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Just hit a Muntjac.


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Wonder if any of these far fetched fantasy dispatch tecniques have ever been used in anger by their protagonists???


What a thing to say...you sound like an anti.


I bet you subscribe to lethal injection.


He had a knife but didn't use it, nothing heavy to hit it over the head, so breaking the neck, no fantasy.


Very easy blasting shots into deer.


Why would you be angry? Says more about you.

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Break it's neck, foot on back of neck, lift up chin.


To kill an animal by breaking its neck you need to disrupt the brain stem, cervical dislocation, just breaking a neck will not kill it immediately, loads of people survive broken necks!


Unless you're built like Geoff Capes and can pull the deers neck like a rabbit....

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Hours? Are you mad? Do you actually understand what happens when your heart PUMPS.Please ............



jugular is the main corteroid artery, 10-20 seconds after completly severed majority of the blood has been lost,faster if gravity fed.the animal is still unconcious never to......,even better if you sever the spinal cord



We have serious biology/physiology issues here, a vein bleeds slowly, and when bleeding occurs slowly it allows clotting, cutting a vein, unless its your vena cava you won't die very quickly, Traztaz, I understand the heart very well thanks, the returned blood is venous, under diastolic pressure, thats why you don't die when you cut yourself superficially.


As your arteries run next to your bones (hence why we feel a pulse), only very deep wounds cause death in a very moment of time.


And hushpower, no disrespect, just go and look at at least GCSE biology to understand that the Jugular vein is not an artery, let alone the carotid.


Stop talking **** if you don't really have any biological/physiological knowledge.

Edited by kyska
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'jugular is the main corteroid artery' The jugular is a vein the carotid is an artery. Mods can you please put this post out of its misery, I've never read so much tosh for ages.




Me too....scarily I've heard such tripe from 2 year vet students.....

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I would pay good money to watch someone try and kill a deer by straddling it and cutting it's throat.The animal would be highly stressed and fighting for survival.I've been a slaughterman for 22yrs and the way some people describe the ways they would kill a animal is fantasy. :sick:


How many deer have you tried it with in your 22 years? :yes:

Anyway, all of us armchair experts make for good entertainment theres no doubt about it.

Thats all from me :)

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What a thing to say...you sound like an anti.

I bet you subscribe to lethal injection.


He had a knife but didn't use it, nothing heavy to hit it over the head, so breaking the neck, no fantasy.


Very easy blasting shots into deer.


Why would you be angry? Says more about you.



and you sound like a plum :yes:



if it was me, i would get the jump leads out of the boot, hook it up to the car and give it revs :):sick: :sick:


on a serious note, id ring the plod, if they couldnt come out, id go home and fetch a tool ASAP.

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and you sound like a plum :yes:



if it was me, i would get the jump leads out of the boot, hook it up to the car and give it revs :):sick: :sick:


on a serious note, id ring the plod, if they couldnt come out, id go home and fetch a tool ASAP.


While you are driving home or waiting for 2 hours for the police to hold your hand, it would have walked off, as the original poster had explained.


Instead of name calling try reading.


As for how many deer I have broken their necks, 2 Roe.

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guys i stand corrected i was talking tosh,tryied to go off memory ,has my man with the info had not tex me back,lesson learned.friend who lectured on meat inspection says the aorta and jugular vein are the two main ones that get severd he has text me


Your bold, thats an admission! :good:


Its the carotid and jugular that is severed, pigs get stuck, which severs a large plexus in the chest.

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While you are driving home or waiting for 2 hours for the police to hold your hand, it would have walked off, as the original poster had explained.


Instead of name calling try reading.


As for how many deer I have broken their necks, 2 Roe.


Im not talking about what i would do, im talking about every ******** shouting "THE ANTI'S ARE GOING TO GET US" Anti's? come off it. When did you last get harrassed by the LACS? The one thing i cant stand about some people on this site, is that they keep saying "DONT GIVE THEM AMMO" WHO? WHAT ANTI'S? ***, Its Sandra with the tash and smelly, overweight Claire in a rented office that people keep going on about. THEY WONT GET YOU!!! CALM THE **** DOWN!!! :good: All this letterbomb stuff is aimed at labs and the main players. Not Trevor who shoots rabbits for his uncle.




PS, sorry for the derailment.


Back on thread. yes, id have whacked it on the head :good:

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also on thread I'd probably wack the person round the head who had his foot on a deers head while attempting to break its neck. Its just not good advice and I can only imagine how difficult it is and certainly not humane to do to an animal thats already injured.

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also on thread I'd probably wack the person round the head who had his foot on a deers head while attempting to break its neck. Its just not good advice and I can only imagine how difficult it is and certainly not humane to do to an animal thats already injured.



Never killed a chicken or rabbit by hand? I guess not, everything blasted for you.


As whacking it over the head with a blunt object, how many times before the desired affect?


I have seen enough people doing it to rabbits to see the effects of misplaced hits, what if the animal is struggling.



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Pah, amateurs the lot of you! Everyone knows that the Vulcan Death Grip is the preferred method of killing deer. Failing that, a couple of the skiplickers on this thread could try talking it to death. They've already done an outstanding job of putting my glass eye to sleep.

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