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Howdo from Merseyside!!!


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:rolleyes: Hi all.. :blush:

Name is Kev, live very close to Aintree racecourse, been shooting for 30 years or so, moved in the last 3 years to Liverpool from a small village called Knott End.


Now beating and ocasionally shooting on land local to me and loving every second of it!!


New to pigeon shooting as such and hope to learn from the more experienced amongst you, I thank you in advance for this.



Best wishes to all and thanks to all admin and site owners for keeping it sane.




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Hi Phil and Ian!!


Moved from Knott End as I met the missus and she has a bloomin good job, nowhere Over Wyre/Lancaster/Blackpool could match it!! I miss it terribly and it's a proper bone of contention!! If only those 6 numbers would match...chuckle..




Thanks for the heads up, just got four weeks shooting on my local beat, looking forward to that, same as you, shotgun only for the woodies!!


Please can I pass on my apologies to Cranfield who has advised me my username is not suitable, it was done tongue in cheek and I await my new username. Apologies if it offends anyone.



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