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Everything posted by Minky

  1. I was going to reply to this yesterday but I refrained from doing so. Basic ARE and have been absolutely useless for years and years. AND anyone shouting out how good they are is delusional. I read this and thought ... The prospect of execution does focus the mind . Until basic is completely dismantled and all are booted out and a new version created that does actively and aggressively protect shooting and the like then the slope is very very slippery. And that's the way it is.
  2. A cartridge is a cartridge. if there is shot in it and it goes bang and you do your bit by putting the lead on target then that's how it is. thinking that there is a specific cartridge for shooting pigeons is a bit of a nonsense. And that's the way it is.
  3. used the word 'ripe'! But I agree - it could easily be called 'stink'. How do you know that your Barbour stinks like rancid butter.?? = people move at least two paces away from you.
  4. No one has mentioned the fact that they stink absolutely rank. And have to be continually greased or else the material cracks and a hole develops at the end of the crack. What this means is that in circumstances of wetness, the liquid migrates down the crease and suddenly you experience a sensation of very cold water running down your leg or wherever. The first time I encountered this was beating through kale. An emotional event.
  5. Yes. It can be pretty bad which everything seems to be go for a good day and you spend all day or until you get fed up of nothing coming in. Been there, done that on a field of beans that had been planted, nothing. Fallen wheat, the birds just flew straight over the pattern at high altitude on oxygen. they didn't even acknowledge the pattern or the desperate attempts of the flapper to invite the birds to join. And yet the field that had been planted with beans had given a superb day in exactly the same spot on nothing. ? Just harrowed soil. Perhaps you needed a banger rope in the woods where they were feeding in the woods. Or another gun mooching around in the woods taking shots at roosting birds. Sometimes they just perch up all day.
  6. firstly I didn't and haven't stated that there aren't threads of interest on here. Secondly, as soon as I found the Ukraine war thread offensive to me I didn't go on that thread again. Thirdly, I'll shut the door as I leave. Time to go shooting, Bye
  7. A really good example of nonsense was the Ukraine war thread. I don't have the need or want to read or get involved in pointless political propaganda for no reason. I just stopped coming on here. If they want to talk to themselves they don't waste my time. Shooting has a hard enough time without feeding idiots with conspiracy theories. The thread should have been shut down rapidly iregardless to whether forum rules were being breeched.
  8. this. might help you. Also it makes a letter a lot nicer if it is presented on a NICE piece of paper in a Nice envelope rather than chucking out there on a sheet torn out of a jotter pad written with a kids green crayon. imagine receiving a letter from Buckingham palace or somewhere
  9. This post came through to me as a post notification and I can't help you on that one because I run on iMac so it is all different to Windows but from when I did I'm sure that there will be a blue square icon with a white W on it to open the word application. probably on your desktop page.
  10. Fair play. yes I agree that a paper letter is a nicer way to receive a response to this but it is even nicer to receive a hand written letter. A lot more personal than a printed out letter especially if it is just planted out in times new roman or whatever text that will probably be selected. I would much rather have a hand written letter even if it looks like a spider wrote it. Think of all of the cards written out by grand kids etc. it's the thought that counts more than chopping a load of words out of a newspaper and sticking them on a sheet of paper. Nice thought of your boss to send you a letter. you could always add your email address on your letter so that he could quickly contact you for whatever reason. Ps write out your letter in rough on a scrap piece of paper BEFORE you send it and ... if possible get someone to read through it for spelling mistakes and graphical errors. it makes it a lot easier to read. Writing a good readable letter is a skill. you only have to read some of the posts on here to realise that. Happy retirement. you'll wonder how you ever found the time to go to work.
  11. Do you actually have to have a PRINTED copy to send to someone-? nowadays nearly everything is done electronically. You don't have to spend out for stamp, envelope , paper and ink. You haven't got to go and plant it into a postbox and the recipient gets it NOW. You still have a copy of the letter that you sent and so do they. the day of snail mail is gone. AND. if it's really important they will get it today rather than sometime maybe in the new year, AND if it is needed they can reply to you within minutes rather than mid January... If your lucky.
  12. In theory you dont need any decoys because IF pigeons like a field then they flight onto it at some stage. I DONT have decoys set up in my front garden or around the upturned plastic dustbin lid filled with water that they love to drink out of and bathe in and cool off in the summer. I have had really good days of 70 or 80 on NO CROP AT ALL dirt. And as a flip, to this, a nothing day at exactly the same spot when it had been planted with beans. IF you get under a line or preferably 2 at a crossing and there are birds in the air, potentially they are decoyable. The flying birds don't know if the dirt has been seeded.
  13. Perhaps I fall into this category. 1 I probably partially read 10 threads and reply to maybe 1. The reason , maybe that I feel that the threads are just a waste of time or irrelevant. Or that it is just a load of old people who perhaps used to shoot but just use it as a bit of a social club, (my late father used to be on a band of old ****) who used to talk about nothing on a daily basis on cb radio. 2 I probably haven't got the time or inclination to get involved in some sort of row over nothing. Perhaps it's the site rules that stop people getting into the melee. I'd much rather read and get involved with real shooting experience topics. I was going to write a lot more but I won't. I'm in too far now.! That could be the reason for a slow post rate.
  14. Minky

    Mystery item.

    Am I understanding this. Ok, so you think that you have identified its use but how is it actually used. If the person sending was blind, the device would have to convert Braille into readable text and the person returning would have to have a similar device to convert written text into Braille so that the blind recipient would be able to feel the message. Is this correct. ? Are there or is there a pair of these.?
  15. Thanks for the reply. Was this renewal under the Kent force.?
  16. Has anyone had a firearm variation in Kent in recent times.? what is the turnaround time now. And what about cert renewal times. it was horrendous at one time and they were issuing sec 7 like leaves on the wind but then something happened and they must have been told that it was inappropriate and they were then sort of extending it. Chaos
  17. I had a BSA snipe back then after the Webley & scot bolt action single shot 410. A 12 BORE. A BIG gun. And an ejector to boot. The snipe was a cheapo but I shot well with it and still have a few memories of spectacular shots with it.
  18. Yes. When I was young you just rocked up asked and generally you were allowed to mooch. There were loads of small farms and the fields were smaller with ponds hedges and woods. The majority of ground is now medium mega farms. The ponds have been filled in and the hedges dozed out. The other smaller bit's of land are now pony paddocks and the other thing is that attitudes have changed and people just either don't agree with shooting and don't want the risk of people wandering around shooting and posssibly splogging the neighbours daughters pony or dog.
  19. It's a sad state of affairs when you can't even give them away. I was told that a person took 6 guns into a local RFD and GAVE them in. The silly thing is that the RFD didn't really want them.!? A friend and I were in a gunshop a few months back and there were two guys in there and asked if they would buy in some guns from an uncle who was packing up. The answer was a definite NO. the counter man said LOOK HERE we have a rack of S/H guns that no one will buy or even look at. Now to me these S/H guns looked brand new. I couldn't see any difference between new and S/H. The counter guy said, We sell a few NEW guns but People won't even look at S/H not even with a massive price difference. When I was a kid guns were thought of as a tool with a purpose. Now they are a sort of short lived fashion accessory. It's like shot game. My mother would deal with the blood and guts then make a meal out of it. 99.9% of women /Girls wouldn't even touch game let alone butcher it. Dirty, smelly, disgusting, cruel, unethical. It's a bad state of affairs. Then you have fashion. "SBS kick like mules and you can't shoot anything with them". It has to be a new 30+ inch multi choke , O/U or it is no use. I like my 25 " sbs's with fixed chokes and double triggers.
  20. I find it difficult to understand how/why you are running your houses so cold. Someone wrote 7c. That crazy. It's warmer than that in my unheated conservatory. !! The floor temp out there is 8.5c and the air temp is 11c. When I checked it out to see if the underfloor heating needed to be turned on I was struck how bone cold it was out there. In the house it is about 23c. I would have thought that anyone who is living with temps as low as some are saying they are, then surely there is a possibility of getting very unwell.
  21. That was pretty hard-core and I believe that you have to realise your limitations or else you can end up in serious, even life threatening situations. One boxing day we had a bit of a walk up along the ditches and a couple of small drives with a turn around, so beat then stand until about 11.30. Then it was home for 20 mins and then a group of us went with the keeper to a place for a duck flight. We met up with a couple of blokes and then we loaded up into two hiluxes. we were taken to a place where hides made by stakes and pallets covered with plastic sheeting and some black plastic paraweave had been set up overlooking water. The trucks left us to it. Now I had foreseen this being V cold so at home I had put Damart on and several layers with scarf. Gloves, woolly hat and a windproof outer shell. Well prepared and kitted out. As the afternoon went into dusk the temp dropped like a stone well below zero. The water started to freeze over and the dogs were like frozen hedgehogs where their fur froze as they shook the water off. It got dark and we couldn't see anything. Considering that as soon as we arrived I had gone over to the next hide and taken off some of the plastic sheeting to wrap around our hide to help shield against the biting wind and driving snow. We were frozen and shaking keeping the dogs bodies in between our legs to absorb heat from them. We really wanted the trucks to come back and pick us up. Eventually they did come and we then had quite a distance to cover crouching down behind the cab out of the wind and snow with dogs and ducks. I don't think that Hypothermia was far away for both us and the dogs. Just getting back inside our trucks was like getting into safety. That was a bit of an bad experience. A bit further along there was a young bloke who only had on a pair of trainers and a track suit. Totally ill prepared. Apararently he had been out on the booze. But how he didn't end up in hospital with hypothermia was a surprise, inexplicable.
  22. What you mean like when it feels like your finger nails are going to peel off and you've shut your hand in a door.
  23. Roll on global warming. Yesterday I watched a youtube video about how over thousands of millions of years going right back before animals were on the planet that there have been several period of ice ages. One of these lasted for over 350 million years. These have been found by the deposits of rocks showing how continents like Australia have shifted. Humans have only been here for the blink of an eye. Considering that we can't settle on the moon, the human race would be in a really dire situation. Still none of it will happen this side of Christmas.ļ
  24. The last three nights down here in Kent have been a hard hard frost with everything looking like there had been snow showers. Nice sunny if chilly days with beautiful dark pink sunsets. The sky has been a beautiful midnight blue. But holley molley is that cold outside. In the sun room/ conservatory it is about 11c but in the house it is about 23c which is nice. especially when you come in from outside.
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