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Dude, surely all your comp winnings could make up some of the £50? :good:


In all seriousness, I'm just glad i've sent the cheque off, with my missus getting made redundant i know i shouldn't really being going as it cost's a lot more than just the entrance fee, but what the hell, i'd be kicking myself if i missed the meet of the century. And it will be a pleasure to meet other folk from PW and shake hands with the northern monkey's, even if they don't have opposable thumbs.

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Dude, surely all your comp winnings could make up some of the £50? :oops:


In all seriousness, I'm just glad i've sent the cheque off, with my missus getting made redundant i know i shouldn't really being going as it cost's a lot more than just the entrance fee, but what the hell, i'd be kicking myself if i missed the meet of the century. And it will be a pleasure to meet other folk from PW and shake hands with the winning northern monkey's, even if they don't have opposable thumbs.


Very good of you to say so :good:

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Dude, surely all your comp winnings could make up some of the £50? :oops:


In all seriousness, I'm just glad i've sent the cheque off, with my missus getting made redundant i know i shouldn't really being going as it cost's a lot more than just the entrance fee, but what the hell, i'd be kicking myself if i missed the meet of the century. And it will be a pleasure to meet other folk from PW and shake hands with the whinging northern monkey's, even if they don't have opposable thumbs.

Very good of you to say so :good:


indeed :mad:

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I will save you the trouble. Count me out. I will make a donation nearer the time to justgiving as it is a truly good cause, but I'm not going to be belittled into spending money when I can't afford to by somebody who knows nothing of me or my financial arrangements.


ME, I tip my cap to you, you have done a fantastic job organising this and I am sure it will be a fantastic day :yp:

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Can we please leave all gripes at the door,


Nobody knows anybody elses circumstances.......


I cant afford to go but i am, but i only have myself to be responsable for.


Its a charity shoot with a chance to meet other PW members not a whose got more money than whoever else.


Lets get this thread back on track......


We have the day booked and as it gets nearer people will decide then if they can afford to go.


If they cant then alls well and good, nobody will think any the worse of them, if they can, then they will pay and turn up.


*Group Hug* :yp: :D :D :beer: :beer: :friends:



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Can we please leave all gripes at the door,


Nobody knows anybody elses circumstances.......


I cant afford to go but i am, but i only have myself to be responsable for.


Its a charity shoot with a chance to meet other PW members not a whose got more money than whoever else.


Lets get this thread back on track......


We have the day booked and as it gets nearer people will decide then if they can afford to go.


If they cant then alls well and good, nobody will think any the worse of them, if they can, then they will pay and turn up.


*Group Hug* :yp: :D :D :beer: :beer: :friends:




Well said.


What ever happens, were gonna get picsh'd the night before, feel rough and shoot worse the day after, put names to faces and generally have a laugh with like minded people!!!

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Well said.


What ever happens, were gonna get picsh'd the night before, feel rough and shoot worse the day after, put names to faces and generally have a laugh with like minded people!!!



Now that sounds like a plan :yp:

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Its a charity shoot with a chance to meet other PW members not a whose got more money than whoever else.


We have the day booked and as it gets nearer people will decide then if they can afford to go.


If they cant then alls well and good, nobody will think any the worse of them, if they can, then they will pay and turn up.




What he said :D


We have a while till the day of the shoot. It makes things easier for me if the money comes in quickly but obviously some of it wont.


I want to keep this thread upbeat and positive.


If you think that on reflection one of your above posts is not helping me and the cause, EDIT IT and delete the quote and just write :


"ME you are doing a fine job"




"ME you are the best looking bloke in Billericay"


or something along those lines :yp: :D

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name='jaycey' date='Feb 27 2010, 10:27 PM' post='1006035']



and a "Big Cock", you sir are certainly talented, I hope some of your luck rubs off on me when we meet :yp:



I hear that he is always rubbing off.



(is this detrimental to the thread?)

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What he said :D


We have a while till the day of the shoot. It makes things easier for me if the money comes in quickly but obviously some of it wont.


I want to keep this thread upbeat and positive.


If you think that on reflection one of your above posts is not helping me and the cause, EDIT IT and delete the quote and just write :


"ME you are doing a fine job"




"ME you are the best looking bloke in Billericay"



"ME wears tight pants to show it off"


or something along those lines :yp: :D



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I am posting things everyday and re-posting the original "YES" list every day at the moment.


That's not because I need the money in desperately, it's because I need to keep the thread and the day alive and because not everyone reads the forum everyday, so if I posted a list once a week it would get lost in the banter. (that's also why I am writing blue and in big letters - it helps people cut through all the posts.)


It helps me if the money comes in now but everyones circumstances are different. I am also aware that the rules say "no refunds", this means that some will be holding off due to planning holidays, getting "a pass" from the missus and setting it up around work and family commitments.


I have not set a "latest date" so, if you are definately coming PM me for payment details. If you arent sure, wait till you can make a commitment - simples !






ME :yp: :D:D

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