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22-250 fliers

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After thoughts on this scenario. Have loaded 22-250,Remington brass, 55g Nosler ballistic tip, 36g Varget, CCI LR primer. Cases were all full length resized in a lee die, trimmed to 1.905, 36g of powder was weighed and checked, bullets seated to the Max coal 2.35. First 5 shots grouped nicely inside 10p piece to the right, then moved reticle 3 clicks left to bring it central and still the same point of impact, so 2 more clicks an the next 6 shoots were high,low,left all over the shop. Initial thoughts is its the scope but wondering if anyone else has any ideas, have checked everything is tight(Moderator,scope,action etc) :good:

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it doesnt sound like your reloads, more likely to be a problem with the scope.


I have been there myself and i fully understand your frustration, i can only suggest that you start from the basics.

Remove the scope and the mounts, then replace ensuring that "ALL" fixing are tight. and then re zero. that is the cheapest and quickest option and hopefully you may sort out the issue :good:

What scope do you have, and what mounts :lol:

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16 shots through a 22-250 if they were in quickish succession while zeroing will make the barrel a tad warm and the later ones will be a bit eratic.


I normaly shoot 2 and wait a bit and then shoot another 2,boring i know but for me it best replicates what you will be doing when out foxing so if the rifle does good 2 shot groups when cold that is what i am after.

You have quality mounts,scope and rifle so if the poi is moving and everything is tight then it would suggest bullet or barrel and if you rule out the bullets by double checking them then you are only left with barrel.

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Just dont let the barrel get too hot when you are shooting, that may be the cause.

Try again when the barrel is cool and see how it shoots a 3 shot group, dont bang them out like they are going out of fashion though.

Good luck,

All the best :good:

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Just dont let the barrel get too hot when you are shooting, that may be the cause.

Try again when the barrel is cool and see how it shoots a 3 shot group, dont bang them out like they are going out of fashion though.

Good luck,

All the best :good:


I hear that...



Could be the action coming loose from the stock too. :good: Then it barrel wobbles relative to the stock under recoil innit. :good:

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Just another thought on this...My hmr did this and had me scratching my head for a while.


Check to see that your barrel is still floating after you have fired a few shots and warmed it up.As it gets hot it expands and if you only have a tiny clearance it can bridge that gap and touch the stock which would produce an erratic poi.My 17 did exactly what you have described,the first 4 or 5 were bang on then they started to go left, right, low,wherever.I gave the barrel channel a good seeing to(oo err missus) and it sorted it..

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3 shots on my t3 is enought to get the barrel too hot the groups start to produce fliers make sure you leave a good length of time inbetween shots.....allways shoot of a cold barrel.dont think the optilock will be the problem there bloody good mounts.

Edited by SPARKIE
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:oops: Thanks guys I did suspect a hot barrel could be the problem but never seen it to that extent. Will make some rounds up and shoot some 3 group sets a time apart. What sort of time would you say is need to allow barrel to cool surficiantly? :rolleyes:
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i would leave it about 15 mins, if you have another rifle or 2 take them and have some practice while its cooling.

I found with the Optilocks when i first mounted them i hadnt tightened them up enough, not as simple as i first thought. :oops:

I would of thought shooting through a hot barrel your shots would start to string, ie; start to creep one way or another not have fliers here there and every where :rolleyes:

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Box test on a scope - start at the zero position, then 2 inches right, 2 up or down, 2 left and then 2 up or down to take you back to the start. You should fire a group on each setting. If the scope works, you end up with a group at each corner of a square, and back where you started.


If it's not, then Mr Leupold is duff. But make sure you allow sufficient time between groups that the barrel always starts cold.

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