lowest i ever had was1.3 inch  on a ratting gun .designed to take very close shots .average was about 6 yd..in hft the 8 - 12 ydrs are some of the hardest shots as the kills are very small .

    1 series they were 8mm at 8 yds 

    I used to practice on 6 mm kills down to 7 to hone the skills .

    I think current hft has them only as low as 10 mm at 10 now. .


    so 8mm at 8 yds? Does the pellet have to hit perfect or just clip it? Not something I've ever done.

  14. 9 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    Beat me to it 😋 These 'officials' didn't see the gilets jaunes coming did they? 

    "Senior intelligence officials warned that civil unrest and rioting is almost inevitable and the UK will be left 'unstable' for decades" 

    Well its a move upwards from WW3 I suppose 🤣

    There was a good article in Saturdays paper, summed up that there had been rioting and violence is several countries around the world recently, all down to those in charge trying to increase the cost of fuel

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