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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Yes to the above, out for mates wife's birthday and she comes out with some crackers but her brother says in a fancy Italian I just want round pasta like my mum does with tomato sauce, entire table in stitches.

  2. I've eaten a couple of types I've found but left lots more, sat with my little mushroom book trying to id something but not being entirely sure, always said it would be a belting prize to go for a walk with Ray Mears somewhere you go regular.

  3. Only thing I would add is make it clear if your giving your daughter say the deposit for the house or lending it her, I had issues after what was a grey area with in laws. We borrowed some cash which they were good enough to lend us, when we payed them back there was another amount we owed them which we thought had been a gift many years ago, it made things very awkward for some time.

  4. Picture might help, can you measure the pipe bore and o/d to see if it is 1/4 bsp.


    Probably get wot you need from your local plumbing place take a picture buy a couple of different sizes and see which fits, would imagine you will need it testing before you cover it over don't want a gas leak

  5. We did bits on world war 2 but don't recall doing anything about the first world war, we have a very large monument in Leyland to mark the first world war which was finished last year I think, took the kids and tried to explain but where do you begin?

  6. Just had a read, heard of flanders obviously, said the inital barrage fired 4.5 million shells over two weeks but only really turned the place into a quagmire of mud.


    Can't imagine anything like that happening again, certainly hope not but then when you see pics of Syria etc.....

  7. Not seen it or heard anything about it, I hadn't heard of Passendale until I just read it on here twice in the last couple of mins so given she is younger than me she probably was thinking why am I here.


    I'm about to google Passendale now find out what I don't know.

  8. I nearly read one of these comments out to the wife the other day, but for once my brain engaged before my mouth?? Imagine telling her about someone waking up to find three blokes in your bedroom then saying off on nights now!!


    I like to think I can handle myself and look after my family but in that situation other than doing a big, p o o, I cant imagine a good outcome.


    Scary world out there

  9. Just had a look he's only 28, can't imagine him staying retired for long what else is he going to do?


    I hope he has enough cash to get by otherwise he will have to try and come back again in to ir three years, I enjoyed his fights I saw didn't listen to his ranting and raving.

  10. It depends on what industry you work in, I've worked in places where office staff get sick pay but shop floor don't.


    As said its a perk some bigger places will offer, I worked at one place as a contractor and someone actually asked how much sick leave they still had for that year!! Think they got six months at full pay then it dropped to half?


    It's nice knowing its there if you have it but you can guarantee some will take the Michael.

  11. Seems like a long time but soon passes, then you want an extension or new kitchen and it gets added on too, beware Pinterest it gives you ideas.


    We'll done chap 👏

  12. They do make you wonder sometimes, my brother is a mech, works for Nissan so I know very little about cars, had two new tyres and tracking done this year, the place had started doing mot and I would get it cheaper as id had work done but they mentioned my brake lines? I had a look everything looked fine took car to my normal place for mot they never mentioned them? Does make you think.

  13. Last time I had dental work done, I said I can still feel the tooth your working on, no you can't says her, I nearly jumped out the chair when she tried again, we'll leave that one a bit she then says! Think its cos they want you in and out, I spent the rest of the day dribbling on myself my face was so numb, so think in future I will be saying I will wait outside a bit.


    My old fella many years ago used some sort of electric thing at the dentists if you feel any discomfort just turn up the dial said it worked a treat, no idea if there common now?

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