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Nice little stroll


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First off, sorry for my spelling.. and also went a bit camra crazy this afternoon so this should be a hefty right up with a few decent pics! :P


Left the house around half 12 to arrive at the first field around 4miles away, got through the gate drove to the top of the hill to see a fare few pigeons/crows feeding out on the drilled wheat - So as it always happens never geared up for it, so off decoying tomorrow!


Dad dropped me off at the bottom of a hedgerow that runs up the middle of the field(Pic in next post) he then took a wide birth out across a grass field to work it down to me, as he walked up the grass field a nice cockbird got up for him and bang, first bird of the day in the bag - looking out across the field i noticed around 7hen birds and 3 cock birds feeding so a quick phone call to dad telling him to slow down i pushed the birds back into the hedge the walked back down to stand at the bottom of the hedge.


I could see dad walking down in the distance, a flash of a bird flying through the hedge around 40yrds to my right happened to be a hen bird, swung through MISSED!.. i thought to my self i better move more to that way as another 2 birds lifted and went that way.. as doing this another 2 hens came out straight over where i was standing, ********! dad then had 2shots and dropped another cock bird- he then reached the bottom on the hedge and we noticed there should of been around 4/5 more birds to of come out.. this time we both walked the hedgerow back up taking one side each. half way up a hen bird got up dads side he missed the first shot, it then swung back over me a nice 35yrds up and i dropped her, towards the end a fox bolted dads side but was a little to far to for a clean kill so he left him.


Knowing where the fox had run to i walked back down to the gate and dad stood around 800yrds up the riverbank for me to work the dog round to him to see if we could bolt him, i walked it round only to find no fox.. but a gorgeous melanistic cock bird lifted i had a go just before it went out of sight for me and missed, dad then dropped him a good distance out in a grass field the other side of the river it was that far across when we tried to work the dog to get it he couldn't get far enough to get a sent, we will have to drive round and pick this one.. walking back to the landrover 4 pigeons landed on tree around 70yrds from us we walked abit 3 flew a one stayed.. i said to dad im gunna have ago if this one gets up a fare distance the pigeon lifted i raised the gun and dropped him, this is exactly how it fell (Pic in next post).


The bag from this field -



So after picking the bird we drove over to the next field we are going walk around 2mile away, we got the gate parked up sorted out some more carts and we're away. dad walked the field up to the end and i walked the bottom - we got to a set of reeds that run 200yrds up around 6ft away from a river(Pic in next post) and i had seen 4 hen birds run into this, so dad walked it down to me... a pair of hen birds lifted one went to my right, and one to the left.. i folded the left and dad dropped the right... the other 2 birds seemed to have disappeared, oh well there for another day! walking the fields up a little more dad folded a pigeon, then 5 or so minutes later i folded another pigeon.. walking back towards the motor dad dropped another pigeon.


The bag from this field -



More pictures in the next posts.


Thanks for reading!!

Edited by EastSussexLad
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