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bullets to small for taliban


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Ah but zapp your walt finding skills are defunct when encountered by an-ex cadet with the editing skills of a pro but unfortunately the 'Jane's Weapon Encyclopedia' memory of a skiplicker.


By Christ man, what is wrong with you?


His waltery is in the quote in my original response!


Know that I make no allegation without firm source material


I am anal, hear me roar!



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By Christ man, what is wrong with you?


His waltery is in the quote in my original response!


Know that I make no allegation without firm source material


I am anal, hear me roar!





OOOOO ERRRR zapp,your anal roars ?


It is obvious the MOD have got it all wrong..And the sooner they incorporate the 17hmr into standard issue the better :oops: mr jollyban wont like one of them up them.There is people on here can hit a 10p at 450 yards with an air rifle so god knows what they can do with the mighty 17 :hmm::good:

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Damn!! I must have slept through this one.. The AK 47 & SKS will chamber the 7.62 X 39 which is the short.. They also have the 7.62 X 25 which is used in various handguns, and sub machine guns.. This ammo is still very cheap. The big talk of the day, when mattie mattel created the 5.56 was that it was a varmint round and was cruel as it had a tendency to follow bone.. I know of one chap in basic that wanted to get out of the army so he decided to shoot himself through the wrist to get drummed out of the service? The bullet entered the wrist on his left arm and left through his neck.. he got out alright.. I think we need to get back to our roots? 303 for my boys over the pond and i will take my garand!!

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Damn!! I must have slept through this one.. The AK 47 & SKS will chamber the 7.62 X 39 which is the short.. They also have the 7.62 X 25 which is used in various handguns, and sub machine guns.. This ammo is still very cheap. The big talk of the day, when mattie mattel created the 5.56 was that it was a varmint round and was cruel as it had a tendency to follow bone.. I know of one chap in basic that wanted to get out of the army so he decided to shoot himself through the wrist to get drummed out of the service? The bullet entered the wrist on his left arm and left through his neck.. he got out alright.. I think we need to get back to our roots? 303 for my boys over the pond and i will take my garand!!


Lee, is this the first actual post you've done that's related to shooting? :oops:

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Funny this, only last weekend at a birthday party i was chatting about this very subject with a friends father who served with the scottish guards for many years. He is adamant the 5.56 is not a patch on 7.62 and in the introduction of the sa80(he was instructor by then) he made his feelings very known. He shot an argentenian in the falklands with his slr and told me he wasn't 100% if the bloke died but he dropped like the proverbial sack of doodah. "It was a him or me situation" he said. They both had rifles raised but my mates dad fired first and dropped him. He is adament with a 5.56 round the argie would still have got a shot off at him, but with the slr's 7.62 it put him down. He talks from experience and so i have to aggree.

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WOW I bet that 84mm morter hurts your shoulder :good: I only ever shoulder fired the 81 and that hurt :hmm:


Zapp can I be a .17hmr sniper instuctor please, I can hit things out to 2000 mtrs Honest :oops:


I am one of the people who did the trial on the SA80 so blame me, and it was a lot more accurate than the SLR but the sight was **** as we keeped breaking them off in the trial.


But the 5.56 will go through steel plates and the 7.62 just bends them, and yes both will knock you on your bottom :good:

Edited by leaseone
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Good lord here we go again!!

The AK47 my friend will not chamber a 7.62 NATO round as it is designed for the &.62 short..............it will not fit!!In the good old days of the cold war and the SLR we had the advantage that yes we could chamber a 7.62 short, how accurate it would have been I do not know, but we could chamber and fire the bloody thing.

As far as the 5.56 thing goes, it kills just like any other round, as has been said here I have also been fortunate/unfortunate enough to see this.I would be happier with a 9.3 x 64 as it goes, with hunting ammo, dead is really really dead with this, but it is not allowed and no one uses it as a military caliber.

Any tosh you may have heard about 7.62 vs 5,56 is probably just thyat TOSH.

I like the 5,56 because we can carry more of it, that said the old SLR and some 7.62 was good for moving/killing muppets behind walls!!

We now hunt as very fluid teams and incorparate both calibers into the team and as such probably have the best of both worlds.

I am sure somewhere in the middle is a 6 mm round that would do Jack of all trades, but reissue to the force with all new weapons is unthinkable in todays economic climate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwtMo5-NU1A 6.5 mm grendal assault rifle

Edited by huntercarbine
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There are trials taking place between the 6.5 grendel and the 6.8 because even the top brass realise that the 5.56 is not doing the job.


I am amazed that anyone would claim that the SA80 was more accurate than the L1A1. Now if you had said the "light support" version I would be more inclined to accept the statement, or at least let it slide. Anyone who saw Adrian Bull shoot his Canadian SA80 in the practical rifle competitions will realise what a handicap it placed him under. It was utter, utter **** gravy.



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I have never heard of a 30 calibre round that wouldnt penertrate a quilted jacket . Before the introduction of the centre fire .22 the american standard issue calibre was the mighty 30.06 . You may be confusing the .45 pistol round that was always thought to be lacking in the power stakes with the 30.06 .

Harnser .



Confused, nope. The M1 carbine 30 cal Also M2 carbine 30 cal (selective full auto) were under review (early fifties) after reports that, koreans & chinese that wore quilted jackets, took several rounds to stop.




Scientists and men in grey suits, the most dangerous creatures on this planet.

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It's amazing... I read a thread just like this the other day on another forum. And it ended up going pretty much exactly the same way.


Basic truth... You get hit anywhere vital with either, you are going down. By and large, our aim, so they can hit the vital areas. Yes, the .223 tails off after 300m, but not that much and it is still accurate beyond that; the LSW is proof of point, as are the .223 AR15s that I know a lot of Americans own.


The key thing here is energy transfer. The 5.56 will transfer pretty much all of its energy to the target.


I can't believe I got drawn into this... I've been through it once this week already with that bloody bullpup 7.62 that Kel-Tech has just made.


Zapp and the rest of the serving/ex-serving, finish this off please!!

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