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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 6 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Had an influx and killed seven last week. I know of one more which evaded me and escaped over my boundary, but things have gone quiet again.

    I was expecting this, thought there would be quite a few about but although we have had a few youngsters were hardly seeing anything, feeders untouched and the few we do see are up in the canopy out of the way.

  2. Not sure how i missed this?

    the misses said there was something on ITV news today about saddleworth moor and showing another moor that suffered a similar fire twenty years ago, apparently there was a keeper talking about the different areas of heather and explained how they look after the ground, benefits of management etc.

    Anyone see it?

  3. 3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    If Irish and French horses cant get here its hardly our problem - its theirs! Let them worry about it

    But its never going to happen, the remainers' claims are just getting more desperate, which should tell you all you need to know.

    I was listening to some plonker spokesman on the radio this morning saying we never voted to leave, we were just asked if we would like to. The sad thing is he really believes that 


    hands up who cares whether horses from abroad can get to the grand national???? Anyone???? Hardly the end of the world is it.

  4. or how about applaud the beeb for a programme done well? Seems everyone enjoyed it.

    1 hour ago, islandgun said:

    It was the Mountain Hare population, Aug 14th mate.... scotslads info especially helpful

    Ta I'll take a look.

  5. 6 hours ago, islandgun said:

    Which is what we were talking about in another thread, its alright for these organisations to decry shooting but who is publishing their bad behaviour .basc, countryside alliance, seem to write stiff letters to the times but thats about it [ i would be happy to hear the contrary]

    Where is the other thread please?

  6. 4 hours ago, Clodhopper said:


    Larsen trap is the way to deal with them. Although it does take away the sporting element. We run 3 on our small shoot and get around 40 each year, not many others trap around us but it does take the pressure on the nesting wild game.


    My Grandmother had a pair nesting in her garden in the spring, I popped over with a trap and got both whilst we sat and had a coffee, job done.

    problem in the garden is there always on the trees along the borders so can't shoot them.

    what do you bait your trap with to begin?

  7. just caught the last 5 mins, so I'll watch it on catch up.

    8 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    An interesting programme, why did the Father shoot the stag rather than the boy?

    Imagine the lad had messed the shot up under pressure knowing he was being filmed 

  8. 13 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    Now need to find another for Dad, and a wheelchair so I can get him out to the dentist etc. my idea of a night out is wai

    try your local hospice shop for a wheelchair mate, they can quite often help.

  9. 2 hours ago, ditchman said:

    i am really surprised at the lack of deformation of that pellet at 15 yeards...and it still stayed in the body...........dosnt really sound like a 12ft/lb...............

    I can assure you she is Ditchy.

  10. I saw an fac air arms TX for sale recently, not sure if it was on here or elsewhere so it can be done.

    9 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    ...stu ????  is it possible to upgrade a TX200 ?????   My requirement is not rabbits over 40 to50yrds but making certain I cleanly kill magpies, barn pigeons and tree rats out to 40yrds.

    I feel that sometimes I need just that bit extra to do the job properly.  I have a TX200in 177 which I enjoy but if I could up the power to 18-19lbs AND still retain the accuracy it would be very useful.   I have to admit I have always thought that the 12ftlb limit was a bit stupid ..... whoever thought that one up didn't use an air rifle much if at all for vermin shooting.

    Certainly if they decide to license air rifles then we should all lobby for the limit to be removed.


  11. 16 minutes ago, fister said:

    Manufacturing is not just about machining tolerances. Good design is also crucial and manufacturing exonomy can encourange the use of designs that are designed to be made cheaply, not used effectively. I have just done a review that was not very complimentary on exactly this topic but then again of course, we reviewers always lie dont we???

    Actually a lot of the problem is shooters target looks ahead of functionality and ergonomics. Stocks made cheaply on poor designs can destroy otherwise capable mechanics of the gun because the stock is the bridge from human to machine

    well you've peaked my interest although I'm off to bed. I'm used to making things to very tight tolerances but it still surprises me how often people say there having trouble with new guns these days, not sure if its down to poor manufacturing or poor assembly or because things are being done abroad, is this generally just air guns or are CF rifles affected as well?

  12. only saw it on the news last week? But they showed the F35s arriving in formation from America, only four or five but the looked the business.

    And saw a program Britain from the air? They went up in a spitfire and the presenter who can fly got to take the controls, he was a bit happy, also showed a very big airship which i didn't know they were still making.

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