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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I've been in Scotland all weekend and just played two albums back to back whilst driving up to Elgin,


    Forgot how good they are..

    I'm not a music person really, I like some stuff but rarely know who sings what and only have a few cds in the car, couple of there songs back in the charts today, numb encore came on on my way to work, simply brilliant song that got cranked right up, I can watch Miami vice just for the song track, and think I will this week.

  2. Id say forget the trainers for me you only run if your being chased, get a decent bike seat for your lad and get out on the bike, Halfords are half price at the moment we were looking at new ones this week.


    My reason for not running is I cant without a rugby ball i end up injured because of the way I run, do any effort at getting fit goes straight down the pan

  3. As said above first aid has no guarantee, you do your best till the professionals arrive, that's what they always tell you on any courses.

    I'm like you done first aid through work for years but never done more than plasters and eye rinses, well done for trying to help him.

  4. Are you near anyone off here that's a brickie or any mates? Always easier if someone can show you how.


    My brother did his own brick built shed last year, think he took a week off having already done the base smaller than your 6*6 but should save yourself a fair bit, or an evening class if you can fit it in.

  5. Me and the mises were talking about this and what annoyed us was the moaning about how much more the fellas are earning than the lasses, and that the ethnic minorities aren't earning top money.


    We with a TV licence pay a fee fair or not, I couldn't really care less what these people get paid, but now its out in the open I'll bet there's going to be some proper back stabbing and gripping from the under paid stars only on hundreds of thousands 😅😅😅

  6. Don't you love it when the AA and BSA lads start falling out ha ha, couldn't resist.


    Another way to go might be to get something second hand from your local gun shop, have a play around and see where it leads you.


    I have a rapid 7 but from what I've read getting one second hand would be iffy as folk like to mess with them.

  7. Wouldn't say that, I haven't watched the highlights so don't know how long or far he was out or if he was on his own the whole time, but it looked to me like le peloton were busting a gut and only just caught him, another turn and he would have had it.

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