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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Yeah same Dan, I've said to the misses when she goes back to work, which she wants for her sanity it has to be school hours, she was working in education before the kids and I see mates juggling holidays over summer and I'm just glad we have avoided it so far.


    Just realised taxi, you've been asked to do 7-5 but you still have to get there so leaving at 6:15 say, I can understand them asking if it was a week knowing your not working but not regular.

  2. My kids are 6 & 3, I know people find it difficult during the holidays but because of child care costs my misses doesn't work, its always nice if someone offers to have them for an afternoon or over night, but were not that near probably similar mileage to what you've said so wouldn't expect anyone there every day as you have been asked, seems a bit much to me.

  3. Hi wiggum, been in this situation a few times. Think the notice period depends on how long you have been there and the number of people being made redundant.


    Does sound like its being handled really badly, have you got any union representative at all?


    I've been made redundant at least three times, and left a couple of places before it happened as hadn't been there long, best thing I can say is have something else lined up job wise so what ever pay out you get is a bonus before you start the new job.


    Good luck

  4. I went back out around half 1, sat by the river behind a conifer hedge to block out the moon, several flashes saw a couple of small trains nothing really big but still good to watch.


    There were a few planes about but twice it looked like stars were moving which I would loose then spot again , could you see satellites with the naked eye??

  5. It's not just women I see plenty of blokes still doing it, 6 points now but people aren't put off.


    I mentioned about a prog that was on in the week, dash cams and CCTV one fella on a motorbike was properly shouting at folk on phones whilst filming them, and it also showed the police using a HGV so higher up to catch people, but as my misses said there should have been two coppers as he was driving and looking down to see what people were doing

  6. Several times I have had people with headphones on just walk across the road in front of me without looking, totally oblivious. I thought it was my car, it is very quiet I know that, but what about all the hybrids? They are totally silent.


    So much so I am thinking I should get a dash cam. I also nearly killed a cyclist about a year ago when he just turned right as I was going past him. Now he really did get a fright, and so did I. He was hyperventilating and couldn't talk afterwards. Luckily we never made contact otherwise it would have ended up that it was my fault just because I wouldn't have been able to prove it wasn't.


    The only reason I didn't hit him was the ABS braking allowed me to stand on the brakes and still swerve hard to the right. Ear phones again, he was in another world

    There was something on telly last night I think, showing dash cam footage, accidents near misses and stuff on CCTV would have been half 8 ish really made you cringe but couldn't look away, think if I drive more around busy times I would definitely get one.

  7. Got to laugh, I was expecting a "how great AA are" thread and its turned into a science lesson, point shoot enjoy, learn how your rifle behaves with different pellets or find one that covers all the bases accu pell for me in .22 not as flat shooting as .177 I know but I've mostly shot rabbit rat squirrel over the years, and .177 are too small and fidly for my liking.

  8. At a saving of 50% bite there arm off.

    I was phoning RAC on and off for 7hrs the other week, wasn't an emergency as I had got to work but wouldn't have got home. Ended up sending a text msg to there hard of hearing service because no one was answering the phone, an hour later I get a call, out comes mechanic and it wasn't even rac, it was a local company.

  9. I agree with you walker, but most people wouldn't save, miss a month dip in then its not there when you need it. Think we pay 8 or 9 quid a month at the moment job done. Obviously it adds up over the years but doesn't take much these days at the vets for a big bill.

  10. All insurance is a rip off, until you need it. You have to shop around every year without fail, even going with the same company sometimes but on a new deal. Makes no sense but they must make a killing of people who just renew without looking around.


    My way of looking at pet insurance is simple, my dog does everything in fast forward if he crashes into a tree how much is it going to cost me?

  11. I work nights, reading is a bonus in my eyes.


    Just added master and commander and way of a transgressor to my reading list sound good.


    Couldn't read Lotr again some chapters flew by others I found horrid it was a one time read for me.

  12. Just read the slaughter man by tony parsons, bit grim in places but really well written so I'll be looking out for more of his.


    I've never read any terry Pratchett yet, one fella at work is always trying to get me reading them, another fella ran out of reading material mid shift ( disaster) so started on a TP but only did two pages and brought it back.


    I'm currently on with war of the roses series book three 👍

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