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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. the older generation have paid their dues i definitely have dying in a empty house alone is over rated if i’m going to snuff it over this it will be in the hide
  2. you will probably last a long time then popper think i’m in my boat from a most incorrect life style when younger wisdom only comes with age unfortunately
  3. snap mate wine women and song shame i won’t get to see the look on their faces when they find out i spent it
  4. the older you get the less people seem to care about you until your dead and they show up looking to profit from your will
  5. well done hope you improve soon outstanding work from the nhs
  6. i think they could be eating it their reasoning is strange have plenty of peas on the surface but the pigeons are back on the bare patches in the rape they definitely know the peas are there having seen around fifty feeding maybe they are trying to confuse me
  7. thank you the clanger is a good story teasing a keeper he would one day give me one of his expensive pups in need of a new dog he gave me the clanger come training time i complained she’s a total nut case the keeper replied why do you think i picked you that one and laughed his head of but she’s turned into a good dog so i swallowed my lesson thanks i have a resident crow with white wings on a perm had him once but on pulling the trigger it helps if you load the rifle first
  8. absolutely bang on nailed it to a tee NO teeth equals NO power hence the organisations are ignored when it suits
  9. not one for sharing my pics but as promised a fan white woodie pictured with my name sake the clanger seen the day before feeding two fields away never expected it to show up in the bag shot into the sun so unseen as white at the time or it would have been allowed to fly on shot one in the 70s with extra white in the wing bars but nothing like this one made the day a nice memory
  10. the last thing you get from people who fear you is respect but i haven’t seen any problem in the way it’s being policed apart from some forces preventing shooters going out they seem to be doing a good job by and large
  11. you should get a outlet luckily my pigeon chap still takes my excess think his freezers must be getting full by now
  12. for the first time ever friends and neighbours not only taking them but actually asking think queuing for shops caused it free meat and no que bargain!
  13. clangerman


    i obviously don’t mean hacking them of unless caught red handed pun intended
  14. clangerman


    why we don’t remove thieves hands beats me no hands no steal and cheap i have a rusty axe
  15. that is a outright lie i clearly stated i ASK my perms if help is required i do NOT ask to go out and if you insist on embarrassing your self further i have numerous farmers who HAVE called me to turn out so get your story straight others can also read my comments
  16. the pair of you were definitely claiming i’m some sort of blagger i’m entitled to prove otherwise and will be doing so
  17. if my name appeared next to pics proving someone was not a blagger i would be more than embarrassed now i must pack the kit as i’m of out
  18. what is it with photos your the second person who asked for one i am not going to post pics of myself with piles of dead birds i do not need to prove anything however i will in due coarse post a couple just to embarrass you and anyone else foolish enough to call me some sort of blagger
  19. if i was not allowed to operate on calling 101 i would be told not to go so take it up with defra and the police most of my perms come from word of mouth from other farmers so i am more than happy people refuse to turn out for them
  20. it’s only common curtesy to ring perms rather than leave them high and dry in these times i do NOT ask to go i ask IF i am required as for going out i do not treat my perms as a take take take situation anyone who wishes to remain in are welcome to do so something which i do not constantly condemn them for unlike those who do go have to take on here from some rabbit on my grand parents farm
  21. think it was single barrel 410 sporting a crack in the fore end but good enough to do the job
  22. i have the greatest respect for those i think deserve it as for bullying i have been on the receiving end countless times on here nobody can deny some on this subject try to dictate non stop we should stay in as for photos i have no problem sharing mine and intend to do so shortly starting with a white woodie you may find interesting
  23. unhappy with shooting organisations I am now with sacs purely for the insurance hopefully things will at some point change for the better in shooting organisations
  24. I suggest you contact defra and set them straight then as defra has now made it crystal clear via farm boys excellent efforts your allowed to carry out crop protection
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