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Express Hevi-shot

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I see that Express have "New Improved" Hevi-shot stickers on their boxes and that the older type were slated, has anyone used any of these ?


Are they worth a punt ? Or are they just the same ?


:good: Cheers one and all !


I think they are just trying to refresh the interest for them. I picked another batch of them the other week, and noticed the new stickers. I can't see any difference on velocity on the box compared to the old ones, which I was expecting.


I used a 2 boxes on saturday, Results are still the same- they bring stuff down....Dead the way of the dodo.........


The just have to adjust your shooting stance as you become decisively light on your wallet side the more you shoot them :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Hevi shot work there is no doubt about that, the question is are they worth the extra cost.


I n my opinion and experience No they are not. If you do not have a 3 1/2" gun then they are worth a punt but if you do have a gun that will take them then the REmington Hi Speed steel are the business.

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Hevi shot work there is no doubt about that, the question is are they worth the extra cost.


I n my opinion and experience No they are not. If you do not have a 3 1/2" gun then they are worth a punt but if you do have a gun that will take them then the REmington Hi Speed steel are the business.


Totally agree, however I shoot a mixed game day with a 2 3/4" game gun so its a better option than the factory steel I find.


You have a hard job beating the Remington 1 9/16th nitro steel out on the open plains though......

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HD, I think this refers to the new shape of the Hevi-shot. It used to look terrible, teardrop and all sorts of other shapes. It patterned well though. The "new" shape, available in the UK, has a pronounced seam a bit like a cricket ball shape. It still patterns well!



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if 'improved' means they have put less shot in the cartridge and charged more for it, then thats what they have done.


I have used up the last of my 40gram loads and am now onto 36gram, managed to buy another hundred but had to pay good money, worth every penny though.


Use it mainly for geese although the lighter duck loads are equally impressive. A homeload of 2oz of old style hevi through the ten will kill geese way further than you should be shooting at them.

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Yo there henryd. Skeet and Imp Cyl through a Browning 525 which is a bit tighter than some guns with the same marks. Inland flighting out to 45 yards. My friend uses 31g 5 hevi shot and he swears by them for quackers through a silver pigeon Beretta game gun.

FYI we can get these 31g jobbies at £11.50p a box of 10. :blink: :good: I don't shoot many a season so not bothered on the price.

Edited by Whitebridges
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Yo there henryd. Skeet and Imp Cyl through a Browning 525 which is a bit tighter than some guns with the same marks. Inland flighting out to 45 yards. My friend uses 31g 5 hevi shot and he swears by them for quackers through a silver pigeon Beretta game gun.

FYI we can get these 31g jobbies at £11.50p a box of 10. :blink: :good: I don't shoot many a season so not bothered on the price.


"Cor ," they arnt half expensive Nigel . My home loaded .308 rounds work out less than them and will give you much more range and terminal velocity . Proberbly take out a duck at about 6,000 feet .

Does any body know if .308 is legal to shoot wildfowl and if I shoot it straight up in the and miss ,will the bullet hurt me if it hits me on the swede .

Harnser .

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Yo there henryd. Skeet and Imp Cyl through a Browning 525 which is a bit tighter than some guns with the same marks. Inland flighting out to 45 yards. My friend uses 31g 5 hevi shot and he swears by them for quackers through a silver pigeon Beretta game gun.

FYI we can get these 31g jobbies at £11.50p a box of 10. :blink: :good: I don't shoot many a season so not bothered on the price.


Many thanks !


May give them(35gm no.3`s for geese) a try through the Beretta Xtrema as I have plenty of Remi Hi-speed steel 3-1/2" No.2`s for the ducks.

I think I will try out 1/4 choke for them both as this, hopefully, will negate the need to fanny about with chokes :lol:


Many thanks again to one and all for the replies !!

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Without "steeling" the thread,(but it's been mentioned a couple of times) is the Remington hi velocity any good for the ducks? I would have to order some in and I have to say I am completely unconvinced by the stuff I'm using atm,(think it's lyalvale steel :good:).





The lylavale steel is no where as fast as the Remington loads, but half the price.........

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I shoot 300-400 shells a season at ducks and geese a season and have tried almost all types and brands of non toxic shells over the past 15 years. The big difference between the old lead shells and the new steel shells is that with lead was that pattern gave out before penertration. With steel the reverse is true. To counter this you need to go up 2 or 3 sizes in steel. Hevi shot is more dense than lead and steel so you can drop a shot size and still have good penertration.


To my mind there are no other cartridges that can touch hevi shot for killing power and that includes all forms of steel shot including Remmington Nitro steel 3.5 inch. Their only draw back is the price so I do not use them for most of my duck shooting. For normal duck shooting a 3 inch load of 1 1\4 oz 3s will cope well with duck to 50 yards ( I had five 45-50 yard mallard this morning using Gamebore mammoth shells for six shots , 4 stone dead and one died as the dog brought it back). For geese its a very different matter and even the 1 9\16 oz , 3.5 inch loads are no match for hevi shot. I was told of a accident the other day where the pellets from a 31 gr load of hevi shot no 4 went through the door of a car at 50 yards. The main problem with hevi shot is that it shoots very tight patterns and the odds are that you will miss anything closer than 30 yards.


If most of your shooting is at close birds comming into flight ponds 1 1\8oz steel will do the job out to 30 yards, perhaps a bit further. but if you know the duck are going to be on the limit of range then go for hevi shot in 5s for duck and 4s or 3s for geese.


The new hevi shot has better sized and rounded pellets , the old stuff while very good contained pellets of all sorts shapes and sizes. Its a pity they have reduced the load though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cookoff013

i`d just like to bring some facts to this conversation.

hevishot is heavy and hard. but it is a alloy. it has a density of 12g/cc or so. steel, is about 9g/cc.

lead is 11? so any little changes wake a reall big difference.


yankies. came up with hevi 13, which got re-branded as dead cyote shot. ballisticly it should be so good.


there are some other products available out there, one of them is still nickel tungsten alloy but the density is 18g/cc !

which should make it twice as dense as steel, almost twice as dense as lead, but a little more dense than hevishot.


what does this mean? well, pellets are still very hard. ballisticly superior than anything else available. i suppose your asking, whats the catch??

and there is. cost. and you have to go down several shotsizes for geese, it is recomended to use 6s ! for doves 12s ducks 8s, just to keep the shotcount good enough to use.

i`ll did out a linky

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i`d just like to bring some facts to this conversation.

hevishot is heavy and hard. but it is a alloy. it has a density of 12g/cc or so. steel, is about 9g/cc.

lead is 11? so any little changes wake a reall big difference.


yankies. came up with hevi 13, which got re-branded as dead cyote shot. ballisticly it should be so good.


there are some other products available out there, one of them is still nickel tungsten alloy but the density is 18g/cc !

which should make it twice as dense as steel, almost twice as dense as lead, but a little more dense than hevishot.


what does this mean? well, pellets are still very hard. ballisticly superior than anything else available. i suppose your asking, whats the catch??

and there is. cost. and you have to go down several shotsizes for geese, it is recomended to use 6s ! for doves 12s ducks 8s, just to keep the shotcount good enough to use.

i`ll did out a linky





only thing is, use cyl choke, as that payload will tear up chokes.

and blow patterns.

it sounds like a dream product.



I would just like to add to that.......There is a similar product which was made in the uk two years ago......The truth is it was not only withheld from the market becuase of cost (£350.00 a kilo) it was also held back because of safety


It was noted that in some fast payloads with larger shot sizes, the product was extremely dangerous out to 200 yards

When I mean dangerous at that range....I mean dangerous not only to wildfowl but humans too.


It was decided it was too dangerous to market as the ethics of shooting among the populace would never believe that any shot would be dangerous out to that range...It was considered thay may be accidents.


That is true as I say as one of the ballistics officers who tested them, I invited to a wildfowling club meeting to give a talk on ballistics..... totally unknowning he had any involvment in this particular product at all.


I bet you can imagine the orgasmic attentions he recieved from 50+++ wildfowlers when he told them there was something out there nearly twice the weight of lead................


mind you the price threw a different light on the subject although to not all of them!!!!

Edited by starlight32
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