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How many birds are in you part of the world

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Just wondered whats happening in you next of the woods since the snow and cold.


Bascially I covered 150 miles today looked at over 50 fields of rape and stubble etc accross three counties oxon wilts bucks .


And saw very few birds to talk about how is shaking down in your part of the world.


And the threads by land standing member who shot regular good bags have tailed off as well.


Regards OTH

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There is plenty round us at the moment some on rape but now mainly on the cover strips ,i plan to start cutting them on the 3rd of feb when we get the pens out of them that is .


Hope to get stuck into the birds a bit at roost after hare shooting next sat tho should be good ! :yes:

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nearly all round here (north norfolk ) are hitting the cover crops hard even though they are yet to be cut !! but 2 of my shoots are cutting tuesday wednesday so hoping the end of the week will produce some good days . nothing on the rape at all , usual stuff 2 shots and gone forever :yes:



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On ,my land in bucks last weekend 200+ flock on rape one shot they where gone did a bit of rekky found a nice sitty tree one the edge of the rape feild they came in the tree for a bit but it was very much keep mobile covered all 700 acres during the day took 40 birds in the end not a massive day but well deservered for the effort I put in

This is my first winter on the pigeon and its been a massive learning curve but above everything I have learned keep ypur eyes peeled and be mobile

atb Jim

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Just got back from shooting on one of our rape fields, we managed 26 but it was very hard, we then went roost shooting and shot another 12.


We saw thousands of birds everywhere going into trees and diving on to a couple of cover crops on our neighbours farm.

Edited by MerseaDavid
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