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Bunnys and Bark


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hi guys


me and my mate were having another debate the other day about rabbits eating bark obviously rabbits,squirrels and deer all damage trees especially young ones but do they actually eat the bark or just clean there teeth or antlers with it?






They eat it as a food source and as a way of keeping the teeth down due to constantly growing, i`m sure someone on here will be along with the scientific term for the family of creatures with constantly growing teeth but it includes rats etc.

The worst problem with this eating frenzy is rabbits in an apple orchard, given half the chance they destroy roots and strip trunks etc

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I stand corrected - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagomorpha


Thanks for that, well worth a read :rolleyes:



Lagomorphs differ from rodents in that:


  • they have four incisors in the upper jaw (not two, as in the Rodentia);
  • they are almost wholly herbivorous (unlike rodents, many of which will eat both meat and vegetation; the few recorded exceptions within the Lagomorpha occur among members of both Lepus and Ochotona, and involve the occasional foraging for carrion as a supplementary winter food source);[4][5][6]
  • the male's scrotum is in front of the penis (unlike rodents', which is behind); and
  • the penis contains no bone (baculum), unlike in rodents.
  • However, they resemble rodents in that their teeth grow throughout their life, thus necessitating constant chewing to keep them from growing too long.

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