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Bloody idiots

henry d

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This afternoon I was walking the dogs by the river and saw 2 guys out near the edge of the ice, fishing !


Now these guys were within 10-15 ft of the newest laid ice and about 50-60 m from the river bank. the fact that one was hurling a "toby" type lure into the river and the Salmon season isn`t due to open until 10 days time is neither here nor there as when I mentioned it might be a good idea if he came off the ice, his mate said "Yeah, I chucked a stone on the ice and it went straight through" and pointed to the hole in the ice 20 ft behind his mate ;)<_<:hmm:


As I was walking back I also saw 2 women throwing snowballs onto the ice for there dogs and you could clearly see the cracks in the ice from the movements in the current/heat (2 C today !) .


Now if either a human or dog had fell through the ice, someone would be called to rescue them, how can people be so stupid ?

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In that situation if a dog or child fell through I may try to help. If it was an adult I'd just leave them there! ;)


That's the trouble though, you or I/most would try to help through other people's stupidity and almost certainly get into trouble ourselves. So many people have drowned trying to save dogs especially but i'd have to try if it were mine <_< ......having said that they would't be close enough in the first place.

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Good to see there is still a well intoned and reasoned argument on PW.


Come on H, I can see his point. I'm not sure if you're still in the fire service (I'm thinking that's your job right?) but it's idiots like this that you guys have to risk your lives for. I admire people who are willing to put themselves on the line to save others but when they're as stupid as the two you've just mentioned it's a wonder why you bother!


The worst news you can ever hear is of an innocent and well meaning person losing their life trying to save someone who only have themselves to blame for the situation they're in. It happens all too often.

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Come on H, I can see his point. I'm not sure if you're still in the fire service (I'm thinking that's your job right?) but it's idiots like this that you guys have to risk your lives for. I admire people who are willing to put themselves on the line to save others but when they're as stupid as the two you've just mentioned it's a wonder why you bother! We don`t have the option !


The worst news you can ever hear is of an innocent and well meaning person losing their life trying to save someone who only have themselves to blame for the situation they're in. It happens all too often.


I am still serving and am a swift water rescue technician (I have to jump in to save people) and as such I find those kind of answers incredulous. I would prefer to finish my shift at home, not on a mortuary slab and I have seen a colleague finish his there as a result of a stupid act and don`t want to see another thanks.

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I am still serving and am a swift water rescue technician (I have to jump in to save people) and as such I find those kind of answers incredulous. I would prefer to finish my shift at home, not on a mortuary slab and I have seen a colleague finish his there as a result of a stupid act and don`t want to see another thanks.



Well I'm sorry if my reply offended you (I had to just nip off and look up incredulous :hmm: ). It just annoys me that these idiots have no idea of the possible outcome of doing such a stupid thing. I admire people like you and I know you have no choice, I just worded it badly :hmm:

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This afternoon I was walking the dogs by the river and saw 2 guys out near the edge of the ice, fishing !


Now these guys were within 10-15 ft of the newest laid ice and about 50-60 m from the river bank. the fact that one was hurling a "toby" type lure into the river and the Salmon season isn`t due to open until 10 days time is neither here nor there as when I mentioned it might be a good idea if he came off the ice, his mate said "Yeah, I chucked a stone on the ice and it went straight through" and pointed to the hole in the ice 20 ft behind his mate :hmm: :hmm: :no:


As I was walking back I also saw 2 women throwing snowballs onto the ice for there dogs and you could clearly see the cracks in the ice from the movements in the current/heat (2 C today !) .


Now if either a human or dog had fell through the ice, someone would be called to rescue them, how can people be so stupid ?




It would just be my luck to be the only bloke around and feel obliged to try to help them, it make me mad when I see so called experienced shooters send dogs out on the ice after runners.


If I saw what you saw I,m afraid I might just walk in the other direction, let them get on with it, people like that usually do not listen to reason.


Cheers Rob.

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Crazy what some people will do :hmm: ...Havent they ever seen the police resue videos, where two people were just on the ice then..........they fell through :hmm:


Should of chucked a big brick or stone just behind where they were standing.


And I think thats attempted murder maybe? :no: , if it was to make the ice crack around them ???



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