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Everything posted by Minky

  1. But did you take down the charging baked bean can with your 416 Rigby.. Gat gun.
  2. I vaguely remember a couple of lads at school using yellow wizard but I never saw any. Most of the ironmongers hereabouts sold Eley grand prix or Frank duke. I 4hen went over to Winchester GB's and Rottweil. Remember back then that we just didn't get through that many cartridges. We would get out every weekend for walk up. Rabbit, ducks ...various pheasant, partridge, pigeon the odd woodcock. We would split the drive's up and walk and stand for Fox. Basically I had a dog and walked, but I got a fair bit of game that the dog put up coming back over. I was well happy and the occasional odd Charlie would try to slip back also. I used to use #6...#7 and had a couple of BB,s in the pocket. I might shoot 10 or 15 cartridges of an afternoon. Maybe 30 to 40 if decoying. The kill ratio was pretty good
  3. How long does the system take to churn out one of these vรฒter ID certs.
  4. What ..! Are you sayjng that a shotgun or firearms cert as issued by plod ain't worth the paper its printed on.? But you can use them to buy cartridges and weapons. Good job I've got a photo ID driving license and a passport.
  5. Thanks for that. If you can use it as you state abroad that would be usefull to have sometimes. What about the bus pass.? Do they accept that. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†
  6. sorry, i dont understand. What have you applied for. .?
  7. Yes they wern't very accommodating. One day I was passing through and I dropped in and asked if it would be ok to have a quick look at the layout.. ( I didn't have a gun with me as I was on business) Nahh ... if your not shooting you can't see the layout.?? what.? I didn't argue the point. Their loss. Several other people have said similar things. What year was that there. I never saw it and have never heard of its existence .
  8. A bus pass.?? It's pretty pathetic that someone can just fill in a form and apply for a bus pass and that is accepted. All of the hoops that we have to jump through to get one AND PLOD ACTUALLY COMES OUT TO YOUR HOUSE. Anyway what about the 25yd swimming certificate. Not that I'll bother to turn out. Ps I do have a passport and a driving license which do quantify as acceptable photo I'd.
  9. Amongst lots of different forms of acceptable photo ID that you now need to show to vote. A firearms or shotgun certificate is not accepted.?? Bus pass is ok. Lots of random things but not a firearm or shotgun cert. SO has basic asked why these are not acceptable to vote in the local borough council elections. ...... turnout for these elections is pretty low as it is. Is there a massive voter fraud that needs regulation.? Seeing that about 2 old boys and a dog turn out for local elections, I imagine that the turnout % will be pretty poor. Do you think that a 25yd swimming cert might be acceptable. ?
  10. I bought an AyA xxx 12 gauge and a 20 gauge Ignacio Urgachea from there BUT they moved from there out to the clay ground out in Sturdy and that shut last year. They sold it off for a housing development. More quick profit. Going going gone. I was going on the price of the cartridges.
  11. Ha ha. Donkeys years ago a friend and his mate were out in the back garden with their air guns and a blue tit was perched on the washing line. Matey ups with his gat gun and drops the blue tit.!!!! The woman next door was at the kitchen sink and saw the event.!!!! She comes storming out and accuses matey boy of murdering the poor defenseless bird.... matey picks the bird up gives it a couple of strokes.? He says to the woman that the bird is just laying down having a rest. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘. Look he says as he throws the bird up in the air. Suddenly the bird fired up on all cylinders and flew off down the garden to land in a tree. "There yar", says matey to the woman. It was just avin a snooze. She replied that he was a wicked little sod and that the would be having a word with his father about it. Matey boys father did get an ear bashing about it and matey was told not to do it again. I bet that the blue tit had been layed out and had come to. It probably had a bit of a headache. Blue tit at 5 paces. Lethal weapon.
  12. Deadly on those big black spiders at 5 paces. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š.
  13. Possibly 1968 ...69. Years ago Geenfields in Canterbury was a GOOD gunshop. BUT later times it wasn't worth crossing the doorstep. They hadn't got a clue. I went in there for cartridges and got asked if I wanted fisherman's waders.?? NO cartridges says I.... The sales person asks another one..... do we sell cartridges.? ..?? We got fishing rods says his mate. Very slippery slope...
  14. Quote......Putins Russia invasion is going to go down as one of the most successful military operations in the last 80 years. What as.? the most effective way to dispose of a load of junk military eqpt and reduce the population. AND to show the world how not to conduct a military campaign. Also it might have failed to register that vast amounts of modern military hardware is being constantly being supplied to Ukraine and that despite throwing tens of thousand of conscripts and gaol prisoners to their deaths. when it drys out a bit and the Ukraine forces advance how long do you think that the rag tag and two bob Russian army will last before they turn tail. the game will soon be afoot .
  15. There is a woman near me that spends time walking the local roads picking the rubbish out of the hedges and the grass verges. She collect bags and bags... bin liners of residue. It is people leaving the village that are chucking it out of car windows..... in each outgoing direction the rubbish is mainly noticable on the left hand side ..... so it is being dumped by people on the left hand side of cars..... the passengers who are leaving the village to go somewhere. They get anywhere from about 300 yards and launch the cans / bottles out the window. Still the councils don't help by not taking stuff and charging a fortune for stuff taken to the tip. Our council charges ยฃ40 a year for the Brown bin for the garden waste and that is on top of the rates to take the other bins of recycling stuff. They recon that it costs them.. I know of a bloke that weighs in about 2 tons of nails, screws and other metalwork from scrap wood that goes for wood pellets. The nails,screw money is cash money and goes into his pocket / pensions. There's money where's there's muck.
  16. So where have all these gems of proven data sprung from. ? Have you actually watched the footage because the incident happened in broad daylight.
  17. Seeing as this situation had been go in on for over half an hour it's hardly surprising the the main camera which is housed in a ball turret under the chin would be turned round towards the two jets that had been harassing the drone and dumping fuel over it. Does Russia need to be painted bad again after the atrocities and war crimes that have been dumped on the Ukrainian people.
  18. Future,? There was an undertaker on a shoot recently who was saying about a dead woman that they had to deal with that had died of cancer. She was so stick thin but her silicone in plants were like footballs. He said that it was quite upsetting to see and he had dealt with all manner or horrific sights such as people who had met their end under trains and vehicles torn and entangled in the machinery parts. And people who had died in fires etc.
  19. The first construction site that I went on as an apprentice mechanical engineer was on the site of a graveyard dating back to the Napoleonic wars. They were digging up loads of skeletons which had to be carefully located, measured and logged by the local archaeologist group, who carefully put the bones into labelled tea chests. when all of the construction work was done all of these skeletons had to be reburied with REVERENCE. With a proper religious service overseen by bishop of the diocese. I remember though that there was one skull being used as an ashtray in the site office which I did think was a bit of disrespectful of the person who that skull derived from.
  20. Women do not have a sense of humour with men. Gratitude occasionally but no humour. You know when it's right.
  21. Thanks to everyones input. As far as I see it this is a problem looking for a solution. You could be an older person. A female. A young person or me. Modern cars have BIG wheels . The days of 165x13 are gone. Saying that both myself and the Mrs have only had 2 punctures in 35 years. BUT IN THE DAUGHTERS CASE. She is a nurse that travels on the road and if it can happen it possibly will at some stage. I think the the resolution to this problem for her is one of the motoring agencies like the AA or RAC.
  22. Well thanks for the replies. The tyres on the vehicle are brand new and she will be just on std black roads and getting a flat isn't an everyday occurrence but if it can happen ,,,, at some stage it will happen. She lives down near Folkstone and a lot of her travel is up the motorway to Ashford on the motorway so the possibility of asking someone is smaฤบ because people don't stop to help on otorways or most places. Nรฒwadays people don't want to get involved. sometimes Her husband would be available but a lot of the time he is all over the country. I did YouTube this a one bloke had the idea of rolling big 4x4 wheels up a shovel handle. Our new Honda didn't come with a Jack or a spare wheel it just had a compressor and a pot of gloop.! If that didn't work then it was call out a tyre firm or recovery. A problem to be resolved before it strikes.
  23. One of the daughters has been issued with a Daihatsu Terios. The spare wheel carrier is mounted on the back door. OK When she gets a puncture it's not beyond her abilities to get the spare off of the carrier with care, but there is no way that she has the physical strength to (A) lift / man handle a wheel of that size and weight up onto the door carrier AND (B) TO lift the wheel up into the rear boot area. WHICH may be filled with shopping, kids stuff, pushchair etc. Anyone got any bright ideas about handling spare wheels which will be dirty and probably wet.
  24. Minky

    Having a wee

    At primary school the boys toilet was outside. There was a wall with gutter, the wall had been blackjacked. All the boys used to have a competition as to who could wee the highest up the wall. over the wall was the caretakers garden and one day when the boys were practicing they heard the caretakers wife call out to the caretaker..... Bert I think that its started to rain. ..๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜จ
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