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FAC Pump or Semi?


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I have just got my FAC variation back and it has left me with a dilema.


I currently have an Escort semi on a SGC but already have the fittings to convert into an 8 + 1 which means I could have that as my section 1 shotgun, But... I have my eye on a Remmington 3 1/2" SPS pump action shotgun which I can get the 8 + 1 extender for at the same time.

I can use my section 1 for clays, vermin, fox and birds under general licence so that's not a problem but I just can't decide which to have on my SGC and which to have on FAC.

Feel free to throw your suggestions in.

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If you do a lot of clays, or you go to a clay ground where they're not fans of hi-cap shotguns or pumps, i'd leave the semi SGC and get the pump on FAC. That way your semi will remain in an 'acceptable' :blink: format for the clay ground and it will also be legal for game birds. :good: Using the pump on clays and birds is less practical so in my opinion anyway, thats what i'd go for.


Out of curiosity, on your FAC does it just say 'Multi-shot shotgun', and doesn't specifiy the action type?



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If you do a lot of clays, or you go to a clay ground where they're not fans of hi-cap shotguns or pumps, i'd leave the semi SGC and get the pump on FAC. That way your semi will remain in an 'acceptable' :blink: format for the clay ground and it will also be legal for game birds. :good: Using the pump on clays and birds is less practical so in my opinion anyway, thats what i'd go for.


Out of curiosity, on your FAC does it just say 'Multi-shot shotgun', and doesn't specifiy the action type?





Just states 'Multi-shot shotgun' no type of action is mentioned which is why i`m in two minds which to get.

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Kevlar - Good of your FLD to leave you with the choice :good: While my plod turn things around v quickly and follow firearms guidance with common sense (i.e. if you've got a good reason for something you get it), they do insist on specifying action types and exact calibres, which ends up in a variation having to be put in, but they usually get it done in under 10 days.


Skid - There are two main reasons you'll get a S1 shotgun. 1/ If you do LOTS of pest control. A 4th, 5th, 6th extra shot can be handy when a flock of 200 pigeons/crows have the decency to land right in front of you. :yp: My record is 9 shots on about 30 birds with 8 kills, but that was more to do with the birds happening to be in the right place when i pulled the trigger than skill on my part :blink: :lol:

2/ Practical Shotgun (PSG). Which is a form of target shooting with hi-cap shotguns where you move through a course of fire shooting as you go. Great fun and v. addictive once you start :yp:


What your conditions on the use of the gun will say will depend on what reason you use to justify the gun on your application/variation and how much the FLO trusts you/how much experience you have. You'll either get the 'closed' condition with a specific piece of land named in it, the 'semi-closed' condition which says the land has to approved by the Chief Constable before you shoot over it, or the 'open' condition, which allows you to make the judgement as to whether the land is suitable for the gun/ammo you're using.



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personally id go for a pump action - no surprises there really :good:


BUT there is a good reason - i find that with high capacity semi's (in fact all semis) you are (well, i am) more likely to "pray and spray" whereas having to pump forces you to slow it down a notch and pick your shots better - i know my shot to hit ratio has definitely improved since i got pumps :blink:

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I had a 9-shot Benelli 12-bore, which I ditched very rapidly. I found it such a ball-ache to shoot consistently well, due to the shoddy balance and the aforementioned tempation to put another 8 shots into the air if the first one missed. If I go out foxing, rabbiting or pigeon shooting, I take and O/U. It's silent and very quick to (un)load, and it balances perfectly.


I appreciate that there's a clear requirement from the Practical boys, but who on here genuinely needs 8/9/10 consecutive shots when pigeon shooting?!

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thanks fellas,


i've held a SGC for 20yrs and been using SG'S for the same amount time. While out pigeoning i do get anoyed when along comes a fairly big flock and only have the two shots. I'm in the market at the moment for an extrema 2, the reason being the extra shot and the versatility of the extrema 2.

I'm in a syndicate where there is vermin to be controled ( squirrels, crovids and roost shooting) would this be enough reason?


thanks again,



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sorry to hi-jack your post but i was wondering if was to get a variation for an fac shotgun on my licence am i forced to get a gun immidiately or not? the thing is i currently have a ticket with .22lr on it but am redundant and at the minute since moving don't have enough land to warrent keeping it, so am in the process of selling it to ease the finacial situation but wanted to get an fac shotgun to keep my fac open but obviously if i have to get a gun straight away it defeats the object of selling the .22lr which i don't really want to sell to begin with.

and would a space still be open for a .22lr on my license or would i have to request another variation to get another .22lr when im back working and can afford one?

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Gaz, you don't have to fill the slot immediately, but the slot will be automatically removed if it's not filled within 5 years. Your FEO may ask why you haven't filled it after a year or so, but a decent excuse will shut him up (such as 'I am waiting to take delivery of my bespoke Purdey .470 NE double rifle, which has taken a year to build').

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It helps greatly if you have a FAC already. (Target shooting and vermin control in my case).


I had a concurrent FAC and SGC: when I asked for a FAC shotgun variation, I got the cert back in 5 days, (had to pay 26 quid, mind,)

Applying for a FAC, specially for a FAC shotgun might be a bit difficult. The key seems to be, to say you are shooting pigeons and crows on crop protection or on a commercial shoot . Don't talk about bunnies, foxes, this tends to be for the rifle owners


Get a farmer or gamekeeper to back you if you can, in my case just a name and phone number of our local pheasant shoot was enough. I am a regular beater and help keep the corvids down.


Good luck



(Don't let the ******** grind you down)



thanks fellas,


i've held a SGC for 20yrs and been using SG'S for the same amount time. While out pigeoning i do get anoyed when along comes a fairly big flock and only have the two shots. I'm in the market at the moment for an extrema 2, the reason being the extra shot and the versatility of the extrema 2.

I'm in a syndicate where there is vermin to be controled ( squirrels, crovids and roost shooting) would this be enough reason?


thanks again,



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If you shoot clays you could get a five shot, they look the same as 3 shot, but after the hassle of getting an FAC you might want a bigger capacity , down side is they are heavy fully loaded and a lot of shooters (not me) think they are Rambo guns ,unless you do practical shotgun of course .any way choose wiseley ,oh I HAVE owned both types, pumps are more reliable and nearly as quick ,with practice. FARM BOY.

Edited by farm boy
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