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  1. Buckmark is probably the most reliable lbp available at a sensible price . Also be aware that you cannot shoot one that isnt on your ticket
  2. When i first moved into my house we were skint and some windows were bodged up badly . So i dug out the rot let the wood dry out and filled the holes with p40 fibreglass filler then p38 filler to finish (not isopon but same stuff ) then painted normally , lasted about 6 years till it started to blow out then replaced windows .
  3. i wont be buying it he wants £350 for the lot ... is that cheap
  4. i have but i havent got the space and funds are down after buying an Accuracy International for range use .... 22 Hornet Brno Fox Mod 2 3 SILVER boxes of Winchester Super X46 GRAIN HOLLOW POINT 2 WHITE boxes of Winchester Super X 46 GRAIN HOLLOW POINT 3 boxes of Winchester Super X 45 GRAIN SOFT POINT 73 new primed ppu cases Set of Lee dies in 22 hornet used to load 30 rounds max so whats it all worth ? screw cut but no mod no rings no scope screw cut but no mod no rings either .
  5. Well its a snobby shop and the gun shoots fine probably not seen 500 rounds through it , the guy is well in his 80's
  6. yeh this comes with rounds (300 i think) cases (new ) and dies . so whats it worth realistically ?
  7. 22 hornet my mate was just told by a local gunshop it was worthless ???? its a good condition gun are they really un wanted ?
  8. i bought a vortex red dot and a 3x magnifier both out of stock on there website but they were coming in next day .bought and paid for with the discount and arrived in 2 days .
  9. cheeky question but what did you get and how much ?
  10. whats the stuff they put on the outside of houses then plaster over ? would this work ? then just line the inside with maybe 25 mm ?? hoping to have the same problem when i move and build a workshop ...
  11. sounds like euro car parts parts .
  12. if you go the second hand route it needs to be the same engine code
  13. Did you buy one as im thinking of looking for one , remember the gearbox/4/4 system has a filter to change every 40000 (i think)
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