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I can't drink! Boohoo!

i'm on warfarin and alcohol messes with blood coagulation. Oh woe is me!! :lol:



Dito aortic value replacement and you? this is the first time i have strayed from my limit :oops: but i am 1.4 under my top limit and have a week for it to level out so am hoping it will be okay haha all the best



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Nothing yet. It's only 5pm here. Got some beerm cider, and champagne in the fridge. Actually found a store by my in-laws house called The British Connection yesterday so I'm having Pork Pies, Heinz Baked Beans, and a really small Christmas Pudding tonight for dinner.


Happy New Year to All!



Had some champagne and the pork pies were very good. Christmas pudding must be an acquired taste or I need to try a different kind....

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