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Dispatching wounded pigeons


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skinned alive :thumbs: B) :lol::lol:

Whilst still flying :/:D:D:):D:D:/:/


Now we know how to despatch or dispatch or if you want to be brave and say the nasty word -kill with your bare hands a wounded pigeon in 101 ways


Are we executioners putting the poor little pigeon to death, because we are a poor shot and judgement of distance :D:D


Or are we a motorcycle courier driving around the countryside with a frilly leather motorcycle jacket despatching poor little pigeons


Is it spelt different but have the same ending :D Well for the pigeon anyway :D



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I'm not sure I'm man enough to skin the little fellers alive. My good wife Henrietta would be appalled! I've been praticisng with my priest everyday in the confession box and he says I'm getting the hang of it. Sometimes he thinks it should be done harder, sometimes softer. Administering the last rites really is quite a complex job.

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I've been praticisng with my priest everyday in the confession box and he says I'm getting the hang of it. Sometimes he thinks it should be done harder, sometimes softer.

Sounds to me like you've been 'bashin' the bishop' :thumbs:


Game keeper I knew had a 'killer' of a party trick (especially for the ladies) put the birds haed in his mouth and bit it to crush the skull. Worked on pheasants as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i normally just go for the good old bash to the nogin with a stick but i also have perfected a new method because as you well know pigeons try to runaway from you so when you catch up put your foot on there back to stop them moving then put your other foot in front of its head and give a shape kick backwards this pushs there neck back and breaks it job done and its on the ground ready to be a new decoy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to the original post. This is the method I`ve used for years. Take the bird`s neck between forefinger and middle finger with thumb on top of the bird`s skull. Keep the beak towards your body and allow the bird to hang vertically. You now have a heavy body, supported by a thin neck. Now simply twirl the bird round in a very tight circle, still vertical with the feet nearly touching the ground, for three or four revolutions. You will feel the neck `go` and the bird is dead. I`ve NEVER had a pigeon`s head come off but occasionally a crow`s will, because they need a stronger twist.


I do this as a matter of course, and without faffing about, and the bird is dead within seconds.

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