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Hey Guys, this thread isn't as lively as I would like to see but even so I see that many of you are sticking with it and others are joining you! I offer my heartiest congratulations to all of you, I'm proud of each and every one of you! :good::oops::yes:

It's just dawned on me that it is 4 months today since I quit! There have been a few times when I have struggled but I have fought through them with will power and determination. I have my wife to thank for some of it, she has been so supportive and encouraging!

The main reason I logged on to this thread tonight is that I have just acheived my second goal. I have been saving the money that i would have spent on ciggies and I gave myself two goals that I would have liked to see that money used for. The first was to buy a new CZ452 Varmint in 17HMR, well I got that and I love the gun. I can feel a sense of acheivement and satisfaction every time I pick the gun up, knowing that I only managed to get it through making a sacrifice and quitting smoking. I am reminded of that each time I get it out of the cabinet!

The second goal was to get a Ruger 10/22! That took a little longer, not because I was not saving so much but the 4X4 needed re-taxing at the beginning of January and money was scarce so I broke in to the Ruger Fund to pay for the tax on the motor. Well that set me back a bit but I am now delighted to say that I went and paid for and picked my Ruger 10/22 up today. OK it's not brand new but what the heck. It's just under a year old and has seen no more than a thousand rounds through it. It has a Dragunov Stock and Sutter 8X56 Scopes along with a Ruger 10 round mag and a Butler Chreek Steel Lip 25 Round mag, all camoed up. I have now fitted a new SAK moderator to it (Camoed up as well) and managed to find a little bit of daylight left when I got back to go out and try it. All I can say is that it shoots just as good as it looks!

So there you go, you are all up to date! Now I am starting to save to go on holiday with the wife! We're not sure where yet but we know that with a bit of determination it is acheivable!


Stick with it guys, the rewards are there for all of you, not just financially but in so many other ways! If any of you are family men please stick with it for your family's sake, if not for your own!


Once again, each and every one of you that has stuck with it deserves a good pat on the back. Be proud of yourselves!


Here's a photo of my latest "reward for quitting the fags" (Before I fitted the SAK Mod)!


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I'm still fag free since the end of november, still want one but biteing the lip (scars to prove))

but lighthearted and jokeing aside my wife was ill with a chest infection last october, she has had breathing difficulties since and has been diagnosed with moderate breathing difficulties down to a lifetime of fags> If it were me with thoose difficulties it would be shooting over, she cant get up stairs without sitting to get her breath back , certainly no breath for talking at that time.

I certainly wouldnt be able to carry the kit for shooting in her condition.

We pay for it one way or another if things tilt that way so worth staying off the fags guys and well done to those that have :rolleyes:

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Nice one guys, lets stick at.

The fishing season starts in April, and i must say that i used to love a fag while waiting for it to get dark. So thats the next challenge.

As an aside my best mate stopped for 4 years, then fell off the wagon last year. It was funny whilst watching the match last week, it was him who went out for a fag half time, not me, for 4 years it was the other way round!

Tight Lines


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It can be so easy to slip and make a mistake sometimes Aled. I tried and quit several times before but made that fatal error of thinking "I can handle just the one", how wrong I was! I will not allow myself to fall into that trap ever again. It is so easy to laugh at and fault those that do "slip" but we must remember that we are all human and prone to making mistakes. Rather than "slate them off" (I know that's not the best choice of words) we ought to be trying to encourage them to try again! :P:lol:;)


Anyway, I've had my say so I will finish off by saying "Well done to all who have made the decision to become non-smokers, stick with it, and if you do fail don't beat yourself up, try again!" :good::P;)

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I stopped 8/8/09 and have managed to be smoke free since then. Problem is im addicted to the chewing gum! Suppose its better than fags but some of the satisfaction has been reduced by this. I really couldnt suffer a fag now and cant believe i used to smell as bad as my pals. Its worth it for the money you save. Ive bought a new gun and am waiting on a pup now. I wouldnt have been able to do this if i still bought those little ******* everyday.


Anybody else stuck on the Gum?

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hi lads day 2 for me with nicotene patches(TASTE HORRIBLE) i've smoked off and on for the last 20 years ,usual pattern is 3yrs on fags 3yrs off ,usually start off by saving the money for a new gun or somthing once i,ve got that ,it goes down the route of my mrs trying to get her fat little fingers on my stash so i think stuff it i'll smoke ,or it gets me thinking i'll just have the occassional cigar one a day after me tea (ENDS UP BEING 10)

So this time i hope it's for good fancy a silenced 410 ,and anyway i,m breathing through my **** when out shooting up the bloody hills ,all the best and wish me luck cheers ade

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2 weeks tomorow :yes::oops::lol:

i went out with pro tom yesterday and hes a smoker we were in the same hide all day and i could have murderd a cig it smelt soooo good but i refrained and stuck a lozenge in my gob instead. so all in all it was a test of my wilpower and i won :yes:



Good on yer :yes:

Way to go give the man a cigar . errrr!!!!! :good:

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK Guys, this thread seems to be dying. How are things going with those that were the original starters of the Quit Smoking Group, are you like me and very proud of yourselves for quitting? And how about the others that have joined more recently, would you like to let us know how things are going or if you would like any support or encouragement. We all know how difficult it is to quit the habbit but if you can manage to the rewards are great, so come on guys, let us know how things are going!

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Went to Ireland to watch the 6 Nations, had lots of Guiness, brother who has just bought a new house, said lest go and have a cigar and a large whiskey in celebration. (His new house not the rugby!!)

Smoked half the cigar! :hmm:

So back on a wagon, Bless me Father i have sinned its been 6 days since my last smoke....

Tight Lines



ps Brother is a very occasional smoker, so he felt no guilt at all!

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It doesn't hurt to be honest Aled. OK so you had a smoke, it's not the end of the world and there's no need to beat yourself up over it. Just carry on with the same attitude as you have got and say, "OK, I'll try again, and this time I will not let myself down"!

Good luck with it mate!

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Hey Frenchieboy!!


I'm past the three and a half months mark without a fag, still miss it at times but staying off them!!


Sat in the hide a few times with DennyEssex both talking about fags, but again we both refrain from having one.


Lungs feel much better, but have put on some weight :hmm:

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Hello all. I'm a bit late joining this thread... packed up the fags three weeks and three days ago after my young daughter was in tears on the phone asking me to stop (it was that damn TV advert's fault).


On patches at the mo - Stage 3 ones.


They are definitely helping, feel much better, can taste more, breath better, eating way too many cakes and definitely piling on the pounds already.


Not seeing much change in the wallet-side of things yet - still recovering from Christmas!!!! but that will happen next month I'm sure.



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Actually Frenchieboy i feel a bit amusement at my stupidity "you were a bit of a wally last night after too many pints hey...." not too much lasting damage some people do a lot worse things after one tto many! LOL :hmm:



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You think you have put on weight Cosd, you should see hpw much I have piled on, you can hear the bathroom scales scream in terror every time I go near them! The thing is that I am not only getting more exercise nowadays but I am actually enjoying it!


As for you Aled, well you said it, not me mate! "WALLY"! At least you are willing to admit to your mistake and I'll bet it is one you will think more carefully about before you do the same again!


Toombsy, glad to have you on board mate! It's surprising how perswasive kids can be isn't it. But when you think about it you owe it to your family as well as to yourself. The financial rewards will start to show sooner or later mate, mind you with a daughter that might in fact not happen! lol


Decoying Mad, it isn't easy when you are close to someone who smokes so well done for resisting mate!


Ade Wills, I think you are surposed to wear those patches, not eat the damn things. Good luck with it mate, it really does get easier.


To everyone else that has quit or is quitting, I raise my hat to you! :rolleyes:

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