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Sky News Please vote!

David BASC

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Looks like Sky have taken it down.


C'mon BASC give 'em hell for such a one sided story! It's no good just accepting an apology the public NOT BASC members need to see both (true) sides of the story. A short retraction statement in BASC mag isn't any use it needs to be in the national media.


And you thought our sport/s were safe...don't believe it those anti's have more tricks up their sleeves than Tommy Cooper only theirs might just work. Time to fight back guys.

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It's a very badly worded poll.


BASC's objectives:

You say we are out of touch with what the members want / need - are you aware of BASC's objectives:


A strong and unified voice for shooting

Continued opportunity to go shooting

All party backing for shooting

Balanced comment in the media

High standards


I say this is as a member, on this occasion, for whichever reason the balanced comment appears to be missing. Sky News in the past I always felt was on the whole neutral to supportative of countrysports, so this could mark a change, perhaps. Certainly BASC should try and get on and get the information accross about shooting to the masses, because that is often where battles are lost and won, if we can get in early and show them the process from shot bird -> supermarket, the quality of life of your average pheasant and the conservation value for other birds and mammals in the countryside because of shooting and sporting interests.

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We have forced Sky to make good the inacurate statements they made on their initial article.


We started 'giving them hell' immediately the article was televised.


They have also removed the poll and changed it for one on homeopathy.


However, please do your bit guys, fax.,e-mail. even call Sky and express your displeasure (without being rude!) and demand that Sky offer BASC a slot to promote game as food, or another pro shooting story.

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It's a very badly worded poll.


BASC's objectives:

You say we are out of touch with what the members want / need - are you aware of BASC's objectives:


A strong and unified voice for shooting

Continued opportunity to go shooting

All party backing for shooting

Balanced comment in the media

High standards


I say this is as a member, on this occasion, for whichever reason the balanced comment appears to be missing. Sky News in the past I always felt was on the whole neutral to supportative of countrysports, so this could mark a change, perhaps. Certainly BASC should try and get on and get the information accross about shooting to the masses, because that is often where battles are lost and won, if we can get in early and show them the process from shot bird -> supermarket, the quality of life of your average pheasant and the conservation value for other birds and mammals in the countryside because of shooting and sporting interests.

Well said Teal...YES YES YES just what I've been trying to get across. No good just getting Sky to dump the article we want payback!!!

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I have also alerted the forum on gun-trader- but yes spread the message far and wide.


If BASC complains - fine - that is what we are here for - to stand up for shooting.


If 10,000 shooters complain (in a balanced and not rude or aggressive way) supporting the BASC position,then even better!


Not sure why you are still seeing the shooting poll - it went off line hours ago - very odd! Wil check it out though



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LACS are good (ish) at publicity - thing is thay take what is an emotive subject and it makes good news.


Listen guys and gals, as I have said on other forums - you are the eyes and ears - if you see or hear somthing in the media that you do not like ( re Shooting!) - then let BASC know.


OK we may already be on the case - but we would rather get 200 callls about somthing than no calls at all - get my drift?#


You can post on this forum or get in touch with us at BASC HQ.


I am off for a few days camping with my wife and three kids - so I will not be on line untill Sept 5th - but Simon wil be I am sure.


Bye for now



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They havent taken it down, you need to vote on the current one listed on the main page then it offers you a chance to vote on other polls in the pop up window. This is where you can vote for the shooting.

Axe is right, you have to vote on the current topic it offers and then a new window opens to let you choose the "shooting" topic. Multiple votes won't work unfortunately, unless you do it from various computers with different IP addresses.

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