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  1. There's quite a few lead alloys used, some are just lead and tin, others lead antimony and tin. Plenty of people still cast their own bullets for revolvers and rifles. I've found range scrap can actually be a bit too hard these days for slow pistol calibre rounds so just need tin and/or antimony for fast rifle bullets. Going back to the shot, is any hardened these days bay quenching?
  2. You also need to look at the mortgage rates and the total amount paid. Average in 1990 was about 14%, today about 4%. Houses are the prices they are because people can afford them. I started out in the 90s and in a well paid job but I any many of my friends house shared.
  3. The headline on the BBC is this "MPs criticise 'wealth-hoarding' boomers stereotype" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvg1e75ddygo As someone who is currently helping look after an elderly relative I would agree with the comments about the government digitally excluding many from services.
  4. In D&Cs Autumn newsletter in relation to grants they state "In terms of our current performance, 86% of our applications are being processed within 112 days."
  5. Have you seen the data on Viht's site? https://www.vihtavuori.com/reloading-data-tool-rifle-handgun-cowboy-action-shooting/shotshell-reloading-data/
  6. I've had this several times as a land owner. A couple of times genuine mistakes and a couple of times people knew what they were doing. They were all experienced shotgun users so I don't think its a new thing. In your case I would think it was for the land owner to sort. If you can get their name or a pic that would help and I would expect much easier for the landowner to deal with the offender or police?
  7. Thank you for the update. Looks promising and I look forward to seeing some results. edit to add, I note Clay and Game now have the 12g Joker paper wads. https://www.claygame.co.uk/100-12ga-jocker-paper-wad-37mm---9mm-inner-pd509
  8. Do you know of any published load data, or if there will be any for .410 Joker wads?
  9. What Hornady 40gr bullets were you using?
  10. Is this the latest ones? https://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/ammunition/jocker-bio-iso-steel-27-cartridge-126977/
  11. I had the same question in my recent renewal. It was a firm no from me but I did mention how often I notice pot being smoked these days and the FEO agreed. Seems very common.
  12. This may be of interest. https://pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Quercus+robur I've been told some trees can produce less tannic acorns, so if you have access to a large number of trees you might find one or two that could be usable with less effort.
  13. Last lot I bought new came from an agricultural merchant, Mole Valley. They are still used for practical shooting so some places will still sell them. (Although a quick check and many seem to be out of stock).
  14. I would have hoped this story would have made more of a splash. From the DM as I don't have access to the Times https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14017135/Ministry-Defence-pen-pushers-outnumber-service-personnel-RAF-Navy.html
  15. There's various calculators online and 103 sounds correct, such as https://www.co-operativebank.co.uk/products/savings/interest-calculator/ Edit to add, your £192 is based on the whole £2,400 being in at the start when you are only starting with £200. Your last £200 is only getting one twelfth of 8% interest.
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