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Trafalgar Day 200 years ago


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A quick reminder of the history:


It was the year of 1805, the year when it seemed that at long last Napoleon would invade England, which, for twelve years, had stood in the path of Napoleon's complete domination of Europe. It was the year when, in the face of all the evidence to the contrary, Napoleon had suddenly convinced himself that his united fleet could annihilate any squadron which the English could put to sea.

In August of 1805, he wrote to his admirals: "Come into the Channel. Bring our united fleet and England is ours. If you are only here for 24 hours, all will be over, and six centuries of shame and insult will be avenged."

Nelsons victory in the Battle of Trafalgar established England´s supremacy at sea for nearly a century and a half.

The British losses had been heavy; 449 killed and 1,241 wounded. But of the 27 ships of the British fleet, not one had been sunk or captured. Trafalgar was the decisive battle of the Napoleonic Wars.


No one should under estimate what Nelson did for our country.


Cheers all, if you are in the pub on Friday please raise your glasses.



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And how have the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham decided to celebrate Trafalgar day - a French market in Barking Town Centre!!!  You just couldn't make it up.



and people ask me why i left the land of pity :*) ,,,,, sorry i meant plenty :)



as i seen posted way back , will last man out turn off the lights :lol:;)


if poor old Nelson could see it now :*) well if he could see anyway :*)



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And in memory of the Big Man in PW :lol:


Bad day for us Scots :(


Having to rely on the French :):lol:


Well never mind we had a good day in PORT ;):lol: (THE BIG MAN WOULD APPRECIATE THIS ONE) Gone but never forgoten rest in peace big man :( . Mrs and my thoughts are with you all for always.




Will have a contintental Bfast in your memory. No floods, trousers packed and a cold tea :lol: :(


Yours in memory of the YPs bash :D

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See if you can get year round Woodpigeon shooting in Europe(or Canada for that matter)on the same scale and return as here,in the land that saw off"the cheese eating surrender monkeys"as Clarkson said(and a host of others :( )

we shoot pigeons year round Henry :( :( they are a little tricky in the winter though, smart little fellas drive 4x4's and wear polar bear coat's for cammo



the trick is to take out the steering first , then when they plow into a tree sneak up and pop em through the window :lol::lol::lol::D .


or you take a trip south and shoot a dove or two







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Aye heres to Admiral Lord Nelson and his stupendous defeat of the Frogs dans la channel.


What with that and Waterloo and Agincourt and Liberating the blighters twice its no wonder they bloody hate us.......... :)


Shame the bloke was a raging poof though............ "Kiss Me Hardy" :lol:


Rumour has it he sailed into the French fleet because he could,nt see them and held the telescope to his blind eye and said "I see no ships" To which Hardy replied Are you ******g Blind ! Nelson retorted No! but Id give my right arm for a pint of Stella............ Reasuringly expensive.! ;)

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