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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. It does come in handy, there are some good series on Amazon and being able to get next day delivery can be very useful especially when its weekend.

    You can also save money by not getting next day delivery which the wife likes.

  2. Did anyone else watch the boxing last night? I recorded it but have just watched the main fight, and it was very good.

    I don't watch much boxing these days because you have to pay for most of it so it was nice having it on normal telly.

    Only three fights feather weight, heavy and welterweight, the event being Thurman v Lopez.

    I'm saying no more in case folk want to watch.


  3. 1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

    Another lesson learned.

    that air rifles don't like the wind?

    I read something years ago saying that.177 pellets possibly in fac should perform better in the wind than the bigger calibres as there is less area for the wind to push, but folk tend to say that a bigger heavier pellet bucks the wind better?

  4. 1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

    Do you honestly think that solving the health tourist issue, will solve the rest of the NHS demand issues, then your seriously deluded.

    Yes, there should be a charge, nothing excessive and certainly not the true costs of the procedure ( when I was working for the NHS way way back, a CABG ‘Coronary Artery Bypass Graft’ was £11k, just for the procedure and not the aftercare).

    You might say why not, but think on this - say it’s a young child who is on holiday in the UK who subsequently suffers an aneurysm. Would you tell the parents it’s “save your child but it’s going to cost you £30k” or are you thinking  of having an ‘allowable’ set circumstances in which payment isn’t required? 

    Hey, we could go full apartheid if you wish? 


    Massive difference between falling ill while your here on holiday and arriving knowing full well you have an existing condition, when I go on holiday I take out insurance to cover medical care abroad like I'm sure most folk do.

    I certainly do think that when you book a doctors appointment you should pay a deposit, say £10-20 which is refunded when you turn up, or not if you don't, i was charged for not turning up at the dentist where i also have to pay for a check up so why not at the docs

  5. 1 hour ago, Walker570 said:

    Yes, I promised myself I would go for 5 a week and this week I have slipped behind but to be honest on all of my spots they are in short supply, even on the four trail cams I have out.

    It's going to get nasty later in the week so I'm out in the morning as well but on the magpies which are returning to the silage clamps and slurry pits.

    Hope your troubles are behind you bruno. Get whacking and stacking.

    five a week is a lot Nev if there not there to be shot, I'd be happy with one a week, doesn't sound much but then I'd be looking at 50 for the year, still thin on the ground near me although I heard one today while I was up a tree pretending to be a squirrel.

    what was the make of the trail cameras you bought a bit back? Can't remember where you posted about them, ta

  6. 59 minutes ago, Jaymo said:


    Using several vpn’s And cache clearing and having voted 11 times, the total tally hasn’t changed- want me to keep going 🙂

    see I'm not that clever, i tried refreshing the page but it didn't work, all the bunny huggers sat at desks probably have nothing better to do.

    It should be accepted as a historic event / tradition, what annoys me more than anything is its all about class, nothing to do with the foxes.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Drayman1965 said:

    I'm from faversham I'll have a look at Kent wildfowlers👍

    they have got an add? On the paid section on here, it might have been about air rifle membership but you could still PM the fella for info


  8. 19 hours ago, oowee said:


    Project fear? We knew what we were voting for?

    Shameful. 😭

    We make stuff for Airbus, and we were told by them before the vote that if it was leave then jobs could be at risk.

    But if they could get the work done cheaper elsewhere with the same quality then they would anyway, which is why companies send work to India, china anywhere that suits the money men. 

    But I doubt the work airbus do is going anywhere anytime soon.

  9. 5 hours ago, walshie said:

    Toasted steak and cheese with onions, peppers and tomatoes with sweet chili sauce makes a nice snack. 

    Not been in a subway for a while, but that sounds good 😋 

  10. 5 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

    As I said in the script this field is fifteen miles from his farm . His main farm is in a very good pigeon area so to keep him sweet I agreed to shoot. Watching the birds they wanted the far end. He had driven his Land Rover to the far end to put out a banger so I expected him to let me drive. Where I set up was the wrong area but I did get birds from the field behind me. The farmer has complained about the huge number of birds so when we met on site  "nothing" this was a bit of reverse psychology to make him feel guilty that I stayed and shot a low number as he is aware of the normal numbers we shoot.

    Makes sense, thanks

  11. On ‎19‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 21:39, pigeon controller said:

    Can I drive the field to get to the far end as I could see a constant flightline along the far edge? no can you not shoot from here!!. So

    I have a question, why did you stay and shoot when the farmer wouldn't let you get to where you wanted to be? It doesn't sound like there were as many birds about as you were told. Is it because you shoot other land of his?

    As always i love the way the birds are displayed 👏 

  12. 23 minutes ago, chrisp said:

    Aye pretty much sums it up its too late to re train as anything worth while as ive a mortgage to pay and cant take a pay cut to train and too old for an apprenticeship anyway

    You can still do apprenticeships when your all grown up, but it comes down to money, bills to pay life to live.

    I hear folk say all the time they want out of engineering as its pants, but when your used to earning X amount you stick where you are.

    have you thought about evening classes or open university type thing?

  13. 17 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    how is it that she appears to have such a "hold" over him.................when they were "an item"...did he make her do bizarre unspeakable weird...unsavory "things/acts" to him....and as a result if he didnt look after him she would leak them to the gutter press ?

    just cant fathom it all...its beyond all comprehension

    I'm thinking of a foreign film with a tattoo a dragon and a girl, whatever they did she filmed it, and sends him little WhatsApp videos every few weeks so he doesn't forget.

    If labour do somehow get in with the rabble they have i think he would resign and watch the country burn, probably from Europe or one of his middle eastern friends homes.

  14. 20 hours ago, Davyo said:

    Been to the eye clinic and after a bit of a wait i have corneal abrasion in my right eye.Good news is its not severe,I've been given a antibacterial eye drops.Can't understand how its happened but possible from working under the car on Saturday.Thanks PW for the advise as googling the symptoms got me bum squeaking just a bit. 

    Nice to hear. The number of times I've given my brother safety glasses for when he's under cars, and he still won't wear them.

  15. https://katch-it.co.uk/products/

    ok so this isn't air rifle info but there are plenty of folk who are trapping and killing squirrels all round the country that post on here regularly.

    Some of you may be on the Grey area squirrel group on Facebook which is run by Brendan Anderson, well Rob Elton is now sponsoring Brendon to help with costs, doing raffles and other stuff.

    So i said I'd stick his web link up, hope this ok?

    I like the look of the multi catch traps and the Larsen, can any of you guys that use Larsen traps take a look and tell me what you think.


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