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  1. Hi all, my renewal is due later this year... Does anyone know how long typical renewal times from Leicestershire police are at the moment?
  2. I suspect the same thing went on with otters prior to this... Hence why we now have an overpopulation causing havoc on our waterways and fisheries
  3. MirokuMK70

    Ah well.

    Round us in the Midlands it's a Greenfield building free for all while brownfield sites stand derelict because it costs the house builders too much profit to build on them. Thousands of ugly, cheaply designed and shoddily built red brick boxes crammed on top of one another to maximise every drop of profit from the land. The local councils very often deny planning permission only for the housebuilders to exercise their corrupt backhanders to central government and get it granted on appeal. It boils my pee.
  4. MirokuMK70

    Oh dear...

    You clearly haven't been into the city centre for a while... It's like the start of the zombie apocalypse....
  5. Good I really hope so. But I won't hold my breath seeing as those are labours core group of voters
  6. Braunstone is a notorious poohole full of exactly the kind of little scrotes in question... Bred by several generations of scrotes.
  7. 13.2mm Cartridges for the German Mauser Tankgewehr M1918 anti tank rifle...
  8. From the top: P51D Mustang P47D Thunderbolt and B17G Fortress B17G P47D Hurricane Mk1 P38 Lightning, F4U Corsair, B25 Mitchell, P51D P38 F4U Various Spitfires Spitfire Mk XIV
  9. We've just celebrated the birth, now to celebrate the execution!
  10. If the rifle had been messed about with maybe it was dieseling- wouldn't that make a bang and flash?
  11. Is that Mr Juan King by any chance?
  12. MirokuMK70

    H.S. 2

    Apparently no-one outside the south east has a career, has to commute or does unpaid overtime 🤣🤣🤣 now I'm off t'work int lard factory- not a minute more than I'm paid for mind. What a wally.
  13. Given the trick that been blatantly pulled by the new owner, the council should make a point of rejecting any planning application that isn't a replacement for what has been lost...
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