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Green Laning?

Nicky T

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I remember my bro-in-law taking me green laning in his Defender around Catterick... We ended up going through some of the army's tank tracks in mid-January, with 2" sheets of ice in the tracks. Fortunately he had a winch, but unfortunately no trees, and even more unfortunately, I was the one that had to batter the winch stakes into the ground!

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I used to do loads of green laning on a motorbike until I injured my ankle at work. I will have a look and see if I have any maps of the Manchester area. I know alot of the ones we used to ride in the Yorkshire Dales are closed now but there are still quite a few around the peak district.


Trail Bike Magazine or a Landrover mag usually have a few in every month, so it could be worth a trip to W H Smith to have a flick through and if they are near you buy the mag.


All the best,



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Tell him to buy some OS maps for the area he is thinking about .

There are hundreds of lanes in the Peak District .

We often head out over Buxton ,Ashbourne then upto Worksop .

The best most challenging lanes are Stanage edge , Chapelgate and Roych Clough .

If they are to tame for him He needs another hobby . Tell him to try skydiving .

As has been said Greenlaning shouldnt be extreme thats why they have Pay and Play

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Ive done a bit of green laning on my Africa Twin many years ago. Went out with a few from the Trail Riders Fellowship.


I dont know any groups in your area, however you could get an OS map which details RUPP's and BOAT's.


Keep off the RUPP's (Roads used as a public path)

Good to go on BOAT's (Byways open to all trafic) although some walkers still have a go even if your being responsible


There is probably a lot more to it than that, but thats about as much as I can remember :angry:

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