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Zoli 12 guage

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Everything posted by Zoli 12 guage

  1. i always found the Hermans pretty good to work with but not so much the Frogs 👍 AND none of them follow the same H&S rules as us😡
  2. i lived/worked in Virginia for 4 years and drove the Parkway several times (Rocky ***,Smart View etc) some spectacular scenery 👍 congratulations on winning the Rizzini😎 this swear filter does my nut in why can't you type ****😡
  3. I don't know,who was it🤷‍♀️ i'm no labour supporter,in fact i detest them and their policies,BUT,the only Labour MP that i can recall that opened their trap regarding the rape gangs was Sarah Champion AND SHE WAS HOUNDED OUT/SACKED FOR DOING SO. that's Labour and how open/fair they want to be😡😡😡
  4. there's not one MP that would sign up to that👍
  5. same here,every new (to me) gun then never again UNLESS it starts misbehaving as that's one of the easiest things to cross off the fault finding list. same goes for powder burners👍 mine are cleaned EVERY outing even if it's only a bore snake and oil.
  6. apparently, it's only for a "coup de grace" type deal if it's apparent and obvious that the animal is still alive or if it's not passed the "blink test". this was not part of my DSC exam i might add presumably because if you'd put 9 shots inside the kill zone from 100 yds down to 40 yds i assume they reckon you wouldn't miss sub 5 yds.
  7. that is a totally unrealistic analogy. there were 282 in 2021/22 and 244 2022/23 fatal stabbings in England and Wales. they don't publish the figures regarding ethnicity (i wonder why) but i would hazard a guess that 99% were black on black. there are,on average,many more than 100 annually just in London. how many have been killed by legally held firearms in the last decade? AND,i don't mean including police held firearms.
  8. immigration is crucifying Europe and is being aided by the Left Wing powers that be. The last,"so called",right wing UK government that got hoofed out last month were as bad as the leftists and complicit in not stopping the hundreds of thousands that come over here every year EVEN AFTER guaranteeing they would in at least 2 election manifestos. they had/have as much intention,which is absolutely none,in doing this as have the current shower of ***** in power now no matter what Kier "we'll smash the gangs" Stalin says. he will curtail our freedom of speech and impose massive tax hikes,net zero and hijack any savings, pensions etc,etc that "working people" have accrued to fund the unions and the "poor"
  9. AND, it's a bit ironic that the picture in question was commissioned by Gordon "let's sell our gold to prop up the Euro" Brown 🙄 would that be the same "convicted terrorist" that was elected president of his own country🤔 ask yourself who convicted him👍
  10. stop and search may be a contentious issue (to one ethnic group and liberal hand wringers) BUT,why if this was implemented in order to arrest/lower knife crime would you target groups that didn't fit the pattern of who commits the vast majority of these types of crimes🤷‍♀️ you would think that the group/s that complain the most would be 100% behind it as it's their own (predominantly) young men that are targeted in these attacks👍 BUT NO, it's racist and unfair! go figure🤷‍♀️
  11. my point is purely mathematical and as explained👍 they are also disproportionately members of gangs but does being "poor" absolve them of engaging in criminal activity and therefore being banged up🤔
  12. every western country with a percentage population that are not of the demographic of that country (namely African/Asian and in the US Hispanic) ARE OVERLY REPRESENTED IN THE PRISON POPULATIONS,FACT!
  13. the "thought police" has always been a running joke! not any more,you go to jail 😡😡😡 BUT,commit a proper crime and there's no problem.
  14. we all know which ethnic groups perpetrate these crimes AND WHILE WE STILL IMPORT THESE CULTURES BY THE BOAT LOAD DAY AFTER DAY THIS WILL NEVER STOP BUT WILL ONLY INCREASE. if this "FACT" makes me far right,then,hands up,i must be.
  15. if it's a Red Dwarf problem you'll need Rimmer, Lister,Cat and Kryton😉😉
  16. annoying,small,stingy bees👍 do they rent or own the domicile? this will affect the ease/difficulty in ousting the perpetrators 👍
  17. why🤔🤷‍♀️ I don't know anyone that shoots clays or game that has a 32" barrelled gun. the majority are 30" and a couple of 28"
  18. if they'd have been 11's they would have😉
  19. that's not a bad deal as they can just convert the payment into Rioja/Chianti (insert your tipple of choice)👍😎 while the pensioners in Newcastle/Manchester etc freeze their nads off😡
  20. don't know how old you are or what you know regarding previous Liebour governments,but this is what they do and have always done👍 if you're a workshy sponger you'll always do well but if you've made something of your life you get robbed blind to fund the above described.😡😡 this is the only country in the world that,if you've got now't you get EVERYTHING for free but if you've worked to better yourself and actually done well,you fund the "have nots" and also fund yourself 👍
  21. depends on who you are as far as "money trees" go ow'd bean! get off the banana boat at Dover and there's no problem,no matter what you need, accessing ANY TYPE of medical care, accommodation or benefits that you haven't contributed to attaining. BUT, while you're in Frog land you get **** all!!!!!!! how's that work then when SUPPOSEDLY,we all have to adhere to the same ECHR rules🤔🤔🤔🤔
  22. AND funnily enough, it's that funny i'm crying,i have a pension maturing in 17 months that Starmer is going to rape me for a chunk of😡😡😡
  23. I'll bet my house that the tax free portion of your pension that you are allowed to withdraw will disappear like a David Blain magic trick.👍👍 av a bob on your uncle Zoli😡
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