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How many foxes killed by PW members 2010?


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My self and Stokeshooter went out on tuesday shot a huge vixen and then her dog cub . We went of to another farm to sort a few bunnies . As we headed back we had to pass the same field so I had a sneaky feeling so pulled into the gateway and sitting out in the field was another cub . That was shot and turned out to be a small vixen cub . These three were all shot with the HMR


Last night there was a nice chill in the air which helps bring the fox out .

Onto the first farm after a compulsary text to the farmer . We drove upto the top end and shone out the lightforce 170 with red filter . It lit up a foxs eyes light disco balls . Funny thing was he was about 10 feet away from a pair of rabbits so we disturbed his night and saved them for another day. He was duely dispatched and collected.


We moved off from there and as we pulled into tuesdays field there was a big old dog fox . Shot him at 208 yards with the 223 .

Onto another farm that has some great hills on it so you can see all around from a vantage point . Started to call and at one point we could see 5 foxes below us at different points . We carried on calling and had got the attention of one that was coming in like a steam train until he got the hedge and then just sat in it looking at us.

What we hadnt seen was his mate who had managed to get to within about 30 yards of us as we wernt looking for anything that close as he was well below our light beam .


At the end of the night we had our best tally of fox in one outing with a total of 5


Adding our 8 to the total makes 1563

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Went to a newish bit of ground last night, where we saw 4 or 5 that we didn't get a shot at last time there. Got there early 8pm to give ourselves plenty of time before alarms went on at 10pm. Shot one after 10mins, never saw another one there, or anywhere else for the next 4hrs. Gave up at midnight. We were going to our urban fox reserve tonight but its absolutely peeing it down, so we'll try again thursday.




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