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Youth raped five-year-old boy


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he will never be mixed with normal prisoners,special wing with all the extra privaleges that go with it.segregated for there own safety.can,t infringe there rights can we.unlike the poor kid involved.there are no deterents any more for any type of crime.think it might be a good idea to let the public decide the punishment not some 80 year old senile old **** listning to advise from some 18 year old bleeding heart liberal making exuses for the poor offender.my parents are in there late 80s and have lived through some hard times as have a lot of members on here have family that have as well.if any body has a reason to go off the rails and turn to crime these people these people have.but this generation stayed on the strate and narrow,no exuses or sob stories.the remembrence day services this week speaks volumes of what we have lost as a nation.

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No I believe Mungler SPECULATED "that he clearly isn't wired up right" And he advocated chemical castration, which is fair, in line with current cost cutting I could easily be swayed to go the two house brick route, provided I could keep my thumbs out of the way



Exactly, I would have him de-knacked as an absolute minimum.


He's done it twice and can never safely be released.


I would go as far as a lethal injection - why? Because I can't see what value he will ever bring to society and he can never be classed as safe. If he got let out and attacked your kids you would not be advocating turning the other cheek, his rights or possible "rehabilitation".


Again, less focus on the rights of the perp and more thought to the victim and possible victims is required.

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Exactly, I would have him de-knacked as an absolute minimum.


He's done it twice and can never safely be released.


I would go as far as a lethal injection - why? Because I can't see what value he will ever bring to society and he can never be classed as safe. If he got let out and attacked your kids you would not be advocating turning the other cheek, his rights or possible "rehabilitation".


Again, less focus on the rights of the perp and more thought to the victim and possible victims is required.



Here here, the sooner you run for parliament the better

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All the knee jerk reactions at once hey. Mungler pointed out that he is not a full shilling. Would you string up everybody with mental health issues? Murder, in whatever guise, is never right, and morally wrong. And i know the 'What if it was your child' question keeps popping up, so i dont know what i would feel. Im not sure if i could keep my head if it was one of mine.



MM, please don't take this as a personal thing, I'm just using your statement as an example.


What is it with this weird issue of valuing human life above all else? If a dog makes a habit of biting people it is put down. Why do humans have to be special? If someone has a mental issue which cannot be repaired why lock them up for life? I hate to put my head on the block here but this is what this 16 year old lads brain is telling him to do, it's not his fault! Turn it around the other way, if some doctor told you that actually you shouldn't be having sex with your wife but with a 5 year old boy, how would you take it? I think it would be very hard, as in your head it's not what you feel is right. Putting him down would be the humane thing to do. Locking him up isn't going to help, you can't fix him!


If someone is beyond repair why is it such a bad thing to put them down? I may get a grilling for this but I don't value any life that can potentially ruin the lives of many others, be it a Grey Squirrel, a Mink or a human being.

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Spot on. If you look at the volumes of legal jurisprudence about why people are sent to prison, then to cut to the chase, the core factors are:


1. punishment

2. rehabilitation

3. deterrent

4. prevention and public protection


If the view is that an offender can never reasonably be considered for release then you are right, the "humane" thing to do would be to euthanaise.


I would factor in the cost - would you spend say £100,000 a year indefinitely in an attempt to fix a possibly irrepairable sex offender or would you spend that £100,000 a year on funding a new Hospital childrens' unit. State funds and resources are finite and they all come out of the same tax payers' pot.


Too much attention is being given to the offender and his rights - frankly I am just not interested at all. If you focus on the victims and protection of the public then this person can never see the light of day and in which case keeping him inside is just burning money at the expense of some other state funded project.

Edited by Mungler
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Chemical castration is one thing, and something in this case that I think most would feel is justifiable. Can't be undone but the implications of any kind of mistake aren't too unbearable.


OK, I'm playing a bit of advocatus diaboli here but the same is not true under the scenario where one's life is taken. In the case of taking the life of anyone proven to be mentally ill then I would be fundamentally opposed to that. Thin end of the wedge and all that; where would the final line be drawn, could somebody be sentenced to death for being stupid and their stupidity leading to the harm of others? Would it somehow become morally acceptable to refuse to operate on somebody who suffered from a condition in part brought on by their lifestyle? Could it be acceptable to euthanise anyone with a terminal illness to prevent wasting money on them and be more humane to prevent unecessary suffering?


Back on the original point then - An "eye for an eye" originates from the Old Testament (Leviticus, I believe) and that's exactly where it belongs. Human morality has evolved from those days, pretty much irrespective of religion and / or theistic beliefs.


Compassion is one of the key differentiating facets that separates mankind from the rest of the animal species.


I wholeheartedly agree on the misplaced concerns of the offenders rights and the costs associated with offender "rehab" is shocking but, I venture, nowhere near as shocking as the costs of benefit cheats and, I suspect, tax dodgers as a couple of examples.


Besides, I doubt very much that any kind of capital punishment could be re-introduced in this country without the blessing of Europe?

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Yes, I would too. Wouldn't mean I would be comfortable ever letting him back into society though.


A further thought - I believe as an Engineer, if I sign off a product which later causes the death or serious injury of someone then I can be taken to court and if negligence proven handed a custodial sentence?


By the same thinking is a judge completely indemnity free under similar circumstances?

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This kid had flagged up to the Legal system in large flashing neon letters that he was a sick sadistic pervert hard wired to molest. To my mind,his initial crime showed there was some seriously aberrent ideas in his mind that were not going to go away overnight yet he was set free to damage another child. Being mentally ill and cruel is his reason, but there is no convincing justification for our learned and completely sane legal experts to have brought on this situation.

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This kid had flagged up to the Legal system in large flashing neon letters that he was a sick sadistic pervert hard wired to molest. To my mind,his initial crime showed there was some seriously aberrent ideas in his mind that were not going to go away overnight yet he was set free to damage another child. Being mentally ill and cruel is his reason, but there is no convincing justification for our learned and completely sane legal experts to have brought on this situation.


With on you that matey, this sicko has finally been caught and now behind bars. What prevents the "system" repeating the same mistake is probably the bigger issue here. Must admit that I do however feel you may unwittingly have made a rather large leap of faith in assuming the "experts" are either particularly learned or sane...

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The offender clearly isn't wired up right. So, do we put him in a system, spend fortunes on rehabilitation and never be assured that he's safe for release.


All that time, energy and money could be applied elsewhere to a more deserving project of course.


**** knows what the answer is, but it's got to start with chemical castration and protection of the general public.



You will be taken from this court to a place of lawful execution were you will be hung by the neck until dead , and may God have mercey on your soul .

Harnser .

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Making no excuses for what this 16 year has done.

But you will most probably find. The same thing had happen too him.

Yes he is the lowest of life.But if this is was the case would you still want to see him hung.

Or would castration be the more better solution.

Personally if that was the case i would say castration.

I was abused as the child. I do not wish him dead.I hope that he has spent the last 30 odd years feeling ashame and guilt ridden with what he has done . but i dont wish him dead.

At the end of the day it is something he has to live with for the rest of his life.

Where with myself i have risen above it and that in its self has made me the person i am today.

I shell leave this world a happy contented person whos had a good life .

Will he . That gives me more comfort then watching him swing from some gallow.


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Suzy ,

You are a very brave lady and I admire you . The problem with sex offenders is that they are unable to stop lusting after other people whether they be children or adults . Cat burglers and robbers grow to old to carry on with robbing and burgling peoples homes . Unfortunately sex offenders do not lose the urge to carry on no matter how old they are they have an itch that they cannot scratch . The most disturbing thing about these people is that they dont think they have done anything wrong and will often say that the little boy or girl they assaulted ageed to all that went on . I could tell you of cases against children that would sicken you and have left a scar on my mind . They should be castrated as a matter of course or they should face a capitol sentence .

Harnser .

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Mr Harnser Thank you.

But i dont consider myself as brave.More lucky that i have almost come out the other end sane :devil:

From the aged i was when it happen to 18 i went though hell.

And for many years blame myself.Am not proud of those years.

I understand what you say. And i have seen case historys too that you would not think was possible of any human doing to a child.

Yes you are right that most Sex offenders show no remorse. But occasionally you get the odd one that will(normally the ones who where abused themselfs).

I am no expert my only training is what i have lived though.

I have days where it can come back and bite me(cant think of the better way of saying it)

But as i get older those days are few and far between.

I feel personally that if my abuser was not around now. If he had been as most want hung.

Then when i have these days that their would be know one their to vent my feelings on (hope this make sence)

But as he is still about. It just gives you that bit of strength to fight though them.To prove that he still has not got the better of you.

I know people will find this hard to understand. And every case is different. But its what kept me sane over the years.


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Sickening! I beleive that chemical castration, as punishment for these heinous crimes, should be handed down.


It could take away the urge to commit these offences and may save other youngsters from harm.


Hopefully, other like-minded miscreants would think twice before commiting these vile crimes but we'll probably never


know. :devil: Rob.


Gets my vote! how about doing the rest of the family too?

should save infecting the gene pool. :blink:

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